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 Topic: Share your own poetry!

 (Read 26273 times)
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  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #120 - February 17, 2012, 03:02 AM

    Across the grey September sky
    Ice cold breath, a chilly sigh
    A love undone
    A song unsung
    A child left to wonder why
    Were you not there to see her cry?
    To see the sadness in her eyes?
    All alone
    She’d sit and wait
    Surrender herself
    to luck and fate
    Until the day
    She realized
    She was not the one
    to be despised
    For what was yours
    is yours no longer
    Your cruel hearted games
    Only make her stronger
    And when that time has come around
    When you are the one who is down
    Your lying name having been disgraced
    Who shall you turn to face?
    What will there be
    for you to say
    to the child you left
    that chilly day?

    What Berbs said. Also, how many more hidden talents do you have? Tongue

    Solara and Abood, here's the poem:

    Context: Arab married to a Jew, during the 1967 war, recites this


    Started from the bottom, now I'm here
    Started from the bottom, now my whole extended family's here

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #121 - February 17, 2012, 10:44 AM

     Embarrassed Danke

    Life is what happens to you while you're staring at your smartphone.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Religionless Mind
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #122 - March 04, 2012, 11:24 PM

    I found this lurking on a random .txt document on my desktop....thought why not? Wrote it ages ago...
    (I'd happily answer what it's about)

    They dragged along on the land of the nameless nation
    waterless, the seas blackened long ago
    the trees whisper from their smothering depths
    It made colossal sound ripping the air from a distance, It questioned,
    It stood Unopposed, It marched to a future of demise
    but it was needed
    They left regard behind, They embraced flawed logic
    They abandoned reasoning long before
    Their sanity became blurred, They continued, unwaveringly committed
    They sought denial for comfort
    They stood idle while It stole more memories and unknowingly, more futures
    but it was needed
    It’s growth was exponential with time, and with time They became lost
    It came for everything, and It took everything
    but it was needed
    until It came for Them
    They looked for Their defence, what was rightfully Theirs
    but It took them long ago, They tried to remember the reason
    but it was needed
    The shackles were now tightened, the totality continued
    Their minds where now lost, Their aching now unbearable
    existence for Them now passive, a burden
    but it was needed
    until It had nothing left to reap with it’s double edged sword
    one side named apathy, the other complacency
    They stared at the blade, frightened by It until…
    They began to see a reflection upon the blade
    of Themselves, and Their eyes grow wide, Their perceptions become heightened
    Their resolve strengthens, epiphanies light up like fireworks, collectiveness springs
    They chant, Their echoes reverberate through the cogs
    shattering It’s layers of deception
    They cheered, They turned to see what was left after the deceit had departed
    and saw nothing but Themselves, so they embraced
    because it was needed
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #123 - March 07, 2012, 03:04 AM

    I'm posting this here, because it is very prose-y.

    Dear Friend,
    A few weeks back, you asked me a question, the answer of which I stumbled to find the words for at the time. That question was, “What is philosophy.” I have since spent some time reflecting on the question, and though I have no permanent answer, this is what I came up with, for the moment.
    Philosophy to me is what allows me to stand on my balcony to stare out at the same view, and see something different every night. To look out upon the blank concrete wall that spans my vision, to see it as it is, think about what it was, and what it could be.
    Analytic philosophy is water for my mind, and continental philosophy sunlight for my soul. It is encoded in every word I write, every thought I think, and the stories I tell. It is every word I utter, every sight I see, the music I can dance to amongst the blurry sfumato portrait of existence.
    It is the endless momentum of history, of the births and deaths of people, ideologies, and cultures. It is the sprouting of new beauty, the beginning of a concept, and the shift of them as well. It is an endless cycle with no beginning or end, as the mysteries of birth and death can only be surmised from the perspective of the living, with only the hope of overcoming contradiction to propel us forward.
    It is the edges of consciousness, of discovery, and of the universe; a race to and amongst the infinite, armed with the fumblings of a rational mind, in a pursuit to discover what rationality means, or if it exists at all. It is groping for the permanent in a world of impermanence; an attempt to stop time as it bears on, containing within itself the seeds of its own demise.
    It is the freedom of certainty and uncertainty, a fight to reconcile hopes with truth, predispositions with ideas, and persons with persons. It is a lingering glance, accompanied by a spontaneous reflection, and the irresistible urge to shout aloud “I am,” coupled with the almost crushing burden of the accompanying thought, “Am I?”
    Philosophy neither starts with a question to be answered, nor a goal to be reached, but with an insatiable, ineffable feeling of more. A feeling that your outer surroundings and inner states are all staring you in the face, calling out to you with muffled voices, muted by predispositions and covered with a façade, the nature of which is unknown, as the world is slowly transformed and re-transformed into various series of blanks.
    Philosophy is the greatest fear of life, and also the greatest comfort, like a hauntingly enchanting lullaby heard off in the distance, coming from an unknown source. It leaves one to question oneself and everything else, but rejoice in the greatest beauty to be endowed with the ability and capacity to entertain the greatest and most important questions that are, knowing that more are just along the way.
    I am Philosophy, and Philosophy is I. It is my life at every turn, it is my love, and it is my love for others, as I reflect upon my greatest desires, the desires of others, and desire itself. It allows my every tear to be one of joy, despite the greatest pain. It is the unshakable feeling of existence that chills me as I fall to sleep, only to question the nature of reality in my dreams, as I turn to the person next to me in my dream and ask, “are we real?” and finding it impossible to tell.
    This is what philosophy means to me. Thank you for helping me to reflect on the nature and origins my greatest passion not only for studying, but for being.
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #124 - April 11, 2012, 03:47 AM


    Life is what happens to you while you're staring at your smartphone.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Religionless Mind
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #125 - June 03, 2012, 12:53 AM

    Freedom: A secularist/existentialist rap anthem

    You talk about Moses, Jesus and Muhammad as if you know what they said
    But the truth is, they lived more than a thousand years ago, and you don’t speak to the fuckin’ dead
    So lemme lay it down on you straight and show you how it feels
    To be lied to, brainwashed and deceived for hundreds of years
    ‘cause religion is a fuckin’ lie that people use to conquer and divide
    We’re killin’ each other, instead of livin’ our lives
    Like sisters and brothers, coexisting side by side
    So stop your preachin’, your murderin’, your hatin’
    Wake up and see the state you leave the world in
    Dead mothers, fathers, and children
    We’re all imprisoned on this planet, and you’re the fuckin’ warden

    Now you might be tellin’ me that I’m full of hypocrisy
    But you see, I ain’t preachin’ at you like you’re preachin’ at me
    I don’t know the truth, I’m just a human being
    But I know this – I know that this life is fleeting
    And I live it the way I want, makin’ my own meaning
    But this meaning is mine, and if you don’t believe in it, fine
    I’m not gonna push you around, not gonna put you in fuckin’ line
    I’m not gonna promise you Heaven, promise you Hell, or make you serve any time
    ‘cause you see, I believe in freedom, believe in democracy
    Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly
    But most importantly, I believe in the freedom to believe whatever the hell you believe
    So let’s all just be whatever the fuck we wanna be
    And remember, there ain’t no such thing as destiny
    We all make our own futures, and ultimately, we’re all fuckin’ free
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #126 - June 03, 2012, 01:23 AM

    omfg.. i loved that.. lol.. ima read it quick .. hold on!!
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #127 - June 03, 2012, 01:27 AM

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #128 - June 03, 2012, 01:28 AM

    Freedom: A secularist/existentialist rap anthem

    You talk about Moses, Jesus and Muhammad as if you know what they said
    But the truth is, they lived more than a thousand years ago, and you don’t speak to the fuckin’ dead
    So lemme lay it down on you straight and show you how it feels
    To be lied to, brainwashed and deceived for hundreds of years
    ‘cause religion is a fuckin’ lie that people use to conquer and divide
    We’re killin’ each other, instead of livin’ our lives
    Like sisters and brothers, coexisting side by side
    So stop your preachin’, your murderin’, your hatin’
    Wake up and see the state you leave the world in
    Dead mothers, fathers, and children
    We’re all imprisoned on this planet, and you’re the fuckin’ warden

    Now you might be tellin’ me that I’m full of hypocrisy
    But you see, I ain’t preachin’ at you like you’re preachin’ at me
    I don’t know the truth, I’m just a human being
    But I know this – I know that this life is fleeting
    And I live it the way I want, makin’ my own meaning
    But this meaning is mine, and if you don’t believe in it, fine
    I’m not gonna push you around, not gonna put you in fuckin’ line
    I’m not gonna promise you Heaven, promise you Hell, or make you serve any time
    ‘cause you see, I believe in freedom, believe in democracy
    Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly
    But most importantly, I believe in the freedom to believe whatever the hell you believe
    So let’s all just be whatever the fuck we wanna be
    And remember, there ain’t no such thing as destiny
    We all make our own futures, and ultimately, we’re all fuckin’ free

    *warning * unrehearsed and just for fun!
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #129 - June 03, 2012, 01:31 AM

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #130 - June 03, 2012, 01:32 AM

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #131 - June 03, 2012, 01:34 AM

    I'm not very good at poetry, but here is some of mine, both recent and past pieces I've written. I don't understand the rules of poetry very well, but I try my best. So bear with it if you must, and if you can't I don't blame you, it's pretty lame lol.  Cheesy

    Tired and Weary

    Tired and Weary, so
    Oh night engulf my frailty
    Let me sleep off
    this pain for eternity.
    Howl to the moon child.
    Cry for sleep free of torment.
    Wake I in sweat,
    toss the sheets and scream.
    For he is here again.
    Howl oh child, Howl,
    scream that you be heard.
    Hauntings real yet not present-place,
    a past, I will only know.
    My pain my own,
    one I cannot share,
    though I yearn to shed it so.
    My howls are of despair.
    Why me? I cry,
    Why did I become your prey?
    Your wife in word and paper and deed,
    a bond I'll forever know.
    The chains burn my feet and hands,
    scorching my soul day and night,
    Why won't you let me go?
    Please just let me go.
    Man who haunts my soul and dreams,
    Please just let me go,
    Do not hold me so,
    I will never love you back
    for you shattered this broken soul
    yet demand me whole.

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #132 - June 03, 2012, 01:38 AM

    You sound so hot when you swear! 001_wub

     you mean my slurring .. that would be this awesome cranberry vodka thing infront of me..  grin12..
    iknow i'll regret recording this in the morning.. lol..
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #133 - June 03, 2012, 01:42 AM

    *warning * unrehearsed and just for fun!

    You go sistah!  Afro

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #134 - June 03, 2012, 02:12 AM

    This was one I wrote back in 2009, and is full of so much anger and pain I was experiencing at the time. I was so scared at the time that he'd find us again, and that I'd be dragged back by him, or killed and the mental wounds of all those years living with him were so fresh at the time.


    Your blood was bitter
    on my lips
    You gave me to drink
    from your hands.
    And poisoned me.
    Destroyed me.

    Dead I was
    at your hands.
    Dead and broken.
    You left me unholy and

    Poisoned with your hate.
    Tears of blood pouring from
    my eyes.
    Your plan
    to break me
    to make me
    a puppet.

    Dead in your arms,
    whilst you root me.
    Dead to the world.

    But your prison I fled
    on the __ of ________.
    I left for the last time.

    Fear oh Jailer!
    Oh evil one!
    You take me back at your
    own peril.
    Don't try to hold me.
    I was never yours.
    I have flown.
    Your poison diluted.

    I am Free.
    May you dine with Allah in your
    A hallowed place of دم
    of shuhadah
    Great and Mighty Warriors
    Join them oh husband of
    Allah knows you have supplicated this
    day in and out
    Ya Mutaqee!

    Who will hold the limp
    babies you wish to
    May your Janna hold you fast
    produce the evil delights
    you do not suspect
    torture on platters
    for you oh Husband
    by Houris of pain.

    You who named our son
    after a murderer
    You who called him
    And gave me no say
    as to his name.

    You who burned me.
    Hit me.
    Sexually forced
    to Dust

    because, You are the
    The man.
    Death incarnate.
    Not a real man.
    But a boil of existence.

    I burn my vows.
    I burn the ties that

    I am ________.
    I am strong.
    Your poison has become
    my strength.
    I drank it.
    Died and become
    strength in my

    For I have poured it over
    Your existence.
    And You have ceased
    No more
    to this broken Soul

    I exist now
    Your violence
    intended to break me
    has become your enemy
    and made me
    And as I said
    Oh Man of War
    Man of pain
    I am me
    Safe and
    Stronger now

    I have risen
    A Warrior
    with teeth of grief
    a man-eater

    Do not mess with me
    Or fuck with my soul
    Oh Coward

    Whole and free
    Am I
    Shattered Soul
    bourne Anew
    Risen from scattered bones

    Cannot bury me!
    Cannot bury me!
    Hope is showering
    Drops in my ears
    Washes my feet
    Exposes my truth
    the woman within

    I will nash at your claws
    your fists
    I will sing ancient songs
    of Amazon Women of old
    I will love myself
    in your face of Hate

    Your poison has eaten
    your foundation,
    and given me strength.

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #135 - June 03, 2012, 02:21 AM

    da_dudeeeeee:  far away hug far away hug far away hug far away hug far away hug far away hug

    Very deep and personal poetry I see. Thank you for sharing.

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #136 - June 03, 2012, 02:30 AM

    da_dudeeeeee:  far away hug far away hug far away hug far away hug far away hug far away hug

    Very deep and personal poetry I see. Thank you for sharing.

    Thanks stardust, it's lame I know lol, but thanks for the hugs and comment.  Afro
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #137 - June 03, 2012, 02:37 AM

    *warning * unrehearsed and just for fun!

    Wow! That's a very well done interpretation! Thanks! grin12 I'm posting it on Facebook, hope you don't mind!
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #138 - June 03, 2012, 02:37 AM

    Thanks stardust, it's lame I know lol, but thanks for the hugs and comment.  Afro

    Poetry is like music, it's a personal thing about expressing oneself. I don't think your poems are lame at all Smiley On the contrary, I found them very powerfully emotional, that it was difficult to read (whilst trying to stay emotionally calm).

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #139 - June 03, 2012, 02:49 AM

    Poem I wrote late at night when I couldn't sleep, just weeks before the family law court final orders were made.  I was so worried at the time that he would be granted contact or any of my X's demands would be allowed (which would've put me and the kids in danger), but fortunately for me and my babies, the judge's decree kept us safe.

    Bad Blood

    Bad Blood
    Old Blood
    Desecrated Stone
    My Blood
    Weak yet strong blood
    I know I'm on my own.

    Bad dreams
    Nightmarish dreams
    Desecrated Tome
    My Dreams
    Awful and reliving dreams
    Where I'm yours alone.

    I'm certainly on my own.

    Headache in my head,
    Please go to bed,
    Yet when I sleep,
    Husband haunts me.
    And I can never be free,
    How does one flee,
    to just be me?

    I feel so cheated,
    Perhaps betrayed,
    Yet who is to blame but me?
    For I married that man
    who shattered every part of me.
    My life crumbling away:
    sheikh, baba, wa zawj to be,
    two witnesses plus me,
    sitting gathered,
    at that masjid,
    minutes passing
    baklava sharing.
    I am gone,
    his from then on.

    Bound to him
    Forever more
    'Till he decides
    "No more."

    Now I wait.
    Wait for the law to make
    the final Decree.
    The Judge will make his call
    to set me free
    or sign away
    mine and my children's lives away
    to that Man
    Who held me fast,
    for ___ years
    at his beck and call.

    I fear for my children,
    Yes, I fear you will not care,
    I fear he will suck you in
    with his magic words and
    clever plans,
    and whisk my babies to ________
    to make my son a shahid
    and my daughter to marry
    like unto him.

    I fear You may capture me again,
    Ya zawji,
    or finally remove my head,
    and leave me dead,
    like you promised
    time and again.

    Bad Blood
    Old Blood
    Desecrated Stone
    My Blood
    Weak yet strong Blood
    I know I'm on my own.

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #140 - June 03, 2012, 02:51 AM

    Poetry is like music, it's a personal thing about expressing oneself. I don't think your poems are lame at all Smiley On the contrary, I found them very powerfully emotional, that it was difficult to read (whilst trying to stay emotionally calm).

    thanks  Smiley  far away hug sorry if they are too emotional lol, but thanks.  Smiley
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #141 - June 03, 2012, 03:16 AM

    A poem I wrote a few nights ago when I couldn't sleep. The reliving over and over again in the form of flashbacks and nightmares of when I was back with him is what prompted this poem.


    Your prisoner

    I sit here hearkened
    My body cowers before you
    You stand over me
    Jabbing fingers
    Flying spit
    Slapping hands
    Punching fists.

    Questions I cannot answer
    Instead I splutter out answers
    I think you would be happy so.
    Hours on hours.
    I cannot get up.
    You will throw me.
    Or drag me.
    Or smash into me.
    If I so as move.
    If my eyes dare close.

    You rant. You rave. You enraged
    with righteous fury
    of the Mutaqoon.
    You so wise.
    So intelligent.
    And me the stupid one.
    Your slave and
    You my master.

    The same Questions
    Over and Over
    And I cry
    I weep
    For I cannot escape this prison
    I am your Wife & I must Obey
    "Zawjati" he calls me
    "Respect!" he hisses in my face.

    If only I can give him enough
    respect and obey him
    then he will no longer get
    with me.
    No longer hit me.
    Nor hurt me and degrade
    and ground me.

    Or so he says.

    But I try.
    Try with my all to please him.
    Despite my washing of his feet
    at night.
    Despite my obedience to his
    Despite my haya and humbleness.
    You still beat me.
    Bash me.
    Degrade my body and soul.
    You crush me.

    Shatter me
    until death is the only peace.
    But my darlings I live for.
    And that crazy, insane hope
    that somehow
    I might be a good enough wife,
    that you might relent with the

    So tired.
    So very, very tired
    I was,
    and still am
    this day.
    Back then I was tired
    of the torment in human form
    The beatings, the rape,
    the interrogations and unending
    irrational jealousy.

    And today,
    I am tired of each and every moment,
    I relive the pain
    the fear
    the terror
    you put me through.

    I am tired of being terrified that
    you will drag me back
    That you will kill me
    like you said you would.
    And enforce my children
    to live lives of horror,

    I am so tired.
    This prison of mine.
    So very, very tired,
    yet sleep won't come.
    The memories haunt me,
    Day and night.
    And I feel that I,
    am back there with you.

    Your prisoner.

  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #142 - June 03, 2012, 03:22 AM

    I think Nessie may have the sexiest voice I've ever heard.
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #143 - June 03, 2012, 03:29 AM

    I think Fombles may have the sexiest voice I've ever heard.

    fify Cheesy

    Life is what happens to you while you're staring at your smartphone.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Religionless Mind
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #144 - June 03, 2012, 03:36 AM

    Freedom: A secularist/existentialist rap anthem

    You talk about Moses, Jesus and Muhammad as if you know what they said
    But the truth is, they lived more than a thousand years ago, and you don’t speak to the fuckin’ dead
    So lemme lay it down on you straight and show you how it feels
    To be lied to, brainwashed and deceived for hundreds of years
    ‘cause religion is a fuckin’ lie that people use to conquer and divide
    We’re killin’ each other, instead of livin’ our lives
    Like sisters and brothers, coexisting side by side
    So stop your preachin’, your murderin’, your hatin’
    Wake up and see the state you leave the world in
    Dead mothers, fathers, and children
    We’re all imprisoned on this planet, and you’re the fuckin’ warden

    Now you might be tellin’ me that I’m full of hypocrisy
    But you see, I ain’t preachin’ at you like you’re preachin’ at me
    I don’t know the truth, I’m just a human being
    But I know this – I know that this life is fleeting
    And I live it the way I want, makin’ my own meaning
    But this meaning is mine, and if you don’t believe in it, fine
    I’m not gonna push you around, not gonna put you in fuckin’ line
    I’m not gonna promise you Heaven, promise you Hell, or make you serve any time
    ‘cause you see, I believe in freedom, believe in democracy
    Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly
    But most importantly, I believe in the freedom to believe whatever the hell you believe
    So let’s all just be whatever the fuck we wanna be
    And remember, there ain’t no such thing as destiny
    We all make our own futures, and ultimately, we’re all fuckin’ free

    Your rap is soooo cool Abood, you really get the message across!  Afro  dance

    Love it, it seriously makes an awesome anthem!
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #145 - June 03, 2012, 03:37 AM

    I think Nessie may have the sexiest voice I've ever heard.

    So true!
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #146 - June 03, 2012, 03:42 AM

    Your rap is soooo cool Abood, you really get the message across!  Afro  dance

    Love it, it seriously makes an awesome anthem!


    I was inspired by these poems.
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #147 - June 03, 2012, 03:54 AM

    I've read every poem in this thread, and loved it all, you guys are such good writers and expressing yourselves.  Afro dance
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #148 - June 03, 2012, 03:59 AM


    Life is what happens to you while you're staring at your smartphone.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Religionless Mind
  • Re: Share your own poetry!
     Reply #149 - June 13, 2012, 04:11 PM

    Something I wrote just then: Tongue


    Awaken, arise.

    Let the drums beat.

    Take a step, find your feet.

    With her might she brought you to life.

    She makes you, she contains you.

    You are her and she is you.

    Dance to her beat.

    Dance With the motions of the heavens.

    Awken, arise.

    Let the drums beat.

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
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