yes I remember you.
(hope you like the videos)
My story is quite simple, I've always been an atheist at heart as I've always questioned religion and the god concept, even from an early age
(I essentially dismissed the Old testament at the age of 7 after realizing that the only reason why the O.T is 'true' and the greek religions were 'mythical' was solely determined by the number of people who believed it.)
Being mixed race (father from Bangladesh) and (at the time) all friends and co-workers being muslims, I decided to study Islam with the intent of becoming a part of it, ofcourse as soon as I picked the book up I noticed around 50 significant problems with it, before even opening it.
(detailed vaguely here >) once I began to read the book, it went significantly down hill from there as I had spent much of my time educating myself in the Bible series, Science in general and Ancient history, that I was able to debunk and dismiss every claim the book made.
Ofcourse, the seriously poor, incoherent, repetitious and unstructured writing standards of the Quran didn't help.
Since then, I've spent more time than ever to studying Islam and Christianity and formally (and informally) educating myself in all areas of Science, that I am now happily an Anti-theist (to practical standards).