My wife has false hope of converting me again. I think it deeply saddens her everytime she thinks about my beliefs. I therefore avoid the topic at all costs. It is her that feels the need to try again with me every now and then, but I have become quite skilful at gently moving away from the subject.
I have compromised a lot already and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. It takes a special kind of spineless person to be able to do that, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else... I have promised to stay out of the religious education for our child. I have promised never to come home after drinking (even a single pint) and I have promised to never eat in front of my child during ramadam. I will drive my wife and child to the hospital tomorrow, as it happens, for our son's circumcision (poor kid) return, my wife has compromised by falling in love with, and by continuing to love an athiest. That is more than enough for me.
I cant tell you how much this post saddens me. Firstly you shouldnt see yourself as lucky to have her, but both lucky to have each other.
Rather than avoiding discourse on religion, why not encourage healthy debate?
Secondly I always hoped this Islamic "bullying" mostly happened to children from their parents, not wives to husbands.
You son will grow up one day & ask why you didnt stick up for him, and allowed him to be brainwashed, waste time, feel different to others & live in constant fear & paranoia from Allah.
Please dont let it happen.