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  • Question: What is your ethnic background? (NOT country of origin)
  • Pakistani - 22 (18.6%)
  • Bengali - 11 (9.3%)
  • Other South or Central Asian (please specify) - 1 (0.8%)
  • East Asian (please specify) - 1 (0.8%)
  • Arab or Arabized Middle East - 10 (8.5%)
  • Persian - 0 (0%)
  • North African or Arabized North African (please specify) - 9 (7.6%)
  • Sub-saharan African (please specify) - 15 (12.7%)
  • White European - 21 (17.8%)
  • Mixed or Other (please specify) - 16 (13.6%)
  • Indian - 8 (6.8%)
  • Turkish - 3 (2.5%)
  • Kurd - 1 (0.8%)
  • Total Voters: 117

 Topic: What is your ethnic background?

 (Read 28674 times)
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  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #120 - November 07, 2011, 02:41 PM

    There's two things most people would never want to be.. Arab and Pakistani. GRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSS.
    Glad to be a dirty stinky bengali!!!!  

    *poops on floor.. but doesn't care because bengalis naturally have no sense of hygiene or self-respect*

    yes Bangladesh.. Stinky bengali    no sense of  hygiene.. may be no sense of  hygiene in some folks but that is true through out the world.  and..and .. there is lots of lots of  "self-respect*.

    Gali Bandh Karo  Jesus Christ....  Peace....  Bangladesh came a loooooong way from this day..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #121 - November 07, 2011, 03:06 PM


    I don't have much of a choice, though. These are the options:

    American Indian or Alaska Native
    Black or African American
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

    American racial classification is so dumb

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #122 - November 07, 2011, 03:08 PM

  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #123 - November 07, 2011, 05:26 PM Bangladesh.. Stinky bengali    no sense of  hygiene.. may be no sense of  hygiene in some folks but that is true through out the world.  and..and .. there is lots of lots of  "self-respect*.

    Gali Bandh Karo  Jesus Christ....  Peace....  Bangladesh came a loooooong way from this day..


    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #124 - November 07, 2011, 06:12 PM

    Isn't being Bengali a nationality and not an ethnicity? Being Pakistani isn't an ethnicity either....
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #125 - November 07, 2011, 06:17 PM

    Bengali is an ethnicity. Bangladeshi is nationality.

    Bengalis share a common language, culture, history, and race to a certain extent.. with religion being the dividing factor.

    They also share a common love for open sewers and human-driven transportation systems.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #126 - November 07, 2011, 06:26 PM

    Don't forget this fish.  Tongue
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #127 - November 07, 2011, 07:08 PM

    aphrodite the word ethnicity is useless.

    and i dont know why people get all pissy at the way america defines things. it doesn't really care about where you are from it just wants to know how many people are black, asian, and native american because there are money issues dealing with those races. the rest of us dont really matter. and just because a form says you are one thing doesnt mean you are actually that.

    we are "white" in that we wont really get benefits as a minority since our appearance wouldn't  have us be discriminated against. ( at least some of us...i could pass as white i suppose some of the southern arabs get darker...)

    I wish parents everywhere could remove their veil of religion and see their kids for whom they actually are.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #128 - November 07, 2011, 07:11 PM

  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #129 - November 07, 2011, 07:12 PM

    I didnt realize we have 9 sub-sahara africans here, at least we are more than bengalis Tongue , men this place is full of pakistanis

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #130 - November 07, 2011, 07:58 PM

    considering how small bangladesh is thats a big number.

    I wish parents everywhere could remove their veil of religion and see their kids for whom they actually are.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #131 - November 07, 2011, 08:00 PM

    Bangladesh has 140 Million + people

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #132 - November 07, 2011, 08:16 PM

    My ethincity changes depending on who you ask. I say I'm Kashmiri-Afghan (THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING PAKI AND BEING KASHMIRI YOU FUCKING PAKIS Peek a boo ). My brother says I'm Kashmiri. My mum says "Fuck that, you're British." My dad says I'm Paki. My grandfather says I'm Pakistani Kashmiri. My other grandfather says I'm Afghan. My aunts whisper that I must be secretly Bosnian or Romanian.

    Needless to say, I chose 'Mixed or Other'.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #133 - November 07, 2011, 08:21 PM

    You're just another brown to anyone else  Afro

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #134 - November 07, 2011, 08:24 PM

    I didnt realize we have 9 sub-sahara africans here, at least we are more than bengalis Tongue , men this place is full of pakistanis

    ahahahaahah still not enough !!!!!!!

    "its fashionable to be an ex Muslim these days"
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #135 - November 07, 2011, 08:26 PM

    You're just another brown to anyone else  Afro

    That's what you think.

    Seriously, no-one IRL believes I'm brown. Grin
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #136 - November 07, 2011, 08:26 PM

    Err. ok, soo you're just another white person to anyone else I guess??

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #137 - November 07, 2011, 08:28 PM

    ...I can live with that.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #138 - November 07, 2011, 08:36 PM

    My ethincity changes depending on who you ask. I say I'm Kashmiri-Afghan (THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING PAKI AND BEING KASHMIRI YOU FUCKING PAKIS Peek a boo ). My brother says I'm Kashmiri. My mum says "Fuck that, you're British." My dad says I'm Paki. My grandfather says I'm Pakistani Kashmiri. My other grandfather says I'm Afghan. My aunts whisper that I must be secretly Bosnian or Romanian.

    Needless to say, I chose 'Mixed or Other'.


    What part of Kashmir? If you don't mind me asking  Tongue I have mixed ethnicities on my desi side too. My paternal grandmother was Kashmiri and my paternal grandfather was half Pashtun, half punjabi  wacko
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #139 - November 07, 2011, 08:37 PM

    I've never asked. Kashmiriness, as well as Afghanness, is a dirty secret in my family for some reason. They're weird.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #140 - November 07, 2011, 08:38 PM

    Better to be a Kashmiri or Afghan than a dipper. Thats for sure.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #141 - November 07, 2011, 08:45 PM

    I've never asked. Kashmiriness, as well as Afghanness, is a dirty secret in my family for some reason. They're weird.

    Interesting, I think most desi's try to keep the different ethnicity stuff quiet because they're so xenophobic that even marrying muslims of other ethnicities is taboo. I didn't know about my grandfather's pashtun side till recently and found out about the white side when I was 16--by accident too.  parrot
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #142 - November 07, 2011, 08:50 PM

    Bangladesh has 140 Million + people

    wow you guys are packed in tight.

    I wish parents everywhere could remove their veil of religion and see their kids for whom they actually are.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #143 - November 07, 2011, 08:51 PM

    wow you guys are packed in tight.

    Yeah, its digusting.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #144 - November 07, 2011, 08:53 PM

    Bangladesh has 140 Million + people

    Nigeria has like 160 million +people, but so far i only 1 Nigerian ex-muzzie

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #145 - November 07, 2011, 08:57 PM

    Bengalis might number in the 140million but if you measured on the strength of body odor, we have like 200+ million people.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #146 - November 07, 2011, 09:03 PM


    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #147 - November 07, 2011, 09:15 PM

    I've noticed there are 0 persians on the polls. Which is interesting. I would say Persians would be the largest "ex-muslim" immgrant group in the west. Majority of persians I've known are dismissive of Islam.. and also the fact that Maryam Namazie is a Persian along with a lot of the declaring themselves ex-muslims on the main CEMB organization page. I guess they don't really visit a forum like this or feel the need to since so many are ex-muslim that they don't have the social pressure to escape from maybe?

    I'm talking about the Iranian diaspora in the west, not Iranians in Iran.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #148 - November 07, 2011, 10:11 PM

    Nigeria has like 160 million +people, but so far i only 1 Nigerian ex-muzzie

    And a whole heap of beer-loving muzzies.
  • Re: What is your ethnic background?
     Reply #149 - November 07, 2011, 11:53 PM

    ^Ah, the pseudo muslims.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
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