I have watched the debate now and can say it was excellent throughout.

Tabun is right that we have debated many of these points on this forum in various threads. I do think Islam is NOT a religion of peace, but that's according to my own definition of 'Islam'. Some people like Maajid Nawaaz might define Islam differently. Hence, the real question should be, not whether Islam is a religion of peace, but whether Islam *
today* is a religion of peace. I think far too many Muslims today practise orthodox Islam and not secular, liberal Islam that Maajid Nawaz is promoting. The secular, liberal Muslims are few and far between. Maajid argued many times that the religious text should be contextualised, and that the prophet Mo should be seen as merely a man of his time; but unfortunately very few Muslims I know would admit that. Most Muslims revere Mo as a perfect role model to be followed till the end of time.
"Islam is Peace" eh? While we are at it how about WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH also?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: I like the way she can stay calm. She' not in your face like Murray or pretty like Zeba - but she puts her points across with finesse.
Agreed. Ayaan's cool, calm, chilled-out composure, despite having constant death threats is quite impressive. She does make her point quite articulately too.

Murray Douglas: The guy is pure gold dust. Witty intellectual as always. Great to see him squash the opponents like flies.
Yeah, Douglas's debating skills are impressive too.
Maajid Nawaz: Can't stand this guy - he just goes on and on as if people are interested in what he says. And rates himself as an equal to Murray.
I can't bring myself to hate/bash Maajid Nawaz. He is trying his best to make the world a better place using his skills and personality/background (as an ex-radical). I just wish he was more influential within Islam.
Zeba Khan: Cherry picked Muslim, probably the at best 0.1% of Muslims who seek knowledge, don't wear scarf, speak Hebrew, has prayed in a in synagogue - this IS EXCEPTIONAL STUFF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!
Agreed. Zeba Khan is from a tiny minority of Muslims.