Yes I see what you're saying, and the way I see it (and of course I may be wrong) is that they're banding together against you because they feel you're attacking them for ever being a muslim.
No you ARE in fact wrong in your assessment of the reasons for this "banding together". I have been on the receiving end of such disparagement and shrill animosity almost from my first post at this forum. I doesn't bother me any. I find it interesting rather than offensive. I get angrily mobbed just for posting article links - like the Taqqiya one - that raise issues that many here would prefer not to think about. My "crime" on this thread is to point out the double standard the BBC applies in dealing with Scientology and Islam respectively. There is a strong cult mentality at this site. It is in fact the Cult of Non-Political (or moderate) Islam - which is held up here as the great hope against "political Islam". I argue against this view and hold that such a distinction between Islams is spurious , so-called "moderate" Islam is a contradiction in terms and the supposed existence of a distinct "vast majority of moderate Muslims" cannot be relied upon to act as a bulwark against Islam's inherent tendency to destroy the lives and liberties of non-Muslims wherever it is powerful enough to do so.
They are now ex-muslims, but you can't just obliterate the fact that for probably most of their life they have been subjected to Islam and all it's faults.
I don't blame anybody for being inducted into this cult as a child.
whilst at the same time there might still be a big part of their lives that IS still islam orientated. Families and friends who are still muslim haven't all been vanquished, they are still a part of their lives and it must be a helluva balancing act to have to continue to live with that alongside their own non-islamic views.
This is indeed the reason for the angry hostile defensiveness certain posts of mine often arouse. Hassan in fact stated over on the thread I started on Taqiyya that he regarded the simple act of my posting the article in question as an implicit attack on his still-Muslim friends and family members. My views on such matters as the necessity of restricting Islamic dress and making no concessions to sharia precepts like halal meat, ending Muslim immigration, opposition to the proposed "Cordoba" center in New York are also widley viewed here through the same distorting prism.
I'm not suggesting you've verbally attacked anyone's family/friends or even anyone here for being an ex-muslim but you do come across as showing no empathy for these people at all,
My primary concern is of course the threat that the mind virus of Islam, via its human hosts, poses to the lives and liberties of non-Muslims. I of course empathise greatly with people who have exercised their basic human right to leave this cult and have found themselves harassed, threatened and killed by their former co-religionists which might even include their own family members.