Is Allah, the Preserver/Sustainer?
OP - October 12, 2010, 02:31 AM
On a youtube comment section, a Muslim posted a comment which wasnt directed at me(so there was no previous conversation) but I responded to it nonetheless. I am posting our comment exchange here.
His comment and parts of it which I responded to seperately in 2 parts(due to youtube word count) are the ones bolded with quotation marks.
"Quran is not stolen from Bible "Judaism" or Gospel "Christianity" but it is more perfect from the same God and undistorted. The clue: there are many Pastors and Priests from both Judaism and Christianity embraced Islam through the history till today but I never seen any Islamic Clerics or scholar left Islam to one of these Distorted useless religions. So why those Pastors submitted Islam if it is crackpot. Anyhow search YOUTUBE if you still don't believe to see those Pastors. gud luck"
note: when I say "God", I only refer to an entity of worship, whatever it may be.
"Quran is not stolen from Bible "Judaism" or Gospel "Christianity" but it is more perfect from the same God and undistorted"
So the same bastard revealed the taurat and injeel?
how can the Quran be "more perfect"?
1) there is no such a thing as "more" or "less" perfect, perfection is a quality par excellence in itself. There is no gradation of it.
2) if the Quran is from the same "God", yet somehow is better, is your God fickle minded? memory loss perhaps? lack of foresight? grown smarter? decided to give a shit? more sense of responsibility? finally realizing that it is respected accordingly to the quality of what it produces?
"The clue: there are many Pastors and Priests from both Judaism and Christianity embraced Islam through the history till today but I never seen any Islamic Clerics or scholar left Islam to one of these Distorted useless religions"
which as youve stated supposedly originates from the very same "God". how has this distortion happened? was it deliberate? or is it beyond your God to keep free from distortion what it reveals?
if it has allowed what it has revealed in the past to be distorted, how am I to trust it now all of a sudden? if it is not why call it your Sustainer when it cant even maintain itself?
of what factors were involved in the distortion?
progress of time? changes in the environment? nature of humans?
does the understanding too of what has been revealed remain the same?
Failing to preserve the message it reveals to humans, from humans, shows an inability in delivering and maintaining whatever it reveals properly. To do the same thing twice shows a lack of reliability.
And to admit that without apologizing shows how much of an attitude it has.
Despite claiming to be alot more capable and knowledgeable than humans and having what it takes to overpower them and on that very basis declaring for it to be worshipped by them. And establishing this through the sole means of revelation through humans. Yet the simple task of maintaining its own revelations by preventing them from corruption by petty humans themselves seems to be the very thing it fails at. Worse still is it blaming humans for their outcome.
And still delivering the third time through yet another human, after blaming humans for its very own incompetence, shows an adamance to not learn from its mistakes.