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 Topic: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?

 (Read 1816 times)
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  • Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     OP - October 05, 2010, 06:33 PM

    Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?

    There is a lot of information and arguments around questioning the divinity and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Even his historicity is unproven and the general consensus seems to be that he never existed and that the scriptures are a re-write of older religions. In fact, the story of Jesus resembles many of the older Gods right back to 3,000 BCE in Egypt as Horus.

    The fact is that we will probably never know. For this little exercise in thought
     though, I will assume that he was real and sent by his father as scripture says to die for us.

    God is suppose to set the standard of thoughts and actions for mankind. We are suppose to emulate him in every way. Scripture urges us to seek to be as perfect as God.

    Yet here on earth, it has been our custom that if a son or father needs to be sacrificed, the father usually steps up. We would all find it counter intuitive if God and Jesus were on a sinking ship and God took the life boat and let Jesus drown. If he could that is. We do send our sons to war but that is somewhat different and I would exclude that consideration here.

    Why then do we so readily applaud God sending Jesus to die instead of stepping up himself. Other than the father son relationship, they were identical, so to speak. Why would God or the Bible try to teach us that fathers should sacrifice their sons?

    Human fathers believe it better to have the sons bury them instead of them burying the sons. That is certainly my wish and if God asked differently from me, even the Godhead that I believe in truly, I would tell it to kiss my eh, rump.

    From outside of Christianity, if we saw Christians follow their Gods example in this issue, most of the world and I dare say, even the non literal and fundamental Christians would condemn their own God and fellow Christians if the fathers sacrificed the sons ahead of themselves.

    This is rather a catch 22 for Christians.

    As a Christian, would you follow your God's example on this issue, in effect follow His command to emulate him as you are asked to do by your church and Bible, and sacrifice your son,
    would you ignore your God and church, in effect break the first commandment, and place your standards above God’s, and step up yourself as a parent to sacrifice yourself?

    Who would you sacrifice? You or your child?


    God is a cosmic consciousness.
    Telepathy the key to contact.
    Our next evolutionary step. No choice.
  • Re: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     Reply #1 - October 05, 2010, 06:35 PM

    What is this godhead you truly believe in.
  • Re: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     Reply #2 - October 05, 2010, 06:38 PM

    Neither, I'd just stop being a complete shit head and sending people to eternal damnation for following the urges I myself had placed within them.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     Reply #3 - October 05, 2010, 10:56 PM

    What is this godhead you truly believe in.

    My signature says it all.
    I found it by forcing my apotheosis. No proof of course as is the usual for this type of experience.


    God is a cosmic consciousness.
    Telepathy the key to contact.
    Our next evolutionary step. No choice.
  • Re: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     Reply #4 - October 05, 2010, 10:58 PM

    Neither, I'd just stop being a complete shit head and sending people to eternal damnation for following the urges I myself had placed within them.

    Good enough.


    God is a cosmic consciousness.
    Telepathy the key to contact.
    Our next evolutionary step. No choice.
  • Re: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     Reply #5 - October 06, 2010, 04:02 PM

    My signature says it all.
    I found it by forcing my apotheosis.

    How'd you manage that?
  • Re: Fathers. Who would you sacrifice? You or your son?
     Reply #6 - October 06, 2010, 06:53 PM

    Telepathy is triggered by strong emotion and desire. I have been able to do it only twice in my life. The first time with my wife and without her to confirm the reality of it, I would not give any veracity to the second time where I made contact with the Godhead. A cosmic consciousness.

    I was at a point where I had a paradigm in place that said that there was something that we called God out there but I did not believe it to be the miracle working absentee God that most believed in. I was about to drop that notion and become a full atheist and this is what I think triggered my apotheosis.
    The only benefit to me was a confirmation that my paradigm was correct and I was chastised, or so it seemed, to think more demographically. I have no proof of this and also have no dogma to sell because of it.

    My paradigm is not easy to believe or see. It is based on this concept----

    and says that all, including you and I are evolving perfection.

    Most see too much imperfection about and cannot reconcile them within a perfect system.

    I often use evolution to try to show how it can be reconciled.
    Evolution works only because, in a sense, there are more errors produced within it and out of these errors, the fittest rises to the top. Take away the plethora of errors and evolution would break down and that perfect system that created us, and us, would disappear.

    See it?


    God is a cosmic consciousness.
    Telepathy the key to contact.
    Our next evolutionary step. No choice.
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