great, so there are some interpreted scientific "miracles" in the quran.
what about jinns and magic? you know they aren't interpretations at all, it's pretty clear. there are supposed to be fucking jinns and magicians around.
why are they in the quran then? as test material for us modern skeptics? not likely. they are there to
provide credibility to quran, as people believed them before Mo came up with quran. it's just, those times are past now.
although, human psyche being as it is, people can make themselves believe quran was ACTUALLY cutting-edge scientific or some other magical shit when it talks about sun setting in a mudpool. Regardless all the ashaab and the early scholars believed and said subhanallah to it's literal meaning, not surprisingly.
be objective, and you will suddenly see the image in 3d.
entertain the possibility that we guys are not as stupid as you think we are.