Perhaps so, but don't you think Allah's boys have a PR crisis? The Christers were shrewd enough to confect a homely name for their flock than the master-slave relationship of Islam. What happened to Mo's critical faculties? Unlike some of the witless murtadeen I hold Mo in high esteem.
Of all mortals ancient and modern who grace the pages of history, be they ever so magnificent, none commands my respect so fully as Muhammad. Here stands proudly a messianic personality of God annointed, a Prophet for all times, a statesman, philosopher, general and professional polygamist. To him alone belongs the shining white robe of the iconoclast. Galloping out of the Arabian desert, in but a few short years his armies succeeded where others before him so calamitously failed subduing Christians, Pagans, Zoroastrians alike under the boot of the young and vigorous Faith.
An enterprising fellow, he took a new wife with nary a thought and lured tender girls of nine to his private chambers for amorous intrigues. If attempting such a daring feat today a man ogled a prepubescent girl in Freedom's Land, his lynching would assuredy be swift, lavishly recorded, and uploaded onto YouTube for the edification of all God's chillun. Just you try it.
Quite apart from losing one's neck, I should be eternally racked with guilt for so indulging my sensual flights with the spotty-faced college students whom I tutor. But guilt-ridden Muhammad was not, for he was made of things much sterner and manly. A sardonic figure with a wry sense of humour, he scorned homosexuality but told his devotees to stick their bum in each other's nose five times a day; he banned gay sex, but promised the faithful an endless supply of young boys of eternal youth when they step out of the grave. So august and brilliant a figure never walked this earth.
Would you have found Genghis Khan's rod worthy of felletion?