Oh on another note,
Many of these unscientific hadeeth which I was able to reconcile in the past, suddenly appear to be a whole let reconcilable when I think back of them now. Maybe if I would have read this hadeeth before, I would have had no issue with it either?
It's that you want it to be true.
It doesn't matter how you twist and turn it, as long as it will support your belief.
So yet again I think our views are determined by our subconscious desires and not by our ability to think rational. this is the main thing that is keeping me on the fence. Realizing that these doubts come from a subconscious desire to leave Islam.
You're deceiving yourself. The opposite couldn't be truer.
Didn't you say that you came to believe upon being "emotionally moved" by the Qur'an?
I just can't get myself to accept that, or to leave Islam because of that. I'm also afraid to throw away the baby with the bath water. Just cause some parts are false doesn't mean all is false. This is really annoying, because I realize it may take weeks or months to think everything trough thoroughly, and I don't want to stop rituals until I'm absolutely positively convinced Islam is false, yet I find it hard to find the energy to do so.
You're going to assume that it's true in the first place.
Or you may be believing just-in-case.
This stems from emotional dependency, or trauma of the fear of Hell.