Round and round and round we go... We're just not getting anywhere, are we?
Well YOU'RE not getting anywhere in your futile campaign to "nail me" as a racist. YOU are going round and round on a hamster wheel of your own making - continually asking me the same questions which I have adequately answered until I give you the "racist" answer that you want.
I'm trying to figure out what the difference is between me and you,
Where did I say there is such a "difference"?
and why you feel you have some kind of status above mine,
That is your interpretation based on your determination to read racist attitudes into my words.
and not only that, but you also go so far as to say I actually owe you in some way or that I should respect you for some reason. I don't understand why you can't just say it straight, whatever it is. Take credit where credit is due, don't be modest.
Ex-Muslims of recent immigrant origin have reason to be grateful to the
NATIVE populations of the western countries that provided them with an environment in which they were able to question Islam and leave it in relative safety. If all the
NATIVE population of Europe were non-"white" that would still apply.
What specifically defines a Native British in your eyes?
If you had bothered properly READING my responses to you, you would be aware that I have already adequately answered this question. It is the same as defines a native American, Arabian, Australian or Indian. Why do we call Australian
ABORIGINIES by that name? From above link:
a. A member of the INDIGENOUS or EARLIEST KNOWN population of a region; a NATIVE.From same online dictionary:
a. Being a member of the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS of a particular place.Now I am not going to say "skin color" - your burning desire - because that is purely incidental - and anyhow, the native population of Europe, encompasses a wide range of skin pigmentation and physiognomies. The Australian aborigines are easily distinguished from recent incomers by their distinctive physical appearance. However, if the European and later Asian and other colonialists of the continent were racially indistinguishable from the native Australians the former would not by that fact be imbued with "nativeness". Likewise recent immigrant communities into Europe from outside the continent. These are facts the communicating of which does not constitute racism as you are determined to have it.