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 Topic: What book are you reading?

 (Read 154567 times)
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  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #720 - June 18, 2012, 04:41 PM

    You don't have to, I'm sorry!!! Embarrassed I talk too much..

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #721 - June 18, 2012, 05:05 PM

    Already done it, I just wanted to address it more thoroughly using my notes etc, rather then just quickly addressing the points. Since, I haven't even discussed evil, specially unnecessary evil/suffering.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #722 - June 18, 2012, 05:07 PM

    It wuz rly rly gud.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #723 - June 18, 2012, 06:24 PM

    I haven't read a good book in a while.

    Last book I read was The Hunger Games....hmm time to visit my local library me thinks!

    (I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu)
    A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #724 - June 18, 2012, 07:15 PM

    I remember reading that to my sprogs many moons ago  bunny
    I hear Robber Red has been arrested, gone to prison and been replaced by Red Robot and Naughty Nick is no longer naughty, just noisy.
    Max and Maxine, the Kissing cousins are no longer together and Max is now alone being Fix-It Max. Hairy Hat Man has lost all his hair and now just calls himself Harry - so boring! And worst of all Wicked Water Witch has been booted out in favour of Walter Walrus  Cry
    Letterland is not half as much fun as it used to be  Cheesy
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #725 - June 20, 2012, 06:02 AM

    I remember reading that to my sprogs many moons ago  bunny
    I hear Robber Red has been arrested, gone to prison and been replaced by Red Robot and Naughty Nick is no longer naughty, just noisy.
    Max and Maxine, the Kissing cousins are no longer together and Max is now alone being Fix-It Max. Hairy Hat Man has lost all his hair and now just calls himself Harry - so boring! And worst of all Wicked Water Witch has been booted out in favour of Walter Walrus  Cry
    Letterland is not half as much fun as it used to be  Cheesy

    Grin Grin Grin Ahhhh that sounds so funny!!!! LOL!

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #726 - June 20, 2012, 06:04 AM

    Anyway, I've given up on that Abdur-Raheem Green book, moved on to greater thinkers  cool2

    Except I'm reading it online. Freaking DENSE!!!!! :/ But very good yes Way better than Green's book, nobody ever read that one if you want to keep your sanity in check. I wanted to fling it against the wall every two seconds, but since I was reading it in PDF form, that wasn't really viable.

    Anyway!!! This is exciting! Iqbal was smart dance And he had a PhD in Philosophy.

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #727 - June 20, 2012, 01:01 PM

    I mainly read non-fiction, here is an interesting historical work written by Kenneth Baxter Wolf :

    Christian Martyrs in Muslim Spain

    The entire book is available for free at the link above. Here is the intro:

    The city of Córdoba was the setting for an unusual historical drama that unfolded between the years 850 and 859, when forty-eight Christians were decapitated for religious offenses against Islam. More striking than the number of executions were the peculiar circumstances surrounding them. For one thing, as the sources unambiguously demonstrate, the majority of the victims deliberately invoked capital punishment by publicly blaspheming Muhammad and disparaging Islam. Moreover, though some Cordoban Christians applauded the executed Christians as martyrs, others regarded them as self-immolators whose unwarranted outbursts served only to expose the community as a whole to the emirs suspicions.

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #728 - June 20, 2012, 01:09 PM

    Crikey ^^^

    Anyway, this book is about to be published, I think I'll get round to reading it when it comes out

    Radical: My Journey from Islamist Extremism to a Democratic Awakening by Maajid Nawaz

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #729 - June 20, 2012, 02:17 PM

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .. (if youhaven't yet) grin12

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #730 - June 20, 2012, 09:49 PM

    I still like the Qur'an

    Me too!

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #731 - June 22, 2012, 05:18 PM


    I'm SO SO SO SORRY I didn't even notice your reply and so I didn't reply. :( I'm sorry.

    Also, I hope your nose is better.

    So his whole argument is, just forget about it without explaining, I am really not convinced.

    No, read it again. His argument is that there are various explanations, but if one is in doubt one should not be hasty in assigning one 'certain' explanation. Rather, a person goes through all of them, understands that there is doubt within them, but judges based on reason. Like with most ambiguous things.

    It's part of Qur'anic interpretation. :/ Like, a major part, haha.

    Allah makes it pretty clear, he says to: "What you measure" this is taking about time, he applies the seem concept to himself, i.e. that human measurement and gods measurements are different something on the scale of 1000 years that makes no sense if Allah claims to be transcendent.
    I think if it was an idiom, he would not specifically mention 1000 years.

    I disagree. I think it gets the point across that what is to a human a long time is to God nothing (or next to nothing).

    Because Allah created them, they are insignificant compared to him, he takes an oath on something that he created. It would be like me taking an oath on this post. It makes no sense, he is not required to make oaths. 

    He's not required to reveal revelation either. :/ I don't get what you're saying. If you made a very grandiose claim, like: "I swear to God that I've quit cocaine!" then yeah, an oath would be relevant.

    And the stuff He created is the stuff we can see. That's the point..

    Yes, I am aware of that, it just makes no-sense for a supernatrual entity who is all powerful and all knowing to take oaths on matter.


    Yeah but the value of those things mean nothing to God. I personally just don't get it, it seems illogical.

    1. Value in which terms? He would probably value them as His creation, not as a necessity (i.e. the sun is necessary for my continued existence, so I value it as such, but He wouldn't obviously)

    2. Maybe you don't get it cuz you're reading it like a straightforward science textbook or recording of history or something instead of a book that is meant to move hearts and minds. Rhetoric is part of persuasion. And it isn't just rhetoric, it causes the reader to study and consider the things that are sworn upon. I don't think it's illogical in the slightest.

    3. And lastly, he's speaking to us, so the value of the things to Him is irrelevant. We're the audience.

    Yeah that's the whole point its disingenuous or silly at most.

    No, it's not. It's inspiring and causes wonderment. (At least it does to me and presumably other readers Tongue)

    They are not absolute points on the earth, the earth is spherical. There is no absolute, east or wast. How can he be the lord of something that's does not even exist. Lord of the world makes more sense.   

    Pretty sure "Lord of the worlds" is in the Qur'an, but other than that, I don't know how to answer the absolute East/West thing. But I think that the room for interpretation is such that this can't be a good point 'against' the Qur'an. At most a person could say, "I don't understand it." Rather than saying, "It is unintelligible." (You didn't say either of those, I'm just giving an example haha Tongue)

    Yes he is great, also read Kant.

    I head hurt :/

    Exactly, most Islamic scholars refuse to talk about souls, and matter of such nature.

    Yes, cuz they say it's beyond human understanding and it would confuse rather than elucidate if a person started speculating on it.

    Even if we consider it a test, it is illogical for Allah to test when he knows the answers. He knows how much faith everyone has even more they are created. That takes away free-will in all instances. 

    Only if faith exists in definite quantities and proportions.

    And I don't think foreknowledge has anything to do with free will, but I've had this convo with Allat and Ishina and they couldn't convince me, so I doubt you can Smiley

    Yeah but, like I said, if I stole something form you, to feed my family, and then on judgment say, Allah forgives me, then justice has not been served to you. So it is impossible for him to be the most just.

    I don't know. I think you're wrong but I can't explain it. I don't think you can treat complex things like 'justice' as mathematical equations, like: Chepea lost a piece of bread, justice = punish the thief. I think it's more complex than that. But I can't explain it :/ Probably some Islamic scholar can, so maybe try reading their books if you haven't already Tongue

    It's simple, Allah is everlasting, this he has not beginning and no end. That is infinite.

    In time... :/ He doesn't exist in time...


    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #732 - June 22, 2012, 05:22 PM

    I am reading:

    Ender's Game (almost finished)
    Eldest (just started)

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #733 - June 22, 2012, 05:23 PM

    Ooh Ender's Game was good! How do you like it Tlaloc?

    Eldest sucks IMO Tongue

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #734 - June 22, 2012, 05:30 PM

    I LOVE Ender's Game.
    I am audio-reading them as audio books.
    I already downloaded the sequel "Speaker for the Dead".

    I liked Eragon, so I think Eldest cannot be too bad. :|

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #735 - June 22, 2012, 05:30 PM

    Ender's Game almost made me cry. Tongue But I got kinda bored at the veryyyyy end. I hope you enjoy the sequel. I haven't read it Smiley

    UGHH ERAGON WAS AWFULLLLLL. But Eldest was worse. Tongue IMO.

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #736 - June 22, 2012, 05:34 PM

    Poor Paolini T_T
    I don't think Eragon is awful.

    It's just kinda slow and the plot is easy to predict. But the characters are developed nicely. So all in all it's good for a light easy reading.

    I actually expected worse out of it, from what everyone said ^_^

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #737 - June 22, 2012, 05:36 PM

    Oh okay, yeah that's what I didn't like about it (predictable and kinda really terribly annoying). Tongue

    I hope you enjoy Eldest! Maybe they have a new print out that doesn't have 3 inch wide margins (those bugged me SO much! ALL THAT PAPER WASTED FOR STUPID MARGINS!!!!) Angry

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #738 - June 22, 2012, 05:45 PM

    I am using audio books only, cause I currently suffer from slightly dry eyes: so audio books are a good way to enjoy myself while letting my eyes rest :D

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #739 - June 22, 2012, 05:46 PM

    Oh right!! That's a good idea yes I heard that audio books are really useful when a person has long commuting hours.

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #740 - June 22, 2012, 06:20 PM

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #741 - June 22, 2012, 09:12 PM

    Now that exams are over I can finally read the Hunger Games series I picked up a while back  grin12

    I've also been reading the sealed nectar, bit of a boring read but it's nice to get an insight into Muhammad's life  Smiley
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #742 - June 23, 2012, 01:31 AM

    They do come in handy, yeah. It used to take me an hour to get to university by train, so I'd listen to music and audio books to pass the time. That's how I got through "The God Delusion". Good times. Smiley

    Ooh nice yes Yeah my brother used to commute to uni. But I think he just slept on the train, haha.

    I couldn't get past like page 20 of The God Delusion. I thought it sucked. Tongue

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #743 - June 23, 2012, 01:34 AM

    Now that exams are over I can finally read the Hunger Games series I picked up a while back  grin12

    MY BROTHER IN LAW LOVED THAT SERIES. He's like 28, but he watched the movie and then got hooked onto the books. :/ It was really weird...cuz he's like 28. Tongue

    I've also been reading the sealed nectar, bit of a boring read but it's nice to get an insight into Muhammad's life  Smiley

    Yeah it was boring. Tongue I think "The Life and Work of Muhammad" by Yahya Emerick was better. You should check it out if you haven't already  Afro

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #744 - June 23, 2012, 01:43 AM

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #745 - June 23, 2012, 01:45 AM

    ^ No.

    My dad liked The Selfish Gene though so I might read that....if I can get past the image of snooty Dawkins in my head. :/

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #746 - June 24, 2012, 11:27 PM

    I need to grow up and read a little more non-fiction. Just finished Asimovs foundation trilogy (written in the 40s/50s, it's like the Lord of the Rings of scifi, only about a sixth the size). More of my recent reading here:
  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #747 - June 24, 2012, 11:31 PM

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #748 - July 02, 2012, 12:26 AM

    Split the topic - discussion on Quran and stuff here:

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: What book are you reading?
     Reply #749 - July 02, 2012, 12:32 AM

    Thanks Billy!!!

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
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