Telepathy is triggered by strong emotion and desire. I have been able to do it only twice in my life. The first time with my wife and without her to confirm the reality of it, I would not give any veracity to the second time where I made contact with the Godhead. A cosmic consciousness.
I was at a point where I had a paradigm in place that said that there was something that we called God out there but I did not believe it to be the miracle working absentee God that most believed in. I was about to drop that notion and become a full atheist and this is what I think triggered my apotheosis.
The only benefit to me was a confirmation that my paradigm was correct and I was chastised, or so it seemed, to think more demographically. I have no proof of this and also have no dogma to sell because of it.
My paradigm is not easy to believe or see. It is based on this concept---- says that all, including you and I are evolving perfection.
Most see too much imperfection about and cannot reconcile them within a perfect system.
I often use evolution to try to show how it can be reconciled.
Evolution works only because, in a sense, there are more errors produced within it and out of these errors, the fittest rises to the top. Take away the plethora of errors and evolution would break down and that perfect system that created us, and us, would disappear.
See it?