Your remarks came hard on the heels of my comment about women so I was discombobulated. Mankind has been ever marked by congenital envy since the first advanced gorilla put on knickers, stole into a barn and made off with a rival's wife. 'Tis in the blood. Penis envy, boob envy, money envy, intellectual envy ad infinitum. Jealously is everywhere on display. Foolish is the man who questions this age old truth because more likely than not his roving eye has its sights on his neighbour's wife's friend's daughter's buttocks. 'Tis in the bones.
But what say you my sugarplum?
Sure, I suppose we can agree that all humans feel jealousy at some point or another. But is this dastardly circle doomed to be repeated forever? Can the ouroburos ever stop eating its own tail?
It is a difficult matter of course, nobody can know for sure what another feels, but can we really say that people such as Jesus or the Buddha had such feelings? Can it be possible to emulate their transcending of the base human condition?