Just what do you mean by advanced? The trousered ape hasn't advanced one microscopic atom since he climbed down from the hills of the African Savannah. Say that in the company of a congregation of learned rats and they will break out in epileptic fits of laughter. The entire history of man is chiefly the record of armed bands of men poking each other with sharp objects and mounting each other's livestock after which the victors drink Bacardi Breezer and Brandy and tell themselves how glorious and sweet it was.
True enough, primitive man plundered, tortured, and made raids on his neighbour with nary a thought in a state of abject barbarism. We have improved. By dropping daisy-cutters on each other. As of this writing, Precedent Obomber is unleashing the terrors of the earth on the towelheads of Afghanistan to universal applause, exposing us for the knuckle-dragging neanderthals that we still are for our colossal failure to abolish the institution of war after so long a time. Time was when savages butchered each other with primitive implements. Modern man pursues the same end with fighter jets that strip the whole enterprise of its age old fun and personal touch. Why the elaborate war machine? Better the extinction game is played with a bow and arrow. It is more leisurely, more democratic and lets all God's chillun participate.
From his slow arduous climb out of the primordial soup man has made zero moral progress. Not one iota. Don’t misunderstand. I believe that men should kill each other en masse with great abundance and gusto. I recommend it. But let him desist from extolling himself above the brute beast. It is a libel against the animal kingdom. When was the last time a bison was spotted holding up a bank? A camel? Show me the pictures, or stop putting others down. Progress? Bosh!
+1. i think war, nationalism and religion are 3 of the most stupid ideas which are considered ok by modern moral standards. i hope for a day when they'll be seen for what they are in the rear view mirror of human history.