What Makes You Jealous?
OP - October 05, 2010, 09:42 PM
Behind my eminently mild exterior lies a roaring green-eyed monster poised to jump with jealous rage at the sight of my social betters. I'm envious of a lot of scoundrels: rich people, beautiful people, intelligent people , people with bigger d!cks than me, slim people, kind people, DUMB people who believe there is a guy in the sky looking out for them like their very own personal Cosmic Bodyguard, people who can cook, anyone driving a Lamborghini Murceilago, people who live on moutaintops, people who can skydive or play the sax better than me.
I am dead jealous of people who get drunk on three lager shandy's (saves a lot of money) and those who snort coke and enjoy it. I hate rascals who can sing or draw or paint or sketch; and I envy men who box competitively. But I particularly despise the fellow liked by the shapely young girls I wanna mount. "Ooooh isnt he gorgeous' the bitches coo. No he looks like a mound of chit a funeral worker laid after eating a bucket of vindaloo.
I hate young people, inventors, pioneers, wealth creators, philosophers, thinkers, writers, movers and shakers and I am particularly jealous of uncommonly stupid people because they havent got anything to worry about. All statistics show the witless suffer less from depression! A no brainer really, pun unintended.
Oh and I get sick with envy when I see cavalry charges in old war movies in black and white and the brave gallants who lived and fought during those years. How intoxicatingly thrilling! 'Tis dulce et decorum to have the wind on one's back. It must have been glorious to draw a sword perched on a trusted mare and charge at the hated enemy. I would have probably needed a change of trousers after but who cares?
Have I left anyone out?
Of whom are you jealous?