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 Topic: EDL attacks in Leicester

 (Read 41964 times)
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  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #90 - October 29, 2010, 03:25 AM

    Dear Eliphaz, please try to see what I am really saying. All sunni hadith and interpretations of quran are suspect because it were the ruler of the ummah that decided what public should know and what it should not know as islam.

    To understand what islam may be one needs to study different versions of islam at least eg read books by sunnies, shias, khawarij, motazilas, ahlal hadith, wahabies, deobandies, brelavies, ahmedies, quran only muslims, the submitters etc etc.

    If we only read books about sunni islam and think that is what islam is all about then this is not right judgement about islam.

    debate between shias ulema and sunni ulema in pakistan (here sunni ulema are proven wrong by shia ulema on various issues)

    another debate shia v sunni

    Shia v wahabies (wahabies defeated)

    brelavies v shias (brelvies defeated)

    deobandi vs brelavi

    shia v deobandi

    muslim v chritianity

    hudood ordinance debated

    Challenge to all Mullahs and Anti-Ahmadiyya

    Why Jamaat Ahmadiyya was declared Non Muslim??

    Unfortunately most stuff about islam is not in english.

    regards and all the best

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #91 - October 29, 2010, 03:55 AM

    cruelty of some muslims

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #92 - October 29, 2010, 04:04 AM


    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #93 - October 29, 2010, 05:44 AM

    Quote from: Mughal
    Dear DH, please underestand that my claim is not that islam is perfect because it is revealed by god but that it is better than what most muslims believe it to be. For example, it can be shown from the quran that stoning to death of adulterers is not islamic punishment.

    It still has flogging. There is no way to "contextualize" this out of being an eternally mandatory sentence. Furthermore, if you reject something on the basis that it is in the hadith then you cannot on the other hand use the hadith to "contextualize" problematical Koranic verses.

    Likewise there is no punishment of death for apostates of islam in islam as far as the quran is concerned.

    Verse 4:89 says otherwise.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #94 - October 30, 2010, 03:08 AM

    Killing apostates the correct Islamic ruling?

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #95 - October 30, 2010, 08:30 AM

    Killing apostates the correct Islamic ruling?

    Yes.  The claims of individual scholars is not a rule, when the majority say otherwise.  In any case the ruling is as clear as day, and you cant really get a more direct yes than this

    Sahih  Bukhari 4:260
    The Prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.’


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  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #96 - October 30, 2010, 10:16 AM

    EDL wants to do a protest in Amsterdam, Holland!

    But the hooligans of AFC Ajax's notorious 'F-side' firm are having none of it and have vowed they will confront the EDL. Ajax hooligans have a lot of links with leftist and anarchist rioters. So I expect the EDL to be sent back bruised, broken, and humiliated if they try to use another country for their nonsense.

    Funny thing is, even Geert Wilders thinks the EDL are a bunch of idiots and wants nothing to do with them.

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #97 - October 30, 2010, 11:53 AM

    Dear IsLame, the links posted make it very clear that there have been two versions of islam always. One the rulers' version and the other version of islamic scholars who always took religion to mean a force for good of human society.

    However it is unfortunate that good version of religion has always been taken advantage of by corrupt political and religious leaders. This is very obvious if one takes a look at the debates between scholars of different religions and atheists, and between scholars of different sects within the same religion and between the scholars of the very same sects.

    The basic fact that comes out of these debates is that religious scholars who debate atheists usually base themselves on true sense of religion and good commonsense. This is the real foundation of religion on which true scholars of religions base their interpretations of their so called heavenly revelations. Those who do not do so are false scholars of religions because they have no leg to stand on. Such so called scholars are either senseless or corrupt. Most religious leaders who have links with politcal establishment are always corrupt because they try to provide basis for them from religion.

    So individual scholars of religion are the real scholars because they use their own brains instead of following the powerful elite. These scholars raise voices to show concern for the people at large and try to give guidance to those who lead them.

    The video links posted show the context of islamic rulings. Of course islam has its own context of concepts eg allah created the world to test people and he sent messengers to warn them and if they did not listen then a bit of that which will happen to people who reject allah is shown in this world as well.

    From truth point there is no proof that that is the case in fact but islam is a religion and we must accept interpretation of it by sensible muslim scholars if we wish to coexist. Otherwise there is no end to wars between people till the opposition to a view point is no more. This is my foundation for arguing in favour of religions despite bing atheist.

    In my view we must oppose such religious scholars as try to provide basis for wars between people when there can be peace, harmony and cooperation between them for making this world a better place. It is not only religious leaders but their such partners from politcial leadership as well who try to create war situation between people for their own ends.

    We need to educate ourselves about religions and politics so that we could see through the tricks of corrupt and ignorant religious leaders and polititicians. Together they are trying to destroy our world and make life hell for humanity as a whole by keeping old troubles alive or sowing new discords and division between people. Perhaps old saying, united we stand or divided we fall is ever more relevant today.

    It is therefore important in my view that we support good muslim scholars and oppose the bad ones and show what is wrong with them. The same we should do about all other religions and their followers as well as politicitians if we wish to leave a better world for future generations.

    Let us help educate muslims and bring them closer to us not push them away into hands of dangerous leaders.

    regards and all the best.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #98 - October 30, 2010, 01:03 PM

    I have to admit, of all the Islamic sects that try to present themselves in debates analysis critiques etc, it is always Twelver Shia Islam that tries to give the most intellectual approach that other sects and scholars seldom dare do- even if they tend to glorify its mythical shortcomings regarding the 12 Imams and Ahle Bayt. Fadlallah, Montazeri, al-Hakim, Khoei, Sistani etc do try to represent the more saner approach.  whistling2

    The drawbacks come from the absurd doctrines of power-hungry figures like Khomeini (esp. after he survived a heart attack in early 1980s) and Khamenei.

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #99 - October 30, 2010, 01:50 PM

    Dear IsLame, the links posted make it very clear that there have been two versions of islam always.

    No I dont believe that.  As a believer there can be only one true version of Islam as Allah, the creator of everything, wrote it.  All the other versions are want people would like it to say.  Unfortunately I believe the Wahhabi/Taliban version is the correct one.  A plethora of religions co-existed peacefully before Muhammed invasions, thats why he found it so easy to conquer with his band of rogues.  70 wars & raids in 10 years is no small accomplishment, most of which he won.  And the Quran & hadith, with it beating of woman, killing of apostates, torture etc show the kind of aggressor he really was.

    So you can believe in whatever you want to believe Islam is, but it wont wash with me.

    The video links posted show the context of islamic rulings. Of course islam has its own context of concepts eg allah created the world to test people and he sent messengers to warn them and if they did not listen then a bit of that which will happen to people who reject allah is shown in this world as well.

    The message of Islam was clear & meant for all people of all times, so there is a limit to how much you can contextualise.  We know the mind of Allah, its clear in the Quran, he has no qualms about torturing non-beleivers for eternity - its written all over the Quran.

    It is therefore important in my view that we support good muslim scholars and oppose the bad ones and show what is wrong with them. The same we should do about all other religions and their followers as well as politicitians if we wish to leave a better world for future generations.

    Let us help educate muslims and bring them closer to us not push them away into hands of dangerous leaders.

    I'll leave the majority of fair-minded Muslims to tackle their in-house bigots.  I'd like to focus on the religion itself, and show Muslims what their texts really contain - something no other Muslims would do.  This 2 pronged attack will certainly weaken Islams bite.

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #100 - October 30, 2010, 08:37 PM

    EDL wants to do a protest in Amsterdam, Holland!

    But the hooligans of AFC Ajax's notorious 'F-side' firm are having none of it and have vowed they will confront the EDL. Ajax hooligans have a lot of links with leftist and anarchist rioters. So I expect the EDL to be sent back bruised, broken, and humiliated if they try to use another country for their nonsense.

    Well we weren't mate, broken and bruised we are not, many different groups came together today and we will be working together with them, we went to New York and now have the support of the Tea party, as for Ajax, 20 of them turned up and the police took care of them.

    As for nonsense, since when is it nonsense to defend your way of life.

    I agree with every word of this speech in Amsterdam by this man on behalf of the EDL.


    Saturday, October 30, 2010

    “We Will Hold You to Account”
    Below is the speech given at today’s demonstration at Generatorstraat in Amsterdam by the British author and former Parliamentary candidate Paul Weston.

    Hello. My name is Paul Weston, and I represent the International Free Press Society.

    And I am standing here today because our liberal elites have betrayed our countries to Islam.

    Forty-two years ago the British politician Enoch Powell made his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, in which he stated that “The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.”

    Our politicians today do the exact opposite. They actively promote a preventable evil.

    But eighty years ago one man, Winston Churchill, was very clear about preventing a clear and present evil, Herr Hitler and the Nazis. But Churchill was a lone voice crying in the wind of appeasement, and the carnage that could have been avoided came with a vengeance.

    And today Europe finds itself in much the same position. Even as Islam grows demographically, territorially, and militantly, it is promoted as the “religion of peace” by the same type of cowardly, careerist politicians who once appeased Hitler.

    Islam was not the religion of peace to Winston Churchill. He described it as the religion of blood and war.

    Anyone with a knowledge of the foundations and history of Islamic expansion knows this to be the truth.

    Mohammed was a warlord. And a very good warlord indeed. By the time of his death he had militarily defeated and converted most of the pagan and Christian tribes of the Arabian Peninsula.

    After his death Islam rapidly expanded at the point of a sword, defeating ancient civilisations and overrunning continents as it did so.

    And today it is within Europe, it is within the West, and it is calling for what it has always called for: total Islamic domination. And if we wish to resist, then they will use terror against us.

    Yet still our treasonous politicians call it the “religion of peace”, and tell us that if we refuse to share such a fantastical and ridiculous notion, that if we choose to believe Winston Churchill’s argument that Islam is a religion of blood and war, then we will be sent to prison.

    Of course it is not a religion of peace. Its founder was a warrior, and the highest honour bestowed upon a Muslim is the promise of hordes of scented houris and an eternal leg-over in the after life, achievable not by being a good Samaritan, but by dying as a martyr in the physical battle to expand imperialist Islam.

    Islam literally means submission. What kind of a religion can possibly call itself submission?

    Islam divides the world into two spheres. The House of Islam (submission) and the House of War. What kind of religion defines itself by military conquest?

    Yet our leaders tell us we cannot criticise Islam because it is a religion, whilst the organisation of the Islamic conference, in cahoots with the united nations is striving to make any criticism of Islam illegal.

    But Islam is so much more than just a religion. It is a political, social, legal and structural blueprint which totally dominates a devout Muslim’s life, and wishes coincidentally to dominate all devout non-Muslims’ lives as well.

    It is profoundly illiberal and it is profoundly undemocratic. It does not believe in the man-made laws of democracy, preferring instead to adhere to the absolute word of Allah, as interpreted by an illiterate 7th-century desert dweller.

    And our politicians have imported this illiberal and undemocratic ideology into the liberal democracies than make up the West, and then they dare to criminalise us when we object to this!

    But how can we not criticise Islam? Can our politicians really protect it as a religion and therefore place it out of legal reach?

    When homosexuals are hung from cranes, is this political Islam in action or religious Islam?

    When adulterous women are buried up to their shoulders in sand and stoned to death, is this political Islam or religious Islam?

    When Muslims who wish to leave Islam are issued with death sentences, is this political Islam, or is this religious Islam?

    When wives and daughters are slaughtered to protect their families’ honour by husbands fathers and uncles, is this political Islam or religious Islam?

    If it is political, then it must be denounced as evil and barbaric. If it religious, how can it possibly not be denounced as the same? What is evil is evil and what is barbaric is barbaric and cannot be exempted from criticism because it is sheltered by the word “religion”.

    In criminalising free speech, our socialist leaders reveal their dictatorial ambition. The mark of a free society is freedom of speech. To take this away is a totalitarian act, made all the worse because freedom of speech is our only defence in the peaceful opposition against the foreign totalitarian ideology of Islam.

    And I hope this irony is not lost on you. In order to protect and advance a foreign totalitarian ideology, our own rulers are prepared to adopt native totalitarian means to stop us defending our democracy and our freedom.

    The West lives in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights. Islam does not. They signed up instead to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.

    But they have a very important caveat: when sharia law collides with human rights law, guess which law prevails?

    Quite so. Sharia is the top trumps when it comes to human rights.

    This is like a signatory to the Geneva convention murdering and torturing prisoners of war, and being given a pass at a war trial because it was “part of their religion.”

    And when our politicians today excuse Islam as a religion of peace and allow them to set the rules both at home, at the European Union, and at the United Nations, then our politicians are betraying their countries and they are betraying their people. They are committing treason.

    “Can one commit treason in a time of peace?” people may ask. But are we really at peace?

    We may not consider ourselves at war with Islam, but Islam considers itself at war with us.

    And it is a war we are losing. Territorially, demographically, politically, and democratically.

    In fact, it is a war of aggression on two fronts. Radical Islam on the one, and left-wing treason on the other.

    Our children are told to celebrate multiculturalism and Islam, without being told the real history of violent expansionist Islam.

    Instead, they are told that their own history, their religion, their culture, their traditions, their very being, is just a litany of imperialism, racism, murder and slavery. This is a proven psychological technique designed to render an enemy helpless, or to quote Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “in order to destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”

    Any government that does this to its own people, to its own children, is a government that deserves, manifestly deserves, to be overthrown.

    Can anyone really argue that a government that praises the foreign invader whilst psychologically and legally stripping away the defences of its people is a government that is not guilty of treason?

    Now here we come to a more uplifting part of this depressing monologue, because in this part of the battle we are advancing. Slowly, admittedly, but relentlessly, and I think we are now unstoppable.

    Geert Wilders here in the Netherlands, René Stadtkewitz in Germany, whose immediate popularity caused Angela Merkel to make an abrupt U-turn and denounce Multiculturalism.

    The Sweden Democrats, Heinz-Christian Strache in Austria, the Swiss People’s Party, and in England we await a political movement to pick up the baton from the rapidly growing English Defence League.

    And that growth can only accelerate. As more and more people become aware of Islam and become aware of the depth of treason perpetrated by their liberal rulers, and most importantly, as people lose their fear of being labelled a racist — which was a label specifically designed to strip us of resistance against a racially designated invader who uses race as a weapon.

    In fact, let us deal with this “racist” label right now. It is not racist to defend your country against an obvious and growing threat. It is not racist to defend your culture, your heritage, and your traditions. It is not racist to work to ensure a democratic future for your children and grandchildren.

    If you choose not to defend your country, your culture and the democratic future of your children, then you may well pat yourselves on the back in your non-racist champagne socialist cocktail bars in Islington; you may well love other people’s anti-racist credentials almost as much as you love your own; but there is no getting away from the label I have for you.

    You are a traitor and a betrayer of your country, a betrayer of your culture, and a betrayer of our yet unborn children.

    And you are a racist, indeed a genocidal racist. Young native Europeans will become a demographic ethnic minority within their own homelands if immigration rates and birth rates stay the way they are for just one more generation.

    This can politely be called population replacement. More crudely, it is bloodless genocide.

    The United Nations is very clear on this. Their definition of genocide is as follows. Quote.

    Article 2.

    In the present convention genocide means any of the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial or religious group.

    We have been betrayed.

    And one of the saddest aspects of this betrayal is the effect it has had on those old ex-warriors who fought for their countries in recent living memory.

    Ex-Spitfire pilot Alex Henshaw died three years ago. He was acutely aware of the political betrayal of his country. He said:

    “I feel extreme emotional sadness for the young men I knew that gave their lives willingly for a cause in which we all believed. And I often say to myself that if those young boys would come down now and walk through the villages, through the towns and through the cities and look around and see what is happening to us, they would say somewhere along the line we have been betrayed.”

    Yes, Mr. Henshaw, I am afraid you have, and all of you socialist/liberal/left-wing people need to know what you have done.

    You need to take a walk around your cities, towns and villages, take a look at the hundreds of thousand of graves standing as testament to the ultimate sacrifice made by our young men in order that you may live in a liberal democracy today.

    You need to understand that this a not just betrayal, but a triple betrayal:

    The betrayal of all our old soldiers whose sacrifice granted us freedom,
    The betrayal of my generation who you threaten to imprison if we defend our inherited freedom, and
    The betrayal of our yet unborn, who, unless we stop it seem set to inherit a country racked with tribal and religious hatred, which must inevitably lead to a continental scale multicultural war that will make the break-up of Yugoslavia look like a bun-fight.

    And, of course, it is also the betrayal of freedom and democracy.

    Because freedom and democracy did not just magically appear. They evolved over two and a half thousand years, rooted in Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian ancestry. And were fought for and defended with much blood and sacrifice.

    Democracy and freedom are not the personal possessions of socialist politicians to be handed away, without our agreement, to the descendants of a 7th century desert warlord, who view our attachment to democracy as just a weakness to be used against us.

    I do not blame Islam. Fundamentalist Muslims are just doing what it says in the book.

    But I do blame our politicians. There are two sides in this civilisational stand-off, and our politicians have sided with the enemy.

    So I say to them:

    You may well hold the levers of power at the moment, but we are on the rise and we are unstoppable. Do you seriously think you can do what you have done to your own people without repercussion?

    You could stop this now if you chose to, by the simple expedient of putting the interests of your own people before the interests of Islam.

    But you won’t do that will you? So you put us in an almost impossible position. If we do nothing we must accept our children and grandchildren will one day live under sharia law.

    And if we do something, then it must by definition be revolutionary. But we did not start this. You did. Most of us would have been quite happy to mow the lawn, hold down a mundane job, and pay our taxes.

    You have made us revolutionaries. And whilst your behaviour suggests you fear Islam more than you fear us, let me tell you something, you lying, betraying, treacherous, socialist careerists:

    We might not hold power today, but given another decade, we will, and then we will hold you to account. You will appear before a Nuremberg-style court, and you will be tried for treason, and you will be tried for crimes against humanity, and for the first time in a very long time you will be answerable to us!

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #101 - October 30, 2010, 08:45 PM

    quote fail

    "In battle, the well-honed spork is more dangerous than the mightiest sword" -- Sun Tzu
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #102 - October 31, 2010, 12:38 AM

    I'll leave the majority of fair-minded Muslims to tackle their in-house bigots.  I'd like to focus on the religion itself, and show Muslims what their texts really contain - something no other Muslims would do.  This 2 pronged attack will certainly weaken Islams bite.

    That's also the position I prefer to take.  However, as I have said elsewhere on this forum, I, personally, will not bash people like Mughal and Maajid Nawaz for trying to enlighten Islam.  The way I see it is, there are good memes and bad memes constantly battling away in this complex memesphere.  So if the good memes within Islam grab market-share from the bad ones, that must be a good thing.  The trouble with an enlightened version of Islam (as with enlightened Christianity), is that in the future someone will probably come along and say: "You've got it all wrong. The true Islam is the fundamentalist Islam", and he will probably sound very plausible because (let's be honest) there's plenty in the Quran and Hadith to support the orthodox brand of Islam.  Which is why the effort to get Muslims to leave Islam altogether is also (and indeed more) important.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #103 - October 31, 2010, 12:59 AM

    That's also the position I prefer to take.  However, as I have said elsewhere on this forum, I, personally, will not bash people like Mughal and Maajid Nawaz for trying to enlighten Islam. 

    The way I see it is, there are good memes and bad memes constantly battling away in this complex memesphere.  So if the good memes within Islam grab market-share from the bad ones, that must be a good thing.  The trouble with an enlightened version of Islam (as with enlightened Christianity), is that in the future someone will probably come along and say: "You've got it all wrong. The true Islam is the fundamentalist Islam", and he will probably sound very plausible because (let's be honest) there's plenty in the Quran and Hadith to support the orthodox brand of Islam.  Which is why the effort to get Muslims to leave Islam altogether is also (and indeed more) important.

    Also because the like of Nawaz will keep Islam going for longer, and nothing stopping their kids from joining an Islamic society & turning extremist..

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  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #104 - October 31, 2010, 01:21 AM

    So the EDL went to Holland to support Geert Wilders, but Geert Wilders doesn't want anything to do with them, and told them to fuck off?


    What are they going to do now, smash up Amsterdam? Halfwits.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #105 - October 31, 2010, 01:50 AM

    Hit up the red ;light district, eat some brownies, and hit on dutch women.  At least that is my dream. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #106 - October 31, 2010, 04:34 AM

    No I dont believe that.  As a believer there can be only one true version of Islam as Allah, the creator of everything, wrote it.  All the other versions are want people would like it to say.  Unfortunately I believe the Wahhabi/Taliban version is the correct one.  A plethora of religions co-existed peacefully before Muhammed invasions, thats why he found it so easy to conquer with his band of rogues.  70 wars & raids in 10 years is no small accomplishment, most of which he won.  And the Quran & hadith, with it beating of woman, killing of apostates, torture etc show the kind of aggressor he really was.

    So you can believe in whatever you want to believe Islam is, but it wont wash with me.

    The message of Islam was clear & meant for all people of all times, so there is a limit to how much you can contextualise.  We know the mind of Allah, its clear in the Quran, he has no qualms about torturing non-beleivers for eternity - its written all over the Quran.
    I'll leave the majority of fair-minded Muslims to tackle their in-house bigots.  I'd like to focus on the religion itself, and show Muslims what their texts really contain - something no other Muslims would do.  This 2 pronged attack will certainly weaken Islams bite.

    Thank you dear IsLame, I agree that educating muslims from all directions is a good thing for all of us. Likewise it is true that religion is supposed to be the only version but it is not due to possibility of interpretations. All a follower can do is believe that his version is the right one and all the rest are wrong. However, discussions and debates between people bring out the truth whatever it may be.

    As for your claim that wahabi or taleban version is the right one, could you please clarify how did you arrive at that conclusion? I am very sure that most muslims got islam wrong if not all like anjam chaudary.

    regards and all the best.


    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #107 - October 31, 2010, 04:41 AM

    Most Muslims don't follow their religion to the letter, and good for them because if they did it would suck out whatever spiritual meaning it gave to them.  Same goes for Chrisitanity, Scientology, , etc. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #108 - October 31, 2010, 03:26 PM

    So the EDL went to Holland to support Geert Wilders, but Geert Wilders doesn't want anything to do with them, and told them to fuck off?


    What are they going to do now, smash up Amsterdam? Halfwits.

    Hi Billy, no, it was a very peaceful rally.

    There were a few UAF hooligans there but they were contained by the police.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #109 - October 31, 2010, 04:35 PM

    Arthur, your propagandising for the far-right infiltrated EDL is comical. And Geert Wilders, whom you went to Amsterdam to 'support', told you to fuck off.

    Life's a bitch, ain't it.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #110 - October 31, 2010, 04:44 PM

    Wake up Arthur.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #111 - October 31, 2010, 05:03 PM

    I was in a bar yesterday, and before I knew it there was 100s of police outside, and some EDL dudes came in for a drink, and I sat around having a drink, apart from 1 idiot the rest were pretty cool with me, don't know if it was because the police was outside, but they seemed genuine, they pushed around an Iraqi/Kurd but the Arabs up north deserve it. Can't say I blame the EDL.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #112 - October 31, 2010, 05:07 PM

    [Worst speech ever]

    Why the fuck do you guys invoke Winston Churchill? He was one of the greatest anti-fascists in history. You deadheads are not even worthy to utter the name.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #113 - October 31, 2010, 05:27 PM

    Why the fuck do you guys invoke Winston Churchill? He was one of the greatest anti-fascists in history.

    Um, no, he wasn't. He was a great war leader against Nazi Germany, but he was anything but an anti-fascist. He favored Franco over the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, supported Italy's annexation of Ethiopia, Japan's invasion of Manchuria, and praised both Mussolini and Hitler early in their careers. It wasn't until it became clear Italy and Germany were on a collision course with the UK and France, and sought to displace them as the premier imperial powers that Churchill stood firm against them.

    "No government in the world fights Fascism to the death. When the bourgeoisie sees power slipping from its grasp, it has recourse to Fascism to maintain itself." -- Buenaventura Durruti

    "In battle, the well-honed spork is more dangerous than the mightiest sword" -- Sun Tzu
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #114 - October 31, 2010, 05:35 PM

    Thanks Q!  Roll Eyes

    I should have said anti-Nazi.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #115 - November 01, 2010, 11:08 AM

    I am very sure that most muslims got islam wrong if not all like anjam chaudary.

    Their humanistic side knows anjum is wrong, fortunately most Muslims have never read the Quran in a language they understand, and the only things they know about Islam is the sugar-coated version they get from family or friends or when they go to Jumma on Friday

    As for your claim that wahabi or taleban version is the right one, could you please clarify how did you arrive at that conclusion?   

    I read the Quran & hadith & objectively & put it into context - it become pretty obvious Mo was no hippy, but a blood thirsty tyrant bent on ideological domination (see my blog in my signature)

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  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #116 - November 01, 2010, 11:19 AM

    btw why isnt he arrested for inciting violence in this video?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #117 - November 01, 2010, 12:10 PM

    I can't watch the video but I assume he is making generalized violent statements such as we I will defeat the us by violence or something like that, or blasphemers deserve to be punished.  Those are ok to say in the us, Hell  even saying the south park guys deserve to be punished isn't a direct incitement to violence.  Unfortunately in the us threats are kind of a weak point in that they aren't easy to prosecute and the penelties are relatively light.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #118 - November 01, 2010, 12:12 PM

    That may have changed under the patriot act though.  I know that most threats get prosecuted under terroristic threats now.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #119 - November 01, 2010, 02:00 PM

    Arthur, your propagandising for the far-right infiltrated EDL is comical. And Geert Wilders, whom you went to Amsterdam to 'support', told you to fuck off.

    Life's a bitch, ain't it.

    Considering the amount of violence that had been threatened by antifa and the UAF and the Ajax lot he couldn't do much else could he.

    Also, this was not an EDL event, we sent a delegation to take part in a rally for freedom of speech.

    Organisation: European Freedom Initiative *
    Date: October 30, 2010
    Location: Museumplein, Amsterdam (Holland)
    Time: 14:00-17:00

    The European Freedom Initiative is a demonstration planned for October 30th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon on the Museumplein in Amsterdam. This demonstration will center around the freedom of expression, primarily to protest the trial of Geert Wilders. EFI will also warn against the creeping threat of implementation of Sharia law in Europe: a threat to human rights.


    * The European Freedom Initiative is an umbrella organization which includes the following organizations: ICLA (International), BPE (Citizen Movement Pax Europa) Politically Incorrect (Germany), EDL (England), LDF (France), SITA (France), TTL (Holland), Mission Europe - Netzwerk Karl Martell (Austria), Una Via per Oriana (Italy), Post Amsterdam (Holland) and many others ..


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