Ed Miliband told Paxman that he does not believe in god on Newsnight

So even though David didnt get the leadership we may still finally get an atheist primeminister.
Meanwhile, back at the lair:
[Warsi:] "At least three seats where we lost, where we didn't gain the seat, based on electoral fraud. Now, could we have planned for that in the campaign? Absolutely not."
This is the first time a senior minister has made such a blunt and specific allegation about the impact of electoral fraud on the general election result. Can she reveal the names of those seats? "I think it would be wrong to start identifying them," she says, but adds: "It is predominantly within the Asian community. I have to look back and say we didn't do well in those communities, but was there something over and above that we could have done? Well, actually not, if there is going to be voter fraud."
[New Statesman]Chairman of the Conservative Party Lady Warsi has accused the British press of harbouring an "anti-Islamic sentiment".
Warsi, who combines her role chairmanship with that of minister-without-portfolio, compared the Islamophobic press coverage of 2010 with anti-Semitic views expressed in the early 20th century.
“If you go back historically - [and] I was looking at some Evening Standard headlines, where there were things written about the British Jewish community less than 100 years ago - they have kind of replaced one with the other.”