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 Topic: Ed Milliband

 (Read 5891 times)
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  • Ed Milliband
     OP - September 29, 2010, 09:51 PM

    A lefty Jewish Atheist living in sin.

    I like him already  Afro

    What do you think?
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #1 - September 29, 2010, 09:58 PM

    What a story, this rivalry between him and his brother!

    Sibling rivalry is bad enough at the best of times, but jostling for the position to be the possible future leader of of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, wow! That takes fighting over Lego pieces or stealing their football boots to another level!

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #2 - September 29, 2010, 10:01 PM

    I'm not sure if Ed will make it at the next election. I think the Tories and David Cameron are very happy with this outcome. David will have in his mind the chance that he could still be leader one day.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #3 - September 29, 2010, 10:03 PM

    Red Ed has surprised us once - he may do it again.

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #4 - September 29, 2010, 10:05 PM

    I'm not sure if Ed will make it at the next election. I think the Tories and David Cameron are very happy with this outcome. David will have in his mind the chance that he could still be leader one day.

    Ive never been a fan of any Brownite - I was really peeved when he won it unexpectedly over his prodigal brother.

    His loss was partly down to his confidence, he should have been more careful before upsetting the trade unions  - Mandelson must be seething!

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #5 - September 29, 2010, 10:35 PM

    If we double dip he'll be quids in, else I think he represents the first phase in the de-BaathificationBlairification of Labour.

    Each of us a failed state in stark relief against the backdrop of the perfect worlds we seek.
    Propagandhi - Failed States
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #6 - September 30, 2010, 12:09 AM

    I reckon Labour will win the next election - I think people were a bit fed up with "New Labour" and Ed Miliband is trying to move away from that.

    Saying that, I am slightly disappointed Ed Balls didn't win the leadership contest - because it would have been so brilliant to be able to say the words "Prime Minister Balls"

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #7 - September 30, 2010, 12:12 AM

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #8 - September 30, 2010, 01:19 AM

    If Ed Balls was Prime Minister then the newspaper puns would be endless...

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #9 - September 30, 2010, 11:58 AM

    Ed Miliband told Paxman that he does not believe in god on Newsnight  dance  So even though David didnt get the leadership we may still finally get an atheist primeminister.

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #10 - September 30, 2010, 12:08 PM

    David is probably hoping Labour loses the next general elections. That would be his only chance of gaining leadership and eventually PM.

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #11 - September 30, 2010, 12:14 PM

    Yep, I think so too - and I think they probably will so he might even stir things up if he's a sore loser.  

    I am intrigued as to what his next move is going to be i.e. what, if any position, he will take in the cabinet as well as if Diane Abbot & Ed balls get a cabinet post..

    Best thing for Ed to do now is get rid of his Red Ed image, otherwise we get Old Labour back again - I also wonder if he is closer to Brown or Blair politically in real life too  Huh?

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #12 - September 30, 2010, 12:17 PM

    Ed Miliband told Paxman that he does not believe in god on Newsnight  dance  So even though David didnt get the leadership we may still finally get an atheist primeminister.

    Meanwhile, back at the lair:
    [Warsi:] "At least three seats where we lost, where we didn't gain the seat, based on electoral fraud. Now, could we have planned for that in the campaign? Absolutely not."
    This is the first time a senior minister has made such a blunt and specific allegation about the impact of electoral fraud on the general election result. Can she reveal the names of those seats? "I think it would be wrong to start identifying them," she says, but adds: "It is predominantly within the Asian community. I have to look back and say we didn't do well in those communities, but was there something over and above that we could have done? Well, actually not, if there is going to be voter fraud."

    [New Statesman]

    Chairman of the Conservative Party Lady Warsi has accused the British press of harbouring an "anti-Islamic sentiment".

    Warsi, who combines her role chairmanship with that of minister-without-portfolio, compared the Islamophobic press coverage of 2010 with anti-Semitic views expressed in the early 20th century.

    “If you go back historically - [and] I was looking at some Evening Standard headlines, where there were things written about the British Jewish community less than 100 years ago - they have kind of replaced one with the other.”


    Each of us a failed state in stark relief against the backdrop of the perfect worlds we seek.
    Propagandhi - Failed States
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #13 - September 30, 2010, 12:23 PM

    I wish that Warsi would stfu

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #14 - September 30, 2010, 12:27 PM

    That´s what I call successsful 2nd generation immigrants. Kudos to them and their parents.

    I am intrigued as to what his next move is going to be i.e. what, if any position, he will take in the cabinet as well as if Diane Abbot & Ed balls get a cabinet post..

    He is withdrawing from frontline politics :

    (RTTNews) - Former Foreign Secretary in the erstwhile Gordon Brown-led Labor government in Britain, David Miliband, has made a shock announcement to retire from frontline politics, reports said on Wednesday.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #15 - September 30, 2010, 12:31 PM

    First there was Portillo, and now another favourite of mine leaves the rank & file  Cry

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #16 - September 30, 2010, 12:40 PM

    Yes, it is a pity, I had hoped that David would win, because it would have been easier for Ed as a younger brother to accept a secondary position and then we would still have had both.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #17 - September 30, 2010, 12:42 PM

    Perhaps he's done it so he doesnt have to tow the party line, and he can help (shit-stir) from the back.  I'd love to know if he consulted Mandelson on this decision before hand, or if in fact it was Mandelsson who advised him to do it.

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #18 - September 30, 2010, 12:55 PM

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #19 - September 30, 2010, 02:44 PM

    Perhaps he's done it so he doesnt have to tow the party line, and he can help (shit-stir) from the back.  I'd love to know if he consulted Mandelson on this decision before hand, or if in fact it was Mandelsson who advised him to do it.

    Another reason perhaps - he knows what his brother real views are & is distancing himself as far as possible from his government

    Ed Miliband: I would raise taxes higher than Gordon Brown

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #20 - September 30, 2010, 02:55 PM

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  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #21 - September 30, 2010, 03:04 PM

    who da fukk is ed milliband.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Ed Milliband
     Reply #22 - September 30, 2010, 03:12 PM

    David's (above's) brother.. & current leader of Labour Party

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