Yup, I vaguely remember as a convert in training, getting a booklet on this 'celebrity muslim'. The information was on various convert background stories and there was a special section dedicated to 'The Cat'. It included the whole 'drowning story' and how the soon to be Yusif trowed himself on God's mercy . . . and God was merciful and the rest as they say is history.
Bumping this since I had one of his songs in my head today. I figure at the very least, the man has to have his doubts. At the most, he might lurk the forum from time to time.
Yusuf, if you are reading this, I'd love to have you here. I grew up on your music, both your pre and post conversion works. You are one of the greats. I'll love your work either way, but you joining us would be like a reverse and way more awesome version of Umar joining Islam. There is no reason to trap yourself to the decisions of a curious and idealistic musician of the 70's. As you said in your song, Yusuf, you were young.
Good luck with that.
Still who knows if the brother is a lurker, maybe he's on EX-M-NA, could be no harm to put a shout out to him there that is if someone hasn't already. Actually can you imagine if he did revert, it would cause such a sh*t storm in the muslim world and these ex-mussie forums would be blamed and even further veiwed as the tool of Shatan.