See, Maya, how this thread has been turned from one on the valid topic of the Islamic doctrine of tactical and strategic lying to the Kuffar to my good self - my motives, alleged personality and mental defects?
Yes I see what you're saying, and the way I see it (and of course I may be wrong) is that they're banding together against you because they feel you're attacking them for ever being a muslim. When this happens people
will go to base and that's natural imo. They are now ex-muslims, but you can't just obliterate the fact that for probably most of their life they have been subjected to Islam and all it's faults. I'm not a muslim and have never been one but I can empathise with anyone who has suffered and turned away from it, whilst at the same time there might still be a big part of their lives that IS still islam orientated. Families and friends who are still muslim haven't all been vanquished, they are still a part of their lives and it must be a helluva balancing act to have to continue to live with that alongside their own non-islamic views.
I'm not suggesting you've verbally attacked anyone's family/friends or even anyone here for being an ex-muslim but you do come across as showing no empathy for these people at all, for what they have gone through to get to where they are now and in some cases still coming to term with.
I think it's kinda like..... you were born a christian, so was I. I'm not religious and you probably aren't either but if it ever came to a war of words where you were being attacked and disparaged because of what you were/are then I think it would also be natural that I would veer towards you rather than a muslim who was decrying everything you ever were/are, a kinda knee-jerk reaction for e.g. like an American would do if a Brit started dissing their country even if at heart they might hate everything about their country, and vice-versa .
Just my 2 cents.