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 Topic: Miracle: Iron is sent down

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  • Miracle: Iron is sent down
     OP - September 14, 2010, 11:36 AM

    I actually had someone write and challenge me with the "Iron is sent down" miracle claim this morning.  In case you are interested this is his challenge + my response.

    Quote from: MuslimOnYouTube
    Quran question
    Hey there, I'm a Muslim.

    I just read this comment:

    It's a long story, but I studied Islam not only with an open heart but with the bias that I wanted it to be true; based on the claims I had been given by a Muslim friend.

    I spent a considerable amount of time researching these miracles and reading 3 translations of the Quran and decided all these miracle claims were deceptions and lies, and that the Quran is a truly unremarkable book with lots of hints of human origin.

    So I am just telling people what I think. I don't spread hate"

    I wanted to ask you this question. If what you are saying is true, can you give me an explanation of this verse:

    "...And we sent down the iron, in which there is strength and many benefits for the people..."

    (Chapter 57, verse 25)

    The 57th chapter, is named after the element iron, Al Hadid. (coincedentally, the gematrical values of the Arabic letters also add up to 57). It is placed right in the middle of the Quran, and it is chosen out of all the elements of the world . There are 114 Chapters in the Quran. 56 Chapters before Chapter Iron, and 57 Chapters after.

    Also, this verse, number 25, marks the 26th occurrence of the word God (Allah) from the beginning of this chapter. 26 also happens to be the Atomic Number of iron.

    Chemically, iron is a metal, and is the 26th element in the Periodic Table, (atomic number=26), but it has the Atomic Mass Number of 56.

    Can you PLEASE give me a logical explanation, of this verse? Because we as humans only NOW know, that we have IRON within our Earth, only because giant meteors/asteriods of IRON collided into Earth as it was being formed, several thousands of years ago. Can you please:

    PROVE to me that this verse is man made and not from God?Huh?Huh?Huh?

    I sent him 2 replies, one about the "sent down" and a follow up about the numerical claims

    Quote from:

    Thanks for asking. The facts we need to consider when making our decision are

    1: All elements are formed by stars except for hydrogen (and helium too I think), so you could say the same thing about anything and people would claim it was a miracle.

    2: Iron was a sought after commodity at the time but people didn't have the technology to smelt it out of rocks in the Earth due to the high temperatures required. So this verse is not talking about Iron in the Earth that was sent down, because people were unable to extract Iron from the ground until the end of the 7th century in that area (which is why it was the Bronze age and not the Iron age in that region.)

    3: The small amount of Iron they were able to use at that time was retrieved from meteorites. Hence the Iron was "sent down".

    4: The Egyptians had been using meteorite Iron for thousands of years before Muhammad was born, they named it "bia-n-pet" which meant "ore of the heavens". Google it and you will find a lot of information regarding Egyptians and Iron.

    So from my research I discovered that Egyptians had already been utilising Iron which had been "sent down" for thousands of years and even essentially named it "Metal that has been sent down".

    So you see, to say that "Iron is sent down" is not even slightly miraculous as it was common knowledge at the time.

    But please don't take my word for it, research it yourself. Look up information about Egyptians and Iron (e.g. Google "Khufu pyramid iron", Khufu died in 2566BCE and his Pyramid had Iron in it) and of course look up the Egyptian word "bia-n-pet".

    I am perfectly happy to change my mind on ANY subject if presented with facts - I had no idea what I would find when I started to research this miracle claim.

    Good luck, and please let me know what you find!

    And the numerology bit....

    Quote from: Me2
    As for the numerical claims, here are my thoughts on that...

    1: You say "coincedentally, the gematrical values of the Arabic letters also add up to 57"

    Note how the claim says this is a coincidence, that is because the word Hadid existed before Muhammad so could not be made part of the miracle claim. However although they are willing to attribute the numerical value of "Hadid" to coincidence they are not willing to put down its position in the Quran to coincidence too?

    2: Why does having 56 verses before it mean it is a miracle, but having 57 verses after it not prove it is not a miracle?

    3: Which begs the question, why is it not in Sura 26?

    4: Or even better, why not Sura 26 (Number of protons) and verse 56 (atomic weight)?

    5: Why isn't GOLD mentioned in Sura 79, or even better Sura 79 would be longer so that Gold could be mentioned in 79.197

    6: Why isn't SILVER in 47.108?

    You see, if you only look at a small part of the data it is possible to see just about any pattern you wish. Statistically coincidences like this just happen, just as with the sentence "coincedentally, the gematrical values of the Arabic letters also add up to 57".

    It's when you look at ALL the data and see a pattern that it is impressive. If we had seen the first occurrences of each word like so

    Sura 26:56 - Iron
    Sura 47:108 - Silver
    Sura 79:197 - Gold

    THEN we'd be looking at non-coincidental occurrences. The chances of getting the number of protons and the atomic mass correct for all 3 elements is practically zero. However the chances of getting 1 out of the 6 right is purely statistical chance.

    As for there being 56 suras before it I have only one thing to say. That means it is Sura 57. That means it is "close" but not right. Is your perfect Allah the god of "not quite right but close enough"? I don't think so, do you?

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #1 - September 14, 2010, 12:27 PM

    Not bad. But you might also have mentioned that the word 'anzala' or 'anzalna' for 'sent down' is also used in reference to clothing and cattle, but of course, those things didn't come from outer space.

    Might also be worth counting up the number of times 'Allah' appears in that surah, could well be b.s. It may be the numerical value of 'al-hadeed' doesn't add up either.

  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #2 - September 14, 2010, 12:32 PM

    The numerical claim is BS, basically because Allah did not put the order of the Quran that Way. Othman the 3rd Calif did!

  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #3 - September 14, 2010, 01:09 PM

    The numerical claim is BS, basically because Allah did not put the order of the Quran that Way. Othman the 3rd Calif did!

    Yeah, but Allah revealed those words knowing that Uthman would put them in that order Smiley

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #4 - September 14, 2010, 01:39 PM

    From the main 3 translations only one (Yusuf Ali) uses the term 'Sent down'.

    Pickthal says - ' and He revealed iron'
    Shakir says - ' and We have made the iron,'

    So can a Arabic speaker look at the verse and determine if its really meant to mean that iron came down to earth from large bodies billions of years ago?

    Also looking at the context of the usage of iron, all Muhammad was trying to say was how strong Iron was and how well he can be used in war and violence to aid his (Allah's) cause.

    Ali - ..and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war ...that Allah may test who it is that will help
    Pickthal - ..and He revealed iron, wherein is mighty power ...that Allah may know him who helpeth Him
    Shakir - ..and We have made the iron, wherein is great violence and advantages to men, and that Allah may know who helps Him

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #5 - September 14, 2010, 01:48 PM

    So can a Arabic speaker look at the verse and determine if its really meant to mean that iron came down to earth from large bodies billions of years ago?

    No, but in fairness if it is true that Iron was too heavy to be part of the Earth as it formed and we only have Iron due to meteorite impacts over billions of years then I would expect "sent down Iron" to be in the text.  It's not teaching anyone anything, it's just being accurate.

    Except for the fact that it is actually describing the continued arrival of meteorites with Iron in rather than a previous set of events that people of the time could not have known about.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #6 - September 14, 2010, 02:02 PM

    It's quite clear that the verb in question does not necessarily refer to literally sending stuff down. See Q. 7:26

    يَا بَنِي آدَمَ قَدْ أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ لِبَاسًا يُوَارِي سَوْآتِكُمْ وَرِيشًا وَلِبَاسُ التَّقْوَى ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ ذَلِكَ مِنْ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ

    O Children of Adam! We have revealed unto you raiment to conceal your shame, and splendid vesture, but the raiment of restraint from evil, that is best. This is of the revelations of Allah, that they may remember.

    Compared with the words in Q. 57:25:

    وَأَنْزَلْنَا الْحَدِيدَ

    ...And We revealed/sent down iron...

    You will notice that the exact same verb that is used in surah 57 (anzalna) appears in this verse in reference to clothing. But Allah did not literally send down clothing.

  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #7 - September 14, 2010, 02:35 PM

    ^ Thanks. So 'revealed' is the most likely most accurate translation. And 'Sent down' is now being used to apply some form of science to fool the masses.

    A bit like the 'vast heavens' which has now become the 'expanding universe'

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #8 - September 14, 2010, 03:59 PM

    No, but in fairness if it is true that Iron was too heavy to be part of the Earth as it formed and we only have Iron due to meteorite impacts over billions of years then I would expect "sent down Iron" to be in the text.  It's not teaching anyone anything, it's just being accurate.

    Except for the fact that it is actually describing the continued arrival of meteorites with Iron in rather than a previous set of events that people of the time could not have known about.

    The usage of the phrases "sent down" to the earth or "descend upon" the earth, seem like phrases that were thought out and used in the context of the flat-earth belief.

    There really is no "down" when we look at the spherical shape of the entire earth.

    I also doubt that Mo meant these Iron verses as the product of meteorites crashing onto earth from space.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #9 - September 20, 2010, 04:04 AM

    accually the best debunk of this miracle i have seen both rationalizer and zebedee

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #10 - September 20, 2010, 08:20 AM

    Okay, yet another miracle claim accepted as false.

    "How would Muhammad know there are 7 layers of the Earth's atmosphere? We only NOW know, the sky has 7 layers."

    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Thermosphere
    5. Exosphere
    6. Ionosphere
    7. Magnetosphere

    This took 2 replies for the penny to drop.

    Quote from: Me1
    1: "Seven" was considered a mystical number, it was used a lot in the Quran

    Also look at how often 7 is used in the bible....

    Everything was 7 in the past, I have no idea why Smiley

    2: I have heard that "Seven" was also used to mean "Several", although that's just something to consider looking into because I have never bothered to check it. It was a claim made by Maurice Bucaille in one of his books.

    Although the Quran says
    65:12 Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number

    If taken literally it means we should never find more than 6 "earth like" planets. But this is evidently not the case

    Which is exactly the point where someone like Bucaille will say "But 7 used to mean SEVERAL" Smiley

    3: The problem with counting the number of layers of atmosphere on the Earth is that the result depends on how you classify a layer. For example I just googled
    "how many layers does earth's atmosphere have"

    The first page ( says there are 5 layers.

    The second page ( says there are 4 layers.

    The third by Wikipedia ( corroborates the claim for 5 layers.


    If you look at your list there are 2 "layers" missing from this list, the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere.

    Further down on that Wiki page you will see "Other layers", this explains that the Ionosphere isn't a distinct layer like the others, it is a region of both the exosphere and thermosphere which happens to react to solar radiation in a particular way. So you see, Ionosphere is not a distinct layer at all, it is just a range of 2 other layers which acts in a common way.

    As for Magnetosphere that is not a layer of Earth's atmosphere. It is the magnetic field around the Earth which starts within the Earth and stretches out into space far beyond our planet's atmosphere. So this layer actually encompasses all of the layers, it's not a layer itself, it is a range covering both atmospheric layers and vacuum.

    4: However with this abundance of information about why this claim is simply made up I must confess that I have been leading you along a little, the Quran itself disproves this claim. I will get to that next, but I first wanted to share with you the different ways I looked for information when deciding whether or not this was a genuine claim.

    The Quran verses are...

    41:12 And We adorned the lower heaven with lights
    67:5 And We have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps, and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones
    71:15 See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another
    71:16 And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a Lamp?

    The *lowest* heaven is adorned with stars. This shows the miracle claim is wrong because it would mean that the furthest stars are 56,000 ft away (see Troposphere on that wiki page, the Troposphere is the lowest layer -

    It also says that the Sun and Moon are within the lowest heaven, which also shows this miracle claim is wrong. The "lowest heaven" is presumably supposed to mean "the visible universe".

    So as you see, according to the Quran itself this claim cannot possibly be true. What do you think?

    and then after his reply that he was not yet convinced here was my second reply

    Quote from: me2
    >HOWEVER, saying seven "could" mean SEVERAL is just trying to put doubt in something

    Actually I am pleased you think that way because it makes life easier for me Smiley My point wasn't that *I* think it means several but that apologists will claim it means several in the cases where there aren't exactly seven. I just wanted to point this out so that we can decide now whether it means "several" or "literally seven".

    >Yes, even given the fact there are many occurrences of the number 7, it doesn't prove these statements are false right?

    No, but remember the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. My point is that in the past the number 7 was used a lot for "mystical" things. Now if Muhammad had been the first person to do this it would be different, but he wasn't. Anyone at the time would have thought that the number 7 was mystical, so it's no surprise someone would say there are 7 heavens because 7 was considered to be such a mystical number.

    >I love how the EXACT translation you chose to pick "coincidentally" just happens to be in favour of your argument!

    I was not biased at all. I use Quran explorer. I often use Pickthall becuase that is the default, but I try to remember to use Yusuf Ali, which I did in this case.

    >- It is Allâh Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof (i.e. seven)
    >- Allah it is who hath created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof

    Note that the first one you quoted says "(i.e. seven)" - so two of the 3 verses corroborate that it means "there are the same number of Earths".

    >Therefore, I can conclude with confidence, this verse, when it says "heaven/firmament" it is not referring to planets.

    My argument was that the quran says there are 7 "heavens" *and* an equal number of Earths - yet we have already classified over 100 planets we call "Earth like planets". If we investigate these further and discover more than 6 have oxygen + life would this mean that you accept the Quran is incorrect? We have already established that "7" does not mean "several" Smiley

    >Though it seems there are only 4 layers in the atmosphere you are correct.

    There are claims for 4 and 5. Although 5 looks more credible.

    >None of us are claiming that this verse is referring to LAYERS in the sky

    That's exactly what this miracle claim is arguing. To quote you

    We only NOW know, the sky has 7 layers.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Thermosphere
    5. Exosphere
    6. Ionosphere
    7. Magnetosphere

    How would Muhammad (Pbuh), know 1400 years ago that the sky consisted of 7 layers?

    So are you now saying you don't think it describes 7 layers in this list? If that is the case then have we agreed this is not a miracle due to its inaccuracy?

    >I must argue that in NO TRANSLATION does the verse say "......created seven LAYERS"

    It does seem like we are in agreement that these verses do not describe atmospheric layers of the Earth. I've always taken these to mean "7 heavens" in the same respect that some Christians believe in "7 layers of hell" - especially as the lowest heaven has stars in it.

    >Yes I know, not very convincing

    Again I must as the question. Would a perfect + all powerful being create "not very convincing" miracles?

    >Also on a side note, you mentioned 4 verses:
    41:12, 67:5, 71:15, 71:16. I must warn you these are all from DIFFERENT chapters, each with DIFFERENT contexts.

    You are the one making a claim here, please tell me what the different contexts are, how you know what they are, and how these different contexts mean one of the following

    A: Atmospheric layers of the Earth
    B: Different extra-terrestrial heavens that we have not yet observed.

    Without the evidence for your claim it will look as though you are being biased in what information you use.

    I found a great site this morning whilst looking this stuff up

    It shows a word for word translation of the Quran. Importantly you can click each word and find everywhere else it is used. The word in 65:12 is Samaawaati - here is where else it occurrs

    2:33,107,116,117,164 "What is in the heavens AND the Earth"
    The miracle claim is wrong, because if it were accurate "the heavens" (Samaawaati) would already include "the Earth" and therefore "AND the Earth" is a repetition.

    64:4 "He knows what is in the heavens and on earth"
    It obviously means "supernatural heavens" because Allah is supposed to know everything that happens everywhere. If Samaawaati meant "Earth's atmosphere" then Allah is essentially saying "I know everything what is in the Earth" rather than "I know everything in the universe + heaven"

    There are lots more verses too. Here's another
    78:37 "Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all between"

    You wouldn't be "between" the layers of the Earth's atmosphere, you'd be "in" them. Also I am pretty sure Allah is supposed to be the lord of Earth + heaven, not just Earth + it's atmosphere.

    63:7 "But to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth"
    So only the treasures of the Earth + its atmosphere belong to Allah, or all treasures in heaven and Earth?

    62:1 "Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah"

    This is obviously talking about heaven with angels in it which also supposedly sing the praises of Allah.

    All the same word "Samaawaati"!

    I hope I am making my case that the word used obviously means "heaven" and not "layers of sky"? If there is an objective way of showing that the same word means different things in these verses then I'd like you to tell me what it is so that I can learn something new. E.g.

    A: I am going to play with my friends
    B: I am going to be in a play

    The objective proof here is "play with" Vs "in".

    By the way, if it is any consolation I found that many Christians make up lies too. Not only do some lie to make up miracles in the bible but they also lie about the Quran. I think that Islam is probably the most lied about religion there is, but unfortunately it is both sides that are doing the lying.

    That's why I find it interesting. The miracle claims initially attracted me to Islam because I thought "Yes, that's exactly what I'd expect God to do *IF* he had a religious book". Working out which parts of both sides of the argument are deception is fun, and you get to learn a lot about the universe in the process so it's very educational too Smiley

    >Chapter 75, verses 3-4

    I'd like to discuss this one, especially because I have a personal story from my childhood which relates to it Smiley But I'd like to reach a conclusion on the current claim first, or are we already in agreement that this is not a miracle?

    1: The Earth does not have 7 atmospheric layers.
    2: The Quran says that the lowest heaven has stars in it, unless you can demonstrate why the same word (Samaa) means different things.
    3: The exact form of the word (Samaawaati) is describing the heaven with angels in it and not the Earth's atmosphere, as per the verses I listed.
    4: Seven was used for most mystical things, so it is no surprise that someone would use that number. This alone removes any notion of the sentence being miraculous.

    I like this guy, he accepts facts when I present them to him.  We've now moved onto "The miracle of finger prints", I wonder how he will respond to this one I wrote to him this morning...

    Quote from: Me
    When I was in junior school (about 7 or 8 years old) I remember being bored in my morning assembly. At some point I found myself pondering the pretty swirling lines on my finger tips, I looked at how complicated they were and how close together. I said to the person next to me "Have you ever seen how complicated the lines on your fingers are?" which he replied "No" and then continued to listen to the assembly Smiley

    When I got home I said the same thing to my mom, I genuinely thought I was the first person to ever spot these complicated lines and expected my mom to say "Wow, I have never seen those before" but instead she said "Yes, I have noticed, but did you know that everyone has different patterns, yours are different from mine, there is nobody else in the world with patterns the same as yours." - She also told me to look at the detailed patterns on my hands.

    I think this story of my childhood (which I love to tell by the way) shows 2 things.

    1: Even a 7 year old child can look at their finger tips and see that they are complicated.
    2: Knowing that information is not the same thing as knowing that these patterns are unique.

    So my thoughts on this claim are

    1: The impressive fact about finger tips is that their patterns are UNIQUE, not that they are complicated. The Quran does not say they are unique so it does not mention the impressive thing about finger tips at all.

    What people have done in this case is taken the phrase "the tips of your fingers" and said "it mentions finger PRINTS" when in fact it merely mentions finger TIPS, knowing that people will infer the fact that finger prints are unique because we use finger PRINTS in crime analysis due to their uniqueness. The Quran clearly does not mention this fact at all.

    2: It's not only finger prints that are unique. Your hand prints are, your footprints are, your toe prints are, and the patterns in your retina too. The Quran could have mentioned any of the extremities of your body and these people could have claimed it was a miracle of the same calibre (i.e. a poor one). The only reason we in society talk about finger PRINTS is because this is what you pick things up with, and when a thief does this they leave behind prints of their patterns.

    "Friction ridge skin present on the soles of the feet and toes (plantar surfaces) is as unique as ridge detail on the fingers and palms (palmar surfaces). When recovered at crime scenes or on items of evidence, sole and toe impressions are used in the same manner as finger and palm prints to effect identifications"

    Source -

    3: The fact that the fingers are both an extremity of your body AND a small part of your body makes them a prime example when saying "Allah can recreate your WHOLE body, even to the tips of your fingers" - it merely means "He can recreate every little bit"

    4: If you google "History of fingerprints" there are many examples of civilisations who realised finger PRINTS were unique well before Muhammad was born.

    "Pre historic : Picture writing of a hand with ridge patterns was discovered in Nova Scotia. In ancient Babylon, fingerprints were used on clay tablets for business transactions. In ancient China, thumb prints were found on clay seals."

    Source -

    So next I searched Wikipedia for "fingerprints"

    "In Babylon from 1885-1913 B.C.E., in order to protect against forgery, parties to a legal contract impressed their fingerprints into the clay tablet on which the contract had been written. By 246 B.C.E., Chinese officials impressed their fingerprints in clay seals, which were used to seal documents. With the advent of silk and paper in China, parties to a legal contract impressed their handprints on the document."

    Source -

    So as you see the uniqueness of fingerprints was known about and utilised over 2000 years before Muhammad was even born. The Quran only mentions the "tips" of the fingers and not the uniqueness of them, and I myself as a 7 or 8 year old spotted the intricacy of the lines on the ends of my fingers.

    This miracle claim is a desperate attempt to get people to see miracles where they are not. It's a *perfect* example of an argument from ignorance

    "I don't know how Muhammad could have known X, THEREFORE god must have told him"

    Ignorance is not something people should make decisions based on, except the decision to educate one's self on a subject of course :-)

    I hope he continues his trend of accepting reason Smiley

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #11 - September 20, 2010, 08:40 AM

    Whenever someone tries that 'seven layers of the atmosphere' crap, i just cite them that verse in surah 71 that says that the moon is within the seven heavens. Problem solved.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #12 - September 20, 2010, 09:24 AM

    Whenever someone tries that 'seven layers of the atmosphere' crap, i just cite them that verse in surah 71 that says that the moon is within the seven heavens. Problem solved.

    If however they are claiming the magnetosphere as a "layer" then you might be in trouble.  I couldn't find information on how far out the magnetosphere goes and I suspect it goes well beyond the orbit of the Moon.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #13 - September 20, 2010, 11:05 AM


    In any case, I dont see how a magnetic field can be counted as a "layer" - are you going to include the earth's gravitational field as a layer too?

    They are also not finite, so like you said earlier, you can make up as many layers as you want to make up the figure you need.

    For example you could take the example of a tangerine, and if you state there are 3 layers, then you could say there is the tangerine fruit, the white pith and the orange-coloured peel.  You could add & subtract as many layers as you want to make up the figure you need as necessary

    e.g. the pips, the outer shell of the pips, the skin of the fruit, the skin of the cells inside the skin etc etc

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  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #14 - September 20, 2010, 01:44 PM

    Btw, you could have pointed out that this:

    Can you PLEASE give me a logical explanation, of this verse? Because we as humans only NOW know, that we have IRON within our Earth, only because giant meteors/asteriods of IRON collided into Earth as it was being formed, several thousands of years ago.

    Is false.

    Iron is the most common element on planet Earth and one of the most common even on the external layer of the planet, and it was part of the interstellar dust that formed Earth in the first place.

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #15 - September 20, 2010, 01:50 PM

    [Iron] was part of the interstellar dust that formed Earth in the first place.

    Are you certain about this? Do you have any sources I could read?  I ask because I recently read that heavier elements were attracted to orbits closer to the Sun whereas lighter elements were able to move further away, which is why the large outer planets are gas planets.

    It's on my mental list of things to check out which is why I didn't mention it in my correspondences with this guy, because I didn't have enough free time to ensure Iron was part of the Earth's original formation.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #16 - September 20, 2010, 01:52 PM

    Iron is the most common element on planet Earth

    I thought hydrogen was.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #17 - September 20, 2010, 02:12 PM

    i hope this thread continues ... with all the miracle claims ....
    i was wondering dont u guys want to make a book ... or a collection of threads into one big gaint thread called "why i think islam is false " with sources and stuff

    i would sell but it would require to much effort ... i was think of combining the most powerful arguments ... and allow debates by muslims over...
    oo i guess Islame already beat me to it lol ... just remembered that ..

    now i am frustrated again

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #18 - September 20, 2010, 02:15 PM

    i would sell but it would require to much effort ... i was think of combining the most powerful arguments ... and allow debates by muslims over...
    oo i guess Islame already beat me to it lol ... just remembered that ..

    now i am frustrated again

    no, i think you're right- everybody has their own take as to what is a powerful argument against Islam & what isnt.  In any case somebody needs to do a more comprehensive job that I have done in my blog..

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  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #19 - September 22, 2010, 08:29 PM

    Rationalizer I was looking at your analysis of the seven layers and I beg to differ from your analysis.

    You are assuming that the 7 layers mentioned by Muslims are the seven layers of heaven. You are also assuming that the verse is saying there are Earth + six Earth-like planets out there in various galaxies.

    This is not how I interpret the verse at all. So please correct me if I'm wrong.

    65:12 Allah it is who hath created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof. The commandment cometh down among them slowly

    We must first understand what is meant by 7 firmament or heavens. What this, as described elsewhere in Qur'an and Hadiths means is that there are 7 layers that make up heaven. When Muhammad flew up to heaven on Buraq he entered the lowest level of heaven, then he gradually moved from one layer to another where he met various prophets in the various layers and finally Allah within the uppermost layer.

    Qur’an 7:15 states - See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another.

    The heavens are one on top the other. 65:12 says that earth is like the heaven. Therefore seven earths are layers on top each other.

    Hence when 65:12 says ‘and the earth the like thereof' it is stating that the earth itself has seven layers one above the other. The earth's surface being a layer itself. Now this has to be the case because the verse goes on to say 'The commandment cometh down among them slowly...'. What this clearly means is that Allah's message travels down from the uppermost layer of heaven through all its layers then through the 7 Earths until it gets to Muhammad. The 7 Earths must be layers one above the other just like heaven.

    If the verse meant 6 different earth-like planets, then this part would make no sense, because the message travels down thru heavens and earth's layers. It is not bouncing around various galaxies from one earth-like planet to another until it reaches our earth.

    Remember Muhammad thought the earth was flat. So his concoction would have been seven flat earthly layers one above the other, not seven globes.

    Therefore the claim can be quite accurate, though by chance. The seven layers claimed by Muslims are the earth’s layers not the heavenly layers.

    Hence if you include the earth’s surface as a layer then you have:
     - Exosphere
     - Thermosphere
     - Mesosphere
     - Stratosphere
     - Troposphere
     - Earth’s Surface

    And as there are other vague layers out there, an apologist can use any one of them to make up the 7 layers.

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #20 - September 23, 2010, 10:11 AM

    You are assuming that the 7 layers mentioned by Muslims are the seven layers of heaven. You are also assuming that the verse is saying there are Earth + six Earth-like planets out there in various galaxies.

    Ultimately the guy claimed that it was the word "heavens" which meant there were 7 layers.

    Yusuf Ali: Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number
    Dr Mohsin: It is Allâh Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof (i.e. seven)
    Pickthal: Allah it is who hath created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof.
    Mohammad Habb Shakir: Allah is He Who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof

    The first two have been translated to say "a similar number, seven", the second two have not.  All 4 say say "OF the Earth".  Now I am not sure about the Arabic here, but in English when you make something "of" something you are making something made of the same substance.  If this were to mean that the Earth was similar (i.e 7 firmaments) then it should have been translated as

    and ON the Earth the like thereof.
    and FOR the Earth the like thereof.
    and OVER the Earth the like thereof.

    Hence when 65:12 says ‘and the earth the like thereof'

    You missed the word "of", which completely changes the meaning Smiley

    the verse goes on to say 'The commandment cometh down among them slowly...'. What this clearly means is that Allah's message travels down from the uppermost layer of heaven through all its layers then through the 7 Earths until it gets to Muhammad.

    Mohsin: His Command descends between them (heavens and earth)
    Ali: through the midst of them (all) descends his Command
    Pickthal: The commandment cometh down among them slowly
    Shakir: The decree continues to descend among them

    The first clearly has a plural heaven and singular earth, the second just says "All", and the last two just say "them".  Even if you had 1 heaven and 1 earth then you would use "them".  So this doesn't show conclusively that there are 7 layers of heaven.

    The 7 Earths must be layers one above the other just like heaven.

    If the verse meant 6 different earth-like planets, then this part would make no sense, because the message travels down thru heavens and earth's layers. It is not bouncing around various galaxies from one earth-like planet to another until it reaches our earth.

    I see your point, and if it didn't say "OF the Earth" I'd immediately agree.

    Remember Muhammad thought the earth was flat. So his concoction would have been seven flat earthly layers one above the other, not seven globes.

    I didn't say Muhammad thought they were globes Smiley

    Hence if you include the earth’s surface as a layer then you have:
     - Exosphere
     - Thermosphere
     - Mesosphere
     - Stratosphere
     - Troposphere
     - Earth’s Surface

    Yeah, 6 Smiley

    And as there are other vague layers out there, an apologist can use any one of them to make up the 7 layers.

    And if they want to do this then it is easy to use other vague layers to show there are more.  

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #21 - September 23, 2010, 12:16 PM

    Clear proof that the Qur'an is not clear.

    All 4 say say "OF the Earth".  Now I am not sure about the Arabic here, but in English when you make something "of" something you are making something made of the same substance.

    That is not the context in which 'of' is being used. It does not say 'Layers made of earth'. The word 'of' has many meanings depending on its placement in a sentence.

    In this sentence the most logical interpretation would be 'as for', rendering the verse as follows:

    Allah it is who hath created seven heavens, and as for the earth the like thereof.

    I know I'm changing the words but that is the only way to make it make sense. We need an Arabic speaker to look at it in greater detail.

    The 'like thereof' relates to a similarity to heaven as that is the main subject of the sentence. Which means the earth has a similar structure to heven ie. seven parts as some of the translators try to clarify in brackets.

    Mohsin: His Command descends between them (heavens and earth)
    Ali: through the midst of them (all) descends his Command
    Pickthal: The commandment cometh down among them slowly
    Shakir: The decree continues to descend among them

    The first clearly has a plural heaven and singular earth, the second just says "All", and the last two just say "them".  Even if you had 1 heaven and 1 earth then you would use "them".  So this doesn't show conclusively that there are 7 layers of heaven.

    The first is not from the Qur'an, that is the input of the translator. The Qur'an does not use a singular 'earth'

    The quran clearly says  -

    Allah it is who hath created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof. The commandment cometh down among them slowly

    The 'them' can only refer to what is mentioned in the first part of the verse and that is seven heavens and seven earths.

    Its all a matter of interpretation I suppose. So I was just looking at another angle at which this can be looked at.

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #22 - September 23, 2010, 12:20 PM

    Sure it's a matter of interpretation, and without the ability to translate the Arabic I must go by the guide of the translator.  If they simply throw in the word "of" because that's what it says in Arabic then NONE of them did a good job.

    Either way, there are not 7 layers of the atmosphere, and even your example only had 6 so really it doesn't matter if you can interpret it that way or not.  Plus, 7 was a typically mystical number of the time, anyone could have chosen that number.  Now if he had said "Allah made 5 firmaments on Earth" I would accept that it matches.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #23 - September 23, 2010, 12:50 PM

    Whenever someone tries that 'seven layers of the atmosphere' crap, i just cite them that verse in surah 71 that says that the moon is within the seven heavens. Problem solved.

    Also stars on the lowest of heavens. (another verse)

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
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  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #24 - September 23, 2010, 12:55 PM

    Also stars on the lowest of heavens. (another verse)

    Like myself you are missing the "miracle".  The miracle isn't that this verse says "There are 7 heavens" but that it says "AND the same kind of thing on the Earth".

    It's just a shame that there are only 5 Smiley

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #25 - September 23, 2010, 03:31 PM

    Yeah that and, a layer of atmosphere is hardly equivalent to another earth.

    Tafsir Tanwir al-Miqbas explains it rather well, I think.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #26 - September 23, 2010, 05:32 PM

    Are you certain about this? Do you have any sources I could read?  I ask because I recently read that heavier elements were attracted to orbits closer to the Sun whereas lighter elements were able to move further away, which is why the large outer planets are gas planets.

    It's on my mental list of things to check out which is why I didn't mention it in my correspondences with this guy, because I didn't have enough free time to ensure Iron was part of the Earth's original formation.

    By mass, it is.
    The core is mostly made of iron, if I remember right.
    And even on the crust iron is quite abundant:'s_crust

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #27 - September 23, 2010, 05:33 PM

    Just follow the various wiki sources ^_^

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #28 - September 23, 2010, 06:07 PM

    By mass, it is.
    The core is mostly made of iron, if I remember right.
    And even on the crust iron is quite abundant:'s_crust

    These merely say what the Earth is made of, not how it got there.  The Islamic claim is that it got there due to meteorites striking the Earth, because heavier elements such as Iron would have remained closer to the Sun and formed the inner planets like Mercury and Venus - the claim is that the Earth is too far away to have Iron from another other method.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Miracle: Iron is sent down
     Reply #29 - September 23, 2010, 06:55 PM

    These merely say what the Earth is made of, not how it got there.  The Islamic claim is that it got there due to meteorites striking the Earth, because heavier elements such as Iron would have remained closer to the Sun and formed the inner planets like Mercury and Venus - the claim is that the Earth is too far away to have Iron from another other method.

    If such a huge mass of meteorites containing iron could form in orbits intersecting Earth, the hypothesis that Iron would have remained closer to the Sun would be false to begin with.

    Iron is also found on Mars.
    And in the Asteroid belt.

    So the claim that Iron is too heavy and would have remained closer to the Sun than Earth's orbit... looks completely made up just to justify "Islamic miracles" lol :S

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
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