An article by someone who does not share the views of Hamed Abdel-Samad re the pending collapse of the Islamic world
Why did Karen Jespersen´ and Ralf Pittelkows´ latest book "Islam's power "get so many steamed up ?
The answer is simple.
It is because of its inconvenient message, that the threat against the Western world does not come from saber-rattling lunatics, but from a " moderate middle group, which will gradually become more and more radicalized. Things will therefore not improve, they will rather become worse, says Pittelkow and Jespersen, and this alarming allegation has not fallen on fertile ground among people with a firm conviction that the problems will gradually disappear, as long as one stretch out ones hand to people we have no reason to be afraid of.
" Instead of demonizing and pointing fingers at a large social group, Ralf Pittelkow and his new book co-author Karen Jespersen should begin to work positively for integration , "writes Klaus Bondam (Berlingske Tidende 25 August), and this view is common in the cultural radical wing, and even also in the " decent "bourgeois wing. One of them is - or was – Berlingske Tidende´s commentator Christopher Azrouni who reviewed the book for the Free Press Society´s News Blog Sappho. "I've always somehow counted on sex and drugs and Rock and Roll would get the shovel under the most assiduous Muslims. What the heck , we 're only human . "
But he has abandoned this view. Azrouni and many others believed that Islam - like the religion influenced social ideologies of Nazism and Communism - would sink under its own weight and that - just like the others – it was merely a surface phenomenon, which over time would burst like a bubble and leave everything as before. Business as usual . The same attitude that was shown during the German occupation, which many cooperation friendly historians emphasize, was a " peaceful occupation ", an occupatio pacifica and therefore no one should get upset about. Resistance was wrong and useless, say these historians, and it was best to wait until the Allies came to our rescue , or until the conquerors had become tired of Nazism and eventually went on to become Danes with beer, roast pork and X- factor. Then everything would continue as before. And certainly that would not have been impossible. The idea may then be justified, and it has also been thought of before, though not always with success, as history can boast a number of examples of. One of them are Brahmins and Buddhists in Afghanistan before the Islamic conquest.
Islam never lets go
Virtually nobody has heard of them, which is a shame because the Indian / British author and Nobel laureate VS Naipaul has told a story about them, we could learn from. In "Among the Believers" he illustrates the same - let 's call it innocent - attitude among the contemporary cultural elite in the kingdom of Sind before its annexation by the Muslim caliphate in the seventh century CE. The area of Sind lies today in Afghanistan and part of Pakistan and was populated by both Buddhists and Hindus, and here - where the kingdom was - Naipaul stumpled upon Chachnama , an old report on the kingdom of Sind´s transition to Islam, and what happened next.
This transition was not particularly peaceful - to put it mildly - but this is not so important in this context. What is important, is the attitude of the Brahmins and Buddhist priests to the new world, they were suddenly presented with. They saw a new warrior religion arise out of the blue, and fatalists as they were, they took it with devastating calm in the hope that Islam was a surface phenomenon, which would leave the country's culture and popular substrate intact. So an occupatio pacifica. And therefore the conquest in most places was aided by local officials and Brahmins who turned to the oncoming Muslim General Bin Qasim and told him how he could best conquer their cities.
Was it treason ? No, writes Naipaul with great empathy, it was rather a recognition of the fact, that power is power, and it is prudent to be on the side of the powerful. Credulous as they were, the accomodating informants thought that the then King would simply be replaced with a new king - and that life largely would continue as before. Business as usual . And a large proportion of the population must have thought the same. In many places they surrendered without a fight, unaware that the entire foundation of their culture was to be destroyed and replaced with another that was essentially foreign to everything they had ever known . After that Sind fell and became Muslim.
So what one might say? Does this distant incident have anything to do with the current situation? I think it has. Now it's just not Sind, which is about to surrender to a power, it hardly understands, but the entire Western world. And just like in Sind the surrender will be enabled by a highcast (" humanists ") without popular ties, who mistakenly believe that everything will be as before. Just in a slightly different way. The parallel with the misfortune of the kingdom of Sind is striking , yet not entirely relevant because Sind - like the Middle East, North Africa , the Balkans , Hungary, Greece and India - was subjected to a military conquest, and this is certainly not true now. The situation today has very humorously been summarized by Glistrup (former politician) who in characteristic Bornholmian (Danish dialect) said "First , they conquered vast territories by force of arms .Today they send a lot of green grocers up here !
So no, we will definitely not be conquered by force of arms . Our situation is rather like the few Muslim areas - Java and sub-Saharan Africa - who voluntarily converted to Islam without first having felt the knife at their throats. Well good enough for them, you might say, but no not really. In these countries - as well as in almost all Muslim countries - the few surviving religious minorities are in a very dangerous position, and therefore you could say, without twisting the truth, that the Islamization - be it peaceful or " Bil Seif " (Arabic : " with the sword " ) - leads to the same thing. Either a monolithic and dictatorial state - or a multicultural state like Nigeria where non-Muslims must tread very cautiously, and where they eventually demographically will represent a minority (if they are not already doing so).
Bamyan - a symbol of what we can expect
I am personally convinced, that it will be the Danish non -Muslims destiny in about half a century, and it's not a jolly perspective. The last remnants of Afghanistan's former Buddhist culture - the great 2000- year-old Buddha sculptures in Bamyan - were blown to pieces by the Taliban and will soon be forgotten forever. Our mind has learned to be selective , and who remembers today that the entire Middle East was Christian / Jewish / Ahura Mazda worshippers until it became a part of the Caliphate ? Very few. And even fewer realize that the Christian crusaders did not conquer an Arab / Muslim area, but just re - conquered the area which the Muslim Arabs had subdued 400 years earlier. During the Crusades the Arabs - briefly - lost the area they had taken by force, but who thinks of this today? Or rather who DARES to think of it today, where history - thanks to our own historians and Orientalists – has had an anti-Christian twist thus equating Christianity with pure evil. It is not just " green grocers " who threaten the West's stability, but the West's own highcast.
By virtue of their " long march through the institutions " , the heirs of Georg Brandes and Poul Henningsen - the happy hippies – have put themselves in power throughout society, and after the not very glorious collapse of communism, they have tried a new social experiment that they believe would make the world a freer place to be - and according to them, Denmark is to be the liberated humankind´s Social Benefits office. In this way, our own highcast - without knowing it !!!!! – have put a demographic and cultural Islamization in motion that can hardly be stopped now - and which also cannot even be discussed at the dinner table of the refined.
Is it really this bad ? I think . Jespersen and Pittelkow are moderately optimistic, but I personally am not. There is no indication of composure and back straightening vis a vis Islamization from the Danish Brahmins, who, like their predecessors in the kingdom of Sind has opened their gates to a culture, they really do not understand.