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 Topic: Hello

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  • Re: Hello
     Reply #120 - October 20, 2010, 05:29 PM

    I see.  Have you ever read "Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth Miller?

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #121 - October 20, 2010, 05:33 PM


    ''we are morally and philisophically in the best position to win the league'' - Arsene Wenger
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #122 - October 20, 2010, 05:35 PM

    Its an interesting book, even from the pov of a hardened atheist like myself.  If you're in the agnostic/skeptic zone, I would definitely recommend it.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #123 - October 20, 2010, 05:36 PM

    ok cool  Smiley

    ''we are morally and philisophically in the best position to win the league'' - Arsene Wenger
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #124 - October 24, 2010, 06:22 PM

    Dear TruthSeeker
    Have you heard about whether God can create a stone so heavy even He cannot lift it?

    This question is a fallacy. The concept of "lifting" is within the universe. You cannot apply the laws of physics outside the universe.

    Welcome TruthSeeker. Some links just below, if you like to have a little read on some interesting topics.

    thank you!

    Though it is ill mannered to butt into a conversation among the Muslims and Ex Muslims, I think TruthSeeker is trying very hard to pretend to be what he/she is not. Not that it matters.

    How normal is it for a believer of any kind to seek to associate with non believers? Not very. So Shouldn't ex Muslims and Non-Believers try to read between lines.

    I came to this forum because I chose not to believe what I was taught in my formative years. If I had chosen to believe I shouldn't have even dream't of sharing cyberspace with a bunch of apostates. I think a lot of others on this forum can vouch for something similar. Given that, how or why would a self confessed believer seek out the company of self confessed apostates? It is only in the absence of conscience that a self confessed believer seeks out the self confessed unbelievers. A careful reading of TruthSeekers postings brings to my mind a red herring. Beware of a truth seeker who already believes. Like black light or hot ice or kind cruelty.

    What would truthseeker say to the Koranic verses that describe unbelievers as Najis? Or how would he interpret/defend the verses that explicitly (even shamelessly) say that the last day will not come until the last Jew has been betrayed even by the tree he is hiding behind? What is divine about these moronic and disgusting sura? What is more disgusting is a believer who can shamelessly defend these and even worse suras under the thinnest gloss of truth seeking? Would he/she still claim them to be divinely inspired? A very very pathetic divinity.

    Beware of these truth seekers or even TruthSeekers. It is they who have wreaked havoc with people, lives and civilizations. Others who are simply trying to live so as to minimize violence, discrimination and hatred have everything to lose from doubtful characters for whom sophistry is substitute for knowledge and knowledge a substitute for wisdom.

    Well let me get it out of my system. This guy/gal is at best a sophist and at worst a trojan.

    Dear TruthSeeker there are a hell of a lot of other fora for you to feed on, where you will not only be welcome but you will make yours as well as their day. In the good old days of unsophistry we had a phrase for guys/gals like you. Smooth operators. Very very smooth.

    I expected some common courtesy from people here. Referring to me in the third person in a thread I started by me as an introduction quite rude. Shall I grow to expect a complete lack of moral conduct?

    In any case, you are indirectly asking me why I am here.

    I already answered this though. I am here because I want to see the views of people here who have left islam. I then want to discuss my own viewpoint, because I believe this belief to be true based on rationality. For people claiming to be rational I should not be a bother. Why do you wish to stifle discussion?

    [quote author = tabun][/quote]

    The generality of the posts here (telling me to join these "other muslims," vague generalizations, random underhanded insults, etc) support the points I made to you tabun.

    You also did not really reply to my post. I'm not sure what the link has to do with our discussion...

    Hopefully some people here will actually want an honest discussion and not just random bashing based on their own emotional past or misconceptions.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #125 - October 25, 2010, 01:10 PM


    So.... do you have any positive evidence of Allah's existence?
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #126 - October 26, 2010, 01:41 PM

    You also did not really reply to my post. I'm not sure what the link has to do with our discussion..

    I know , and I promise I will  Smiley .
    Just taking my exams ATM.

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #127 - October 27, 2010, 08:20 PM

  • Re: Hello
     Reply #128 - October 27, 2010, 08:44 PM

  • Re: Hello
     Reply #129 - October 29, 2010, 03:15 PM

    They implement the punishment of chopping the hands. But they cause the poverty upon the people first, so they are to blame for him stealing. They hoard the wealth, and run a capitalistic economic system

    Their banks are based on riba, I've seen this with my own eyes. They also play around with stuff behind the scenes so that people don't see it as clearly.

    They invest in incorrect investments as a government (citigroup for instance), even though this is haram. They also allow foreign investments in both private things, public things, and state owned things. So many examples of this, as you can see corporations everywhere, especially in the oil business.

    They allow the US to build huge military bases all over the country.

    Most of their military is funded by the US either through intelligence, actual equipment, or money.

    They do not defend the muslims that are suffering through the world, nor do they defend nonmuslims who are oppressed.

    They did not liberate any of the illegal occupations, like in gaza or remove tyrants like the ones in egypt. Of course, the saudi monarchy is full of tyrants itself so that is to be expected.

    They spend their time fighting shia or for the US.

    There are so many other things. But this is just a start so you see they are not even close. This is not islam, this is just a smokescreen to fool people so they don't revolt. You were in egypt, you know how people like husni mubarak work right? Rig elections so he always wins, if people speak up they get tortured, etc.

    It's been a month since I read your post, so If I remember correctly you are trying to imply that=
    1- Islam isn't being implemented correctly.

    OK then I will go along Saudi Arabia is a menace and has nothing to do with Islam, Lets imagine Islam was implemented tomorrow exactly as you would like it to, would there be still cutting off hands , lashing adulterers and stoning them?!
    I will agree that it would limit theft to a degree, by that I am not pointing to cutting of hands and feet , no I am pointing to "Zaka" if implemented correctly meaning that whether or not such a punishment is implemented, there will always be someone who will steal for whatever other reason than poverty.

    Now, lets take Adultery the Islamic laws prohibiting it, FAILS miserably logic wise.
    OK first, Adultery committed by a married person do you think the state should interfere between a person and his wife? i.e do you think If the husband reports his wife having an affair, along with those 4 witnesses required, she should be put to death (not any death a slow painful death)?  <---- if so why?
    Or would the world be much better if the husband would either leave her or forgive her?

    Secondly Adulterers that aren't married, do you think sex is a crime? <---- if so why?
    I know what you will say, you will respond by saying Islam says to marry young and so there would be no adultery, so your solution to this situation is to get people to marry as soon as possible holding massive responsibility as young as 16 having children at 17 or something and that girls with an enhanced clitoral sensation should get it reduced?
    You know what, I have a better much simpler solution= condoms + OCDs!! <---- if not why?

    The typical answer I would probably get from you is that I am arrogant putting myself in Allah's shoe's.

    OK let me ask you this, do you really think that getting profit from a bank saving account is Riba?
    Isn't the bank utilizing your money and other's money in projects that would give the bank a multi-million profit return? why is it so wrong to have your share, after all it is your money that allowed that.

    Something else, about the caliphate were they true to Islam?
    If so why then Invade countries like Mesopotamia, Egypt, the rest of the northern African coast and Spain?
    Were these people in war with the caliphate? Or was the caliphate wrong? <---- if so why?  
    And if your response contained something like: well, they wanted to save them from hell fire and spread the religion of peace, then by all means would you please define peace? and while your at it encompass another method for spreading the religion that doesn't require war during, hmm messengers like god did, perhaps?

    And yes, I agree show me how this is from God, In any possible rational way and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to revert.  

    Finally, I would love you to pretend or imagine your a caliph and tell me exactly what's your version of Islam that you would like to implement, cause it seems to me that billions of versions are out there.

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #130 - November 06, 2010, 08:28 PM

    I know , and I promise I will  Smiley .
    Just having my exams.

    I hope you did well on the exams!

    Anyways onto your post!

    It's been a month since I read your post, so If I remember correctly you are trying to imply that=
    1- Islam isn't being implemented correctly.

    OK then I will go along Saudi Arabia is a menace and has nothing to do with Islam, Lets imagine Islam was implemented tomorrow exactly as you would like it to, would there be still cutting off hands , lashing adulterers and stoning them?!
    I will agree that it would limit theft to a degree, by that I am not pointing to cutting of hands and feet , no I am pointing to "Zaka" if implemented correctly meaning that whether or not such a punishment is implemented, there will always be someone who will steal for whatever other reason than poverty.

    I'm not sure I understood you here. Are you saying that if zakah is implemented then stealing would decrease? Or something else?

    Now, lets take Adultery the Islamic laws prohibiting it, FAILS miserably logic wise.
    OK first, Adultery committed by a married person do you think the state should interfere between a person and his wife? i.e do you think If the husband reports his wife having an affair, along with those 4 witnesses required, she should be put to death (not any death a slow painful death)?  <---- if so why?
    Or would the world be much better if the husband would either leave her or forgive her?

    So, firstly I will just mention what I said before again.

    If you remember, I talked about why we believe there is a Creator, and the Qur'an is revelation that can only be from the Creator as well.

    Now follow through my logic here. If I am to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Qur'an is from this Almighty Creator, then it would make sense that the logic of the Creator is infinite.

    This means that if the Creator says "implement this!" then the most logical thing is to do so. That's because the logic of the Creator behind any command is infinite, whereas mine is not.

    I can attempt to try to understand the Creator's logic, but that means I must try to sit in His shoes. I can't sit in the Creator's shoes because that means I have to create a universe myself and create all of us and then I could understand (which is impossible).

    Does this make sense? Even if the Creator had no logic behind something, for me it is incentive enough as a rational man to obey the Creator anyways because the Creator controls what happens to me. I don't want to be tortured. I want to be happy. So i will please this Creator in any way possible because I don't control anything He does.

    Make sense?

    And on a third note, there is still logic here.

    When we talk about the role of a state/government in the life of a person, this is based on many things.

    For example, in Islam hudud is implemented in public life ONLY. That means if someone does commit adultry, the accuser has to make this claim in public and that means there must be the witnesses required or they are willing to swear the largest of oaths. This also includes any scientific data that can be used (DNA testing for instance).

    Adultry is one of the biggest problems in the west as we both well know. We have organizations like ashley madison ( who PROMOTE committing adultery and here it is legal to do so. So yes, the state definitely needs to take a role in this. Otherwise, we might as well throw away marriage and children and family. It is a form of extremism to care only about sex and nothing else. And the woman suffers the most, because she completely loses all the attraction she feels based on emotions and feeling loved =/.

    Secondly Adulterers that aren't married, do you think sex is a crime? <---- if so why?
    I know what you will say, you will respond by saying Islam says to marry young and so there would be no adultery, so your solution to this situation is to get people to marry as soon as possible holding massive responsibility as young as 16 having children at 17 or something and that girls with an enhanced clitoral sensation should get it reduced?
    You know what, I have a better much simpler solution= condoms + OCDs!! <---- if not why?

    The typical answer I would probably get from you is that I am arrogant putting myself in Allah's shoe's.

    No I don't think you are putting yourself in Allah's shoes at all.

    But as I said before, if you believe the Creator said something, what possible reason would you have to reject it? That would be insanity wouldn't it to choose not to do something the All-Powerful Being said? If you don't believe He said it, that's one thing. But if you DO believe it, then the sane rational man would accept and implement it. Make sense?

    Now for the rest of what you said here, sex is NOT a crime. In fact, Islam recognizes the needs of human beings and shows the best way to practice it. In Islam, sex earns REWARD. But there is a right way to do things, and a wrong way. In Islam, reward is given if you give the other person the marriage contract which binds and gives security to two people.

    And there is a punishment if you either A) violate the contract or B) have sex before marrying because it does not protect either person. You cannot form a family if there is no security, and that is why households in the west become so messed up. Single mothers, single fathers, don't know who's baby is whose, people become extreme in just sex and lose love/family values/societal contribution, etc.

    Also, it is the fault of the nonislamic systems that 16 year olds today are so childish. In the older days when islam was properly practiced, children matured very fast. You would have scholars at the ages of 13 and 14. Now a scholar is viewed as some old bearded man.

    People are not allowed to mature. As the years have passed, marriage gets pushed further and further up because people are no longer mature enough. This is the fault of how society works around the world now. Islam does not patch up problems on the surface, it fixes the roots.

    OK let me ask you this, do you really think that getting profit from a bank saving account is Riba?
    Isn't the bank utilizing your money and other's money in projects that would give the bank a multi-million profit return? why is it so wrong to have your share, after all it is your money that allowed that.

    Because banks are the biggest economic evil today.

    Do you know what interest does? Interest is virtual math. It has NO basis in reality.

    Interest increases a certain amount of a static value at the same rate every single period. Let's say I'm a farmer. I get a loan of 1000 dollars. Next year my crops do well so I pay my interest. The year after they don't do so well so I can't, but I still have to.

    What happens when a person can't pay interest? Then it just keeps increasing and increasing and increasing. The whole world could burn down, and interest would still keep increasing on loans.

    All interest does is give the rich people a sure-fire way to always make money, no matter what happens in the real world. Why do you think we even had the economic crisis? Sub-prime mortgages, which is interest in housing given to people who can't really afford it.

    Also, currency here is based on nothing. It used to be based on gold (like how Islam demands) but today it's based on how much the US federal reserve chooses to print in bills. So they can just print money whenever they want.

    Who was it that got bailed out first? The banks. And who was it that caused the problem? The banks. Seems like the whole economic system is built to make sure the rich keep their wealth.

    Something else, about the caliphate were they true to Islam?
    If so why then Invade countries like Mesopotamia, Egypt, the rest of the northern African coast and Spain?
    Were these people in war with the caliphate? Or was the caliphate wrong? <---- if so why?  
    And if your response contained something like: well, they wanted to save them from hell fire and spread the religion of peace, then by all means would you please define peace? and while your at it encompass another method for spreading the religion that doesn't require war during, hmm messengers like god did, perhaps?

    Ok so firstly, a khilafah is a contract between the ruler and the people. The people agree to obey the ruler, on the condition that the ruler (khalifah) only implement islamic laws. If he breaches this, than he has breached the contract.

    So when it comes to war, which is another topic, war is definitely recognized in islam.

    I'm going to give you an example. The US and Europe believe that democracy/freedom/capitalism is the best system to implement. So they either colonize different areas and do so, or they declare war if colonization does not work. The same was true for the USSR and any other land of the past. This is a reality.

    Every land needs a system in place to run it. Some systems are corrupt and oppressive. Some are just.

    In Islam, we definitely spread Islam to other lands. The first step is always communication with people of power, or with locals. War is a last resort when an oppressive government pushes to repel islam in some way. Islam recognizes the implementation of just governments over people. Islam does not allow muslims to sit by idly while people suffer or face oppression. We are held accountable for everyone, muslim or nonmuslim, and we are supposed to care how they are suffering or what they are going through.

    Peace does not mean no-fighting. In that case, most everyone is not peaceful because I'm sure most people would die to defend their family, themselves, perhaps their country, etc. Islam seeks to bring real peace to people, but you'll see the US using the word peace as an empty slogan to invade any country to gain money. The caliphates of the past never did something like this, in fact they preserved the culture of areas (look at greece, turkey, egypt, etc). And look in turn at what the west did to the native Americans.


    And yes, I agree show me how this is from God, In any possible rational way and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to revert.  

    Finally, I would love you to pretend or imagine your a caliph and tell me exactly what's your version of Islam that you would like to implement, cause it seems to me that billions of versions are out there.

    As we discuss, I will show you what I can.

    The Qur'an is a linguistic miracle. There are many dimensions but I'll share one.

    We know that generally in language there are two forms of writing: poetry and prose. Arabic is no different as you probably know.

    When we recite the Qur'an or listen to it, we know that it is definitely not prose since there is a rhythmical pattern.

    In the arabic language anything that is poetry fits into one of 16 metrical patters called al bihur. This means that anything that was written before or after the qur'an that was poetry, it fits into one of these 16 metrical patterns. If you were to learn fusha and write poetry you would end up fitting one of those patterns.

    The Qur'an is the only arabic poetry in existence that does not fit into one of those metrical patterns. This is a rational anomaly. It is impossible, yet it exists. And no human being is able to write poetry to fit into this new metrical pattern.

    Consider it yourself =). There are many other dimensions but I just wanted to share that one as a start.

    I did not accept islam until I was completely convinced rationally that it was true. I just want to share and discuss it with you and listen to what you think and feel as well. Sounds fair I hope?


    So.... do you have any positive evidence of Allah's existence?

    Sure. So let's think this through.

    We are in agreement that the universe exists.

    We are also in agreement that anything we see around us had a cause to it. There is nothing we will point to and say it did not come from somewhere before it. So we always accept cause and effect as a part of this universe.

    The universe exists and so we know there are going to be 3 things to be said about that.

    1) The Universe has always existed (and hence always will exist)
    2) The universe suddenly came to be from nothing
    3) the universe came from something else before it

    The first claim is not supported by modern science because the claim is that the universe is expanding. Something that is infinite however cannot expand.

    Also, if the universe always existed, then time would be infinite which would mean that the time before you and I were born is infinite. If that's true, we would never be born.

    The second claim is also not supported, since the only thing that comes from nothing, is nothing.

    So it simply stands to reason that rationally the universe came from something before it. What this Creator is and is not, is an entirely different discussion =).

    Do this make sense to you?

  • Re: Hello
     Reply #131 - November 07, 2010, 02:51 PM

    Dude , thanks Smiley not very well but meh just want to get it over with .
    Now follow through my logic here. If I am to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Qur'an is from this Almighty Creator, then it would make sense that the logic of the Creator is infinite.

    This means that if the Creator says "implement this!" then the most logical thing is to do so. That's because the logic of the Creator behind any command is infinite, whereas mine is not.

    I can attempt to try to understand the Creator's logic, but that means I must try to sit in His shoes. I can't sit in the Creator's shoes because that means I have to create a universe myself and create all of us and then I could understand (which is impossible).

    Does this make sense? Even if the Creator had no logic behind something, for me it is incentive enough as a rational man to obey the Creator anyways because the Creator controls what happens to me. I don't want to be tortured. I want to be happy. So i will please this Creator in any way possible because I don't control anything He does.

    Make sense?

    Truth seeker, your logic is flawless.
    If I believe in a creator then I must follow everything he says to be a good believer, I totally agree.
    Now, for the second time please link such laws to the creator, please link the Quran to him and I will not hesitate one second to revert.

    From, my perspective however, no such link is available thus these "Sharia laws" probably aren't from the creator. <---- Does this make sense?

    That means if someone does commit adultry, the accuser has to make this claim in public and that means there must be the witnesses required or they are willing to swear the largest of oaths. This also includes any scientific data that can be used (DNA testing for instance).

    Umm, no it doesn't require any scientific data (DNA or otherwise) only "THE LARGEST OATH". <------  thats enough to convict someone for a crime and the death penalty?

    Adultry is one of the biggest problems in the west as we both well know. We have organizations like ashley madison ( who PROMOTE committing adultery and here it is legal to do so. So yes, the state definitely needs to take a role in this. Otherwise, we might as well throw away marriage and children and family. It is a form of extremism to care only about sex and nothing else. And the woman suffers the most, because she completely loses all the attraction she feels based on emotions and feeling loved =/.

    I don't think adultery, is a big problem in the west , I never lived there so it's not my take.
    Lets say it is for the sake of an argument, Is slow painful death the way to deal with it?
    However, I do know that sexual harassment in Egypt is way higher than in Holland. <--- why is that?

    sex is NOT a crime. In fact, Islam recognizes the needs of human beings and shows the best way to practice it. In Islam, sex earns REWARD. But there is a right way to do things, and a wrong way.

    Islam indeed does, sex with war booty/ slaves, 4 women for a man, not to mention Mohammed and Aisha.
    And there is a punishment if you either A) violate the contract or B) have sex before marrying because it does not protect either person. You cannot form a family if there is no security, and that is why households in the west become so messed up. Single mothers, single fathers

    Again, Repeating myself here, Contraceptives pills or otherwise do wonders.
    don't know who's baby is whose,

    DNA paternity testing?
    people become extreme in just sex and lose love/family values/societal contribution, etc.

    OK, so in Islam people marry because they love one another not just lust and children ?
    I thought women should be separated from men at all times? or are you speaking about love AFTER marriage (what if it never happens)?
    So, marrying someone you know nothing about , getting into such a marriage based on the reputation of her family and your lust, promotes love ?! NO!
    So does knowing a girl sexually, physiologically knowing every flaw she is got and accepting those flaws and then marrying her , promote a better family? YES!

    This is the fault of how society works around the world now. Islam does not patch up problems on the surface, it fixes the roots.

    In another word, societies evolve like everything else does but unfortunately religious practices lag behind?

    I get a loan of 1000 dollars. Next year my crops do well so I pay my interest. The year after they don't do so well so I can't, but I still have to.

    I am not talking about credit or loans, I am talking about simply giving money to someone (bank) who invests them and returns more to you.
    Like putting money in an account and getting more after a certain amount of years <---- is that riba?

    It used to be based on gold (like how Islam demands)

    wait, Islam demanded that, please verify.
    Or was it the era, gold and silver happened to be used for trade ?

    Islam does not allow muslims to sit by idly while people suffer or face oppression. We are held accountable for everyone, muslim or nonmuslim, and we are supposed to care how they are suffering or what they are going through.

    How arrogant !!
    What oppression are you talking about?
    So, Spain was under a tyrant rule so was Egypt , Mesopotamia and north Africa?
    In Islam, we definitely spread Islam to other lands. The first step is always communication with people of power, or with locals. War is a last resort when an oppressive government pushes to repel islam in some way

    Sure, it had to be oppressive , It rejected the truth.
    you are in a bubble of your own aren't you.
    Spread, kill, conquer, Jizyah and rule. <----- not tyrannical at all!!

    they preserved the culture of areas (look at greece, turkey, egypt, etc).

    Indeed they replaced it with Islamic culture, Do you even know what a culture is??
    And please remove Greece from that list !
    On a side note = Fuck USA, don't refer to or compare a godly System with a human one, makes it less godly don't you agree?

    The Qur'an is a linguistic miracle.

    Yea, sure it is , however all i know about poetry is Sag3 سجع
    If you can read Arabic please read some سجع , and tell me what it reminds you of and why is it so similar to سورة المُدّثِّر .
    And how is  سَجْع الكواهن والكهّان different from the Quran?

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #132 - November 07, 2010, 03:03 PM

    Sure. So let's think this through.

    We are in agreement that the universe exists.

    We are also in agreement that anything we see around us had a cause to it. There is nothing we will point to and say it did not come from somewhere before it. So we always accept cause and effect as a part of this universe.

    The universe exists and so we know there are going to be 3 things to be said about that.

    1) The Universe has always existed (and hence always will exist)
    2) The universe suddenly came to be from nothing
    3) the universe came from something else before it

    The first claim is not supported by modern science because the claim is that the universe is expanding. Something that is infinite however cannot expand.

    Also, if the universe always existed, then time would be infinite which would mean that the time before you and I were born is infinite. If that's true, we would never be born.

    The second claim is also not supported, since the only thing that comes from nothing, is nothing.

    So it simply stands to reason that rationally the universe came from something before it. What this Creator is and is not, is an entirely different discussion =).

    Do this make sense to you?

    Again, I am sorry to jump in on a response not directed to me.
    but umm, Prince said Allah not God in general !!

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #133 - November 07, 2010, 03:42 PM

    Truth seeker, your logic is flawless.
    If I believe in a creator then I must follow everything he says to be a good believer, I totally agree.
    Now, for the second time please link such laws to the creator, please link the Quran to him and I will not hesitate one second to revert.

    This part I would actually disagree with.  If there is a creator and he/she/it/them created us, it still doesn't follow that we have to morally obey this creator.  What if the Creator was perfectly evil? Then should we follow this creator?  I hope the answer will be no.  So we must have a way to judge if something from the creator ( if it exists ) is good or bad.  We can't simply say he created us, therefor we should follow him.  That isn't being moral or even being correct.  It is just blind obedience without thinking. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #134 - November 07, 2010, 11:04 PM


    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #135 - November 08, 2010, 07:36 PM

    Sure. So let's think this through.

    We are in agreement that the universe exists.

    We are also in agreement that anything we see around us had a cause to it. There is nothing we will point to and say it did not come from somewhere before it. So we always accept cause and effect as a part of this universe.

    The universe exists and so we know there are going to be 3 things to be said about that.

    1) The Universe has always existed (and hence always will exist)
    2) The universe suddenly came to be from nothing
    3) the universe came from something else before it

    The first claim is not supported by modern science because the claim is that the universe is expanding. Something that is infinite however cannot expand.

    Also, if the universe always existed, then time would be infinite which would mean that the time before you and I were born is infinite. If that's true, we would never be born.

    The second claim is also not supported, since the only thing that comes from nothing, is nothing.

    So it simply stands to reason that rationally the universe came from something before it. What this Creator is and is not, is an entirely different discussion =).

    I am not interested in debating against an amateur interpretation of causality at the moment. Would love to go through it another time, but right now I'm more concerned with whether you have any positive eviddence for Allah's existence, not merely of a prime mover.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #136 - November 09, 2010, 10:32 AM

    This part I would actually disagree with.  If there is a creator and he/she/it/them created us, it still doesn't follow that we have to morally obey this creator.  What if the Creator was perfectly evil? Then should we follow this creator?  I hope the answer will be no.  So we must have a way to judge if something from the creator ( if it exists ) is good or bad.  We can't simply say he created us, therefor we should follow him.  That isn't being moral or even being correct.  It is just blind obedience without thinking.

    Hmm, lets be a tad realistic IF and thats a big IF you know for certain that such an evil creator exist and that HELL is 100% real
    and IF you don't obey that creator , you would go there for eternity.

    I think It would be naive not to obey.
    Thats just me tho.

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #137 - November 09, 2010, 10:35 AM

    This part I would actually disagree with.  If there is a creator and he/she/it/them created us, it still doesn't follow that we have to morally obey this creator.  What if the Creator was perfectly evil? Then should we follow this creator?  I hope the answer will be no.  So we must have a way to judge if something from the creator ( if it exists ) is good or bad.  We can't simply say he created us, therefor we should follow him.  That isn't being moral or even being correct.  It is just blind obedience without thinking. 


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  • Re: Hello
     Reply #138 - November 09, 2010, 11:12 AM

    This part I would actually disagree with.  If there is a creator and he/she/it/them created us, it still doesn't follow that we have to morally obey this creator.  What if the Creator was perfectly evil? Then should we follow this creator?  I hope the answer will be no.  So we must have a way to judge if something from the creator ( if it exists ) is good or bad.  We can't simply say he created us, therefor we should follow him.  That isn't being moral or even being correct.  It is just blind obedience without thinking. 

    If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him.
    ~ Mikhail Bakunin

    "He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife."
    ~ Douglas Adams
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #139 - November 12, 2010, 10:31 PM

    The thing is,playing with words ain't gonna change a deluded religious mind,they already have convinced themselves that they are following the right path and worshipping the right god.

    People believe what they believe simply because it suits their lifestyle.Why do you think most of the people who abandon their belief system are still in the closet ? 
    Just by saying "i don't believe anymore"will destroy everything you've build in your whole life,the relationships with your family and friends i.e social suicide.

    Fear of the unkown,probably started whole this mess we call religion,divided and united people over time,evolved in all kinds of shapes and ways,just like life itself and made what we are today.
    The unbeliever nor the believer can prove or disprove the existence of a creator,it still is a giant MAYBE.

    The root words of "yallahs and mullahs,i'm right you're wrong" ain't gonna change anyhting,yesterday i was a believer,today i'm the opposite.WHY ?!

    The "sects and the religion"are still there,still the same,it didn't change,I DID.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #140 - November 13, 2010, 08:10 AM

    From Truthseeker : We can agree that if I rationally prove without a shadow of a doubt that this universe had a Creator, then it would follow that whatever this Creator commands must be obeyed.

    My question : How do we know what the creator wants of us?
    I remember having this aruguement with my Ustazah : about visualising the image of God. She said : No we should not try to visualise the image of god. Trying to visualise God in a form of Image is the same as limiting god. Our mind is so limited, God is vast and limitedless. My response to her is : so if it is not possible for our mind to visualise the image of god, how can we understand the language of god. How sure are we that we are hearing what this so call god wants us to hear after all if we are so limited in our capacity to form the image of god, we are also limited in our understanding of god's language.

    This remind of me the ancient ways where they sacrifice human to appease the GOD. The high priest convince the people that this is what GOD demanded of them. It take thousand of years, for human to come to their senses that this is not correct and the practices of human sacrifice was abolish. Despite all that, in secret there are still certain sect still practice such ritual.

    My question again : How sure are we that this is what GOD really wants? You said, what ever the creator command it must be carried out? Through who? So is the high priest correct when he said :GOD demand you to be sacrifice?

    Another told me : Islam is by itself perfect, its us the human not perfect.
    So my question again, if we admit ourselves not being perfect, why are we trying to interprete the Perfect. All our interpretation of the perfect becomes imperfect by itself. The whole madness come when different sect with the islam now claiming to have the most perfect interpretation or near perfect of the perfect. Please make me to understand this issue.

    Malays by Definition is NOT a Muslim !!!
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #141 - November 23, 2010, 08:25 AM

    The thing is,playing with words ain't gonna change a deluded religious mind,they already have convinced themselves that they are following the right path and worshipping the right god.

    People believe what they believe simply because it suits their lifestyle.Why do you think most of the people who abandon their belief system are still in the closet ?  
    Just by saying "i don't believe anymore"will destroy everything you've build in your whole life,the relationships with your family and friends i.e social suicide.

    Fear of the unkown,probably started whole this mess we call religion,divided and united people over time,evolved in all kinds of shapes and ways,just like life itself and made what we are today.
    The unbeliever nor the believer can prove or disprove the existence of a creator,it still is a giant MAYBE.

    The root words of "yallahs and mullahs,i'm right you're wrong" ain't gonna change anyhting,yesterday i was a believer,today i'm the opposite.WHY ?!

    The "sects and the religion"are still there,still the same,it didn't change,I DID.

    People do various things, for a variety of reasons. Each can be as irrational or insane as the next. It doesn't mean it's the correct or right thing to do.

    We are here discussing ideas, and conceptualizing them. While people might do one thing or another, it doesn't affect the reality.

    This part I would actually disagree with.  If there is a creator and he/she/it/them created us, it still doesn't follow that we have to morally obey this creator.  What if the Creator was perfectly evil? Then should we follow this creator?  I hope the answer will be no.  So we must have a way to judge if something from the creator ( if it exists ) is good or bad.  We can't simply say he created us, therefor we should follow him.  That isn't being moral or even being correct.  It is just blind obedience without thinking.  

    I didn't talk about morals at all. I'm talking about reality.

    The part in bold is essentially saying that the Creator, being outside of the universe can be defined as something of the universe's standard. That's irrational. How can you use the realities of the universe to define something that is not in the universe? The only way you'd know anything about this Creator is if the Creator let you know it.

    Exospection, not introspection.

    There is a big difference between blind emotions, and submission to a reality. We all submit to gravity do we not? Similarly you would submit to the reality of whatever Created everything. How we do that is the question.

    Dude , thanks Smiley not very well but meh just want to get it over with .Truth seeker, your logic is flawless.
    If I believe in a creator then I must follow everything he says to be a good believer, I totally agree.
    Now, for the second time please link such laws to the creator, please link the Quran to him and I will not hesitate one second to revert.

    If you don't mind tabun, I'd like to focus on this, since it's really the bread and butter of our discussion. I'll reply to the rest if you want though!

    I've just run out of time (ugh) I will give you a reply to this soon though!

    I am not interested in debating against an amateur interpretation of causality at the moment. Would love to go through it another time, but right now I'm more concerned with whether you have any positive eviddence for Allah's existence, not merely of a prime mover.

    The positive evidence is what is presented as a litmus test to human beings: The Quran. I will post a full reply to you and tabun, but right now I've run out of time

    From Truthseeker : We can agree that if I rationally prove without a shadow of a doubt that this universe had a Creator, then it would follow that whatever this Creator commands must be obeyed.

    My question : How do we know what the creator wants of us?
    I remember having this aruguement with my Ustazah : about visualising the image of God. She said : No we should not try to visualise the image of god. Trying to visualise God in a form of Image is the same as limiting god. Our mind is so limited, God is vast and limitedless. My response to her is : so if it is not possible for our mind to visualise the image of god, how can we understand the language of god. How sure are we that we are hearing what this so call god wants us to hear after all if we are so limited in our capacity to form the image of god, we are also limited in our understanding of god's language.

    This remind of me the ancient ways where they sacrifice human to appease the GOD. The high priest convince the people that this is what GOD demanded of them. It take thousand of years, for human to come to their senses that this is not correct and the practices of human sacrifice was abolish. Despite all that, in secret there are still certain sect still practice such ritual.

    Ok your question is good, how do we know what the Creator wants of us. The answer is simple: the Creator would have to tell us, and it would have to be exospection and not introspection.

    Now you linked this with an interesting comment. You said that since we can't visualize the image of god, how would we comprehend the language of god. But there is a difference here. We cannot visualize the image of God, simply because God hasn't given us visuals. What He did give us is revelation in the form of text. The language itself is not that of God, it is arabic. But the way the arabic was written could only come from the Creator of the universe, since it is beyond the capacity of a human being to create something perfect like it. And I'm talking perfect in it's true sense, not in the societal sense it is used today.

    In your second paragraph, you refer to a high-priest, hence a clergy. But islam doesn't work like that. Islam was made available for even the basic person to understand. Hence we can see that an illiterate man was sent to reveal the Qur'an. One does not obey any random joe who tells us that He's from this Creator. But when this random joe brings something impossible, like starts arbitrarily raising the dead or something, we start paying attention real close.

    It becomes a matter of positive proof.

    My question again : How sure are we that this is what GOD really wants? You said, what ever the creator command it must be carried out? Through who? So is the high priest correct when he said :GOD demand you to be sacrifice?

    We do not worship people. As muslims, we worship the Creator, and we must have a direct link to the Creator. Every step must be connected to the Creator, and the chain of connection must be decisive.

    Simply because a man in a religious garb says this is something God commands, it does not mean the Creator commanded it. I need proof. What is he bringing as proof?

    Another told me : Islam is by itself perfect, its us the human not perfect.
    So my question again, if we admit ourselves not being perfect, why are we trying to interprete the Perfect. All our interpretation of the perfect becomes imperfect by itself. The whole madness come when different sect with the islam now claiming to have the most perfect interpretation or near perfect of the perfect. Please make me to understand this issue.

    In Islam, we recognize that human beings are imperfect in that they will always be prone to making mistakes and weaknesses. While the Qur'an itself is perfect in it's linguistic miracle, it's message is to be understood by people. As the capacity of each human being differs, any revelation would have to account for this reality. Islam recognizes that people are not all the same, and function at different levels, so it allows people to have different opinions as long s they were sincere in doing their best to arrive at the most correct conclusion.

    Obviously, if a person does not even know arabic, they cannot possibly try to interpret (since someone would have to translate the arabic, and that mens automatically that you are not trying to interpret the revelation, but someone else's attempt to mimic the revelation in a different language.

    What we do not differ on is the core beliefs. These are static and never change, because there is no other possible interpretation.

    The qur'an appeals to both the more straightforward people, since the message is simple and straightforward, and for those with much need to satisfy their intellectual craving, with the depth it contains.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #142 - November 23, 2010, 11:11 AM

    The qur'an appeals to both the more straightforward people, since the message is simple and straightforward, and for those with much need to satisfy their intellectual craving, with the depth it contains.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #143 - November 23, 2010, 11:16 AM


    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Hello
     Reply #144 - November 23, 2010, 01:30 PM


    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #145 - November 23, 2010, 02:35 PM


    My Book     news002       
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  • Re: Hello
     Reply #146 - November 23, 2010, 03:53 PM

    I didn't talk about morals at all. I'm talking about reality.The part in bold is essentially saying that the Creator, being outside of the universe can be defined as something of the universe's standard. That's irrational. How can you use the realities of the universe to define something that is not in the universe? The only way you'd know anything about this Creator is if the Creator let you know it.Exospection, not introspection.There is a big difference between blind emotions, and submission to a reality. We all submit to gravity do we not? Similarly you would submit to the reality of whatever Created everything. How we do that is the question.

    sigh. unfortunately this is typical religious mumbo jumbo. saying words without saying anything at all. first, I don't submit to gravity it just is. it doesn't require worship to satisfy its vain ego nor does it ask anything from me.  it is neither caprious, jealous, nor mysterious in its application. I can trust that I will fall at 9.8 meters per second squared every time, unlike god who I could never trust to answer my prayers. I don't submit to gravity but at least I can show it exists.

    if you want to say the creator is outside the universe and therefore can't be perceived by the reality in this universe. you can do that but if you you can't say god is good, nor merciful, nor great because those are terms in our reality. in short god becomes nothing, can't be measured, can't be deemed,good nor bad and gets put into the fairy tale bin with pretty pretty princess and unicorns.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #147 - November 23, 2010, 11:35 PM

    edited out
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