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 Topic: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan

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  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #90 - October 16, 2014, 01:59 PM

    She was working in a field when she was asked to fetch water. Muslim women labourers objected, saying that as a non-Muslim she was unfit to touch the water bowl. A few days later the women went to a local cleric and put forward the blasphemy allegations.

    They must be so fucking proud of themselves. Fucking cunts.

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #91 - October 16, 2014, 02:22 PM

    two politicians were shot dead after they publically supported her. Salman Taseer was the governor of the Punjab, the biggest province of Pakistan, and Shabhaz Bhatti was the only Christian member of government and minorities minister.

    They can still go to the Supreme Court, but any judge that frees her will be a target for the jihadis.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #92 - October 16, 2014, 02:28 PM

    ..................They can still go to the Supreme Court, but any judge that frees her will be a target for the jihadis.

    I can not and will not take that excuse...  

    There is supreme court., there is president pardon, there is UN and the lady could be moved out of Pakistan  to west  on a midnight flight on the basis religious persecution .... etc..etc.... all that are there.,  but that will not solve the problem..

    somewhere sometime some one has to confront..

    what is the point?   what is point of being Judge? if you can not do justice in case like this where an innocent life is on line.,  RESIGN AND RETIRE.
    What good reason do I have to believe that Supreme Court judges will not be targeted and they too will not give similar judgement?  and that will take another 4 or 5 years .. and she will be in jail for the next 5 years or will be killed in jail ..  what is the point...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #93 - October 22, 2014, 01:42 PM

    Four years ago, a mother of five kids in Pakistan named Asia Bibi was sentenced to die for blasphemy.

    Asia was alleged to have made disparaging comments about Islam after neighbors objected to her drinking out of their water glasses because of her Christian faith -- a charge she has denied. This week, a High Court in Pakistan upheld Asia’s death sentence, which means that she now faces execution unless Pakistan’s Supreme Court and the global community works to save her.

    In Pakistan, politicians have been killed for defending Asia. Her own five children and family are in hiding, fearing their lives. Her execution could happen soon, and her family and supporters continually targeted, unless the global community comes together to demand her release and her safety.

    Religious persecution has to stop.

    Petitioning David Cameron, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and the Government of Pakistan

    Earlier this year, I started a petition calling on governments around the world to stand up for Meriam Ibrahim, a Christian woman in Sudan who was sentenced to die for refusing to renounce her faith. More than 1 million people signed my petition to #SaveMeriam, and world leaders like UK Prime Minister David Cameron and US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke out demanding her freedom. This past summer, Meriam’s case was thrown out and she was reunited with her children and husband. Now we have another moment to put the spotlight on religious persecution of women, and help Asia Bibi be released.

    We can help Asia try to secure freedom, and try to make sure she is reunited with her family safely. Please show your support and help protect Asia those standing up for Asia.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #94 - October 22, 2014, 11:33 PM

    What good is the UN or the international aid we give them if this happens? I agree with yeezee. There is a lot that can be done.
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #95 - October 23, 2014, 11:27 AM

    I originate from Pakistan and know full well the effect of limited education on village people's attitudes. What always amazes me is that women so often turn on each other. The culture seems to be built on someone holding dominance over another.

    Take the treatment of daughter-in-laws for example. One day this woman, who has been verbally abused, sometimes physically, by an older, more powerful woman, will be taking 'care' of her when she is old and frail. I'm not a nasty person, but even I wouldn't be able to resist a little revenge if I had been mistreated.

    Limited imagination is often the by-product of an inadequate education. My mother never went to school. She hates almost everyone, and for the dumbest reasons. I am sure she would condemn Asia without any qualms. Makes me feel ashamed of her and of Pakistan.
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #96 - October 23, 2014, 12:40 PM

    Anyone know if The National Review is honest? Biased at first glance but I don't know how true it is.

    Top U.S. Aid Recipient Is Set to Hang a Christian Woman for Blasphemy

    Pakistan is a perennial recipient of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars. It’s an occasional ally/frequent enemy, sometimes actively conspiring against U.S. interests, sometimes actually firing on U.S. troops (incidents so notorious they now have their own Wikipedia page), and — of course — it’s the home of increasingly virulent jihadist extremism. And, no, this extremism isn’t confined to the fringes of Pakistani society but is sometimes even manifested in its appellate courts.

    Last week, a Pakistani court of appeals upheld Asia Bibi’s death sentence for blasphemy. She’s a Christian and a mother of five.

    Death. For allegedly saying bad things about Mohammed.


    Not that it matters (one should be able to freely insult the prophet of Islam without fear of death), but there’s evidence that even the inherently illegitimate blasphemy charge is trumped-up nonsense. Here’s Asia Bibi describing the incident in her own words. The story begins with Bibi taking a drink of water, then offering the cup to her Muslim neighbors:

    Then I start to hear muttering. I pay no attention and fill the cup again, this time holding it out to a woman next to me who looks like she’s in pain. She smiles and reaches out . . . At exactly the moment Musarat pokes her ferrety nose out from the bush, her eyes full of hate: “Don’t drink that water, it’s haram!”

    Musarat addresses all the pickers, who have suddenly stopped work at the sound of the word “haram,” the Islamic term for anything forbidden by God.

    “Listen, all of you, this Christian has dirtied the water in the well by drinking from our cup and dipping it back several times. Now the water is unclean and we can’t drink it! Because of her!”

    It’s so unfair that for once I decide to defend myself and stand up to the old witch.

    “I think Jesus would see it differently from Mohammed.”

    Musarat is furious. “How dare you think for the Prophet, you filthy animal!”

    The story then moves into the familiar demand for conversion:

    “That’s right, you’re just a filthy Christian! You’ve contaminated our water and now you dare speak for the Prophet! Stupid bitch, your Jesus didn’t even have a proper father, he was a bastard, don’t you know that.”

    Musarat comes over as though she’s going to hit me and yells: “You should convert to Islam to redeem yourself for your filthy religion.”

    I feel a pain deep inside. We Christians have always stayed silent: We’ve been taught since we were babies never to say anything, to keep quiet because we’re a minority. But I’m stubborn too and now I want to react, I want to defend my faith. I take a deep breath and fill my lungs with courage.

    “I’m not going to convert. I believe in my religion and in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. What did your Prophet Mohammed ever do to save mankind? And why should it be me that converts instead of you?”

    Bibi’s act of defiance is rewarded with physical assault, an assault that days later grows more sinister:

    Five days later, I went to work fruit picking in another field. I’ve almost filled my bowl when I hear what sounds like a rioting crowd. I step back from my bush, wondering what’s going on, and in the distance I see dozens of men and women striding along towards our field, waving their arms in the air.

    I catch the cruel eyes of Musarat. Her expression is self-righteous and full of scorn. I shiver as I suddenly realize that she hasn’t let it go. I can tell she’s out for revenge. The excited crowd are closer now; they are coming into the field and now they’re standing in front of me, threatening and shouting.

    “Filthy bitch! We’re taking you back to the village! You insulted our Prophet! You’ll pay for that with your life!”

    They all start yelling:

    “Death! Death to the Christian!”

    The angry crowd is pressing closer and closer around me. I’m half lying on the ground when two men grab me by the arms to drag me away. I call out in a desperate, feeble voice:

    “I haven’t done anything! Let me go, please! I haven’t done anything wrong!”

    When a young mullah intervenes, he is explicit: Convert or die.

    “If you don’t want to die,” says the young mullah, “you must convert to Islam. Are you willing to redeem yourself by becoming a good Muslim?”

    Sobbing, I reply:

    “No, I don’t want to change my religion. But please believe me, I didn’t do what these women say, I didn’t insult your religion. Please have mercy on me.”

    I put my hands together and plead with him. But he is unmoved.

    “You’re lying! Everyone says you committed this blasphemy and that’s proof enough. Christians must comply with the law of Pakistan, which forbids any derogatory remarks about the holy Prophet. Since you won’t convert and the Prophet cannot defend himself, we shall avenge him.”

    I wonder how true this is. Also:,+this+time+holding+it+out+to+a+woman+next+to+me+who+looks+like+she%E2%80%99s+in+pain.+She+smiles+and+reaches+out+.+.+.+At+exactly+the+moment+Musarat+pokes+her+ferrety+nose+out+from+the+bush,+her+eyes+full+of+hate:+%E2%80%9CDon%E2%80%99t+drink+that+water,+it%E2%80%99s+haram!%E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=0o6bE_9hRL&sig=AtHMCHnWtqLXCJ2AkKW3zgenILE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QahIVKKsCNeoyATz34DACg&redir_esc=y

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #97 - October 23, 2014, 12:48 PM

    I .................................. Makes me feel ashamed of her and of Pakistan.

    Hi No..No noooooooooo.,

     it is not her fault neither the fault of Pakistan..fault lies somewhere else.  anyways I have not read many posts of yours in this forum.. So greetings and my good wishes to you...

    And as usual QSE puts wonderful link and..and
    PRESENTS IT IN A TERRIBLE WAY..   let me redo that book link..

    Blasphemy: A Memoir: Sentenced to Death Over a Cup of Water    by Asia Bibi and Anne-Isabelle Tollet

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #98 - October 23, 2014, 01:32 PM

    I was going to edit it but apparently no need now. Grin

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #99 - October 25, 2014, 01:54 AM

    There have been suggestions that the prosecutor upheld the earth sentence largely in response to pressure from a London based group called Khatm-e-Nabuwat.
     Our government has close links to Pakistan , might be worth any British posters dropping a line to their MPs.
    There is a petition on the british government's official petition site  -
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #100 - October 25, 2014, 02:22 AM

    Quote is unavailable or may not exist

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #101 - October 25, 2014, 02:38 AM

    sorry , typo - should be an e at the start -
    - and no 'www'. Should work now


  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #102 - October 25, 2014, 02:39 AM

    Quote is unavailable or may not exist

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #103 - October 26, 2014, 10:58 AM

    From Daily Mail - pictures and video in the original article:

    'I was tortured by the men who sentenced my Christian mother to death for blasphemy'

    EXCLUSIVE: 'I was tortured by the men who sentenced my Christian mother to death for blasphemy': Daughter of Asia Bibi on death row in Pakistan reveals her hell at hands of religious fanatics

    • Asia Bibi was accused of making disparaging remarks about Mohammed
    • Family were savagely beaten by villagers when allegations first made in 2009
    • Daughter, then 9, came home from school to find her mother being abused
    • Attackers shouted obscenities like 'mother f*****' and tore off her clothes
    • Esham, now 14, told MailOnline: 'I still dream about day she was tortured'
    • Other daughter, who has special needs, was also abused by furious mob
    • Family has launched second court appeal to overturn the death sentence

    Two young daughters of a Pakistani Christian woman on death row for 'blasphemy' today told how they were tortured by a mob of religious fanatics because of their mother's alleged comments.

    Asia Bibi has been sentenced to hang in Pakistan after she was accused of making disparaging remarks about the prophet Mohammed during an argument.

    While working as a berry picker in 2009, the 46-year-old got into a dispute with a group of Muslim women who objected to her drinking their water because, as a Christian, she was considered 'unclean'.

    As a result of the initial allegations, the family were savagely beaten by angry villagers at their house and forced to go into hiding after receiving death threats.

    Now, as the family launches a second court appeal against Ms Bibi's death sentence, her husband and two daughters have spoken exclusively to MailOnline about their horrendous ordeal and their lingering hope that she will be released in time for Christmas.

    Her oldest daughter, Esham Masih, who was nine years old when the family came under attack, told how she came back from school one day to find her mother being abused by a gang of men.

    'My friends told me that people were torturing my mother at the fields where she used to work,' she said.

    'I rushed to the spot and found that she was being abused and tortured by men. They had even torn her clothes.'

    Esham, now 14, ran back home to get her mother a new dress, but when she came back the gang had returned. 

    'I still dream of the day she was tortured and arrested. I could not sleep properly.
    'The angry men came back and started torturing us both and tore down her clothes again.

    Asham said the gang called her offensive Punjabi terms that translate roughly 'mother f*****' and 'sister f*****'.

    When she asked one of her attackers for water, they instead smashed the glass against the wall to torment her.

    'They dragged her to the centre of the village. We both were crying but there was nobody to listen to us.

    'After half an hour or so, the police came and my mother asked me to go and find my father, who was hiding at my uncle's house.

    'But he was too terrified to leave. I ran back and by that time police had taken my mother away.'

    Ms Bibi's husband, Ashiq Masih, said his other daughter, 15-year-old Esha who has special needs, had also been abused.

    'All those people who abused and tortured my wife knew me very well, but they did not respect anything,' he told MailOnline at his house in a Christian district of Lahore.
    'They became so cruel. They even didn't spare my daughters and tortured them.
    Bowing his head in shame, Mr Masih said: 'I was so afraid that day.

    'I do not think it could have helped her or our family if I had tried to save her that day.
    'I might also have ended up in jail as a blasphemy-accused and there would be no one to help my daughters.'

    Mr Masih, who used to work at brick kiln as a labourer in his village, said their lives have been destroyed.

    'I was born in that village. I spent almost 45 years of my life in that village. I had so many friends in that village but I do not want to go back there.'

    'I have restricted my movement. I am afraid of being recognised as Asia's husband in public.

    'I have almost stopped communicating with Muslims. I am afraid they could recognise me. Just imagine how tough it will be for my wife to live in prison.' 

    In November 2010 Ms Bibi was sentenced to death by a lower court, becoming the first woman in Pakistan's history to be given the death penalty for blasphemy.

    Over the past four years Ms Bibi has languished in the high-security District Jail Seikhupura, 22 miles north-west of Lahore, before being moved to a more remote prison.

    The shocking case hit global headlines after two prominent politicians who tried to help Ms Bibi were assassinated, one by his own bodyguard.

    Lawyers showered the killer with rose petals when he appeared in court and the judge who convicted him of murder had to flee the country.

    Ms Bibi's lawyer, Naeem Shakir, said her accusers have contradicted themselves many times since first raising their complaint.

    Two witnesses allegedly involved in the incident did not appear in court, he said.
    A Muslim prayer leader did appear, saying he did not witness the original altercation, but that Ms Bibi had confessed to the supposed crime in front of him.

    Last week, despite international outrage and hundreds of thousands of people signing a petition for her release, Ms Bibi lost an appeal to have her sentence overturned, meaning she now faces death by hanging.

    The decision of the Lahore High Court has thrust the family back into public spotlight, placing their safety in jeopardy once again.

    'This is too dangerous for all of us', said Mr Masih. 'We have changed five residences during the last five years. The blasphemy accusation on my wife has ruined our family.
    'I could not sleep properly after the decision of The Lahore High Court. We could be attacked or framed in similar kind of case.'

    Human rights groups say Pakistan's blasphemy law is increasingly exploited by religious extremists as well as ordinary Pakistanis to settle personal scores.

    The law does not define blasphemy and evidence might not be reproduced in court for fear of committing a fresh offence. There are also no penalties for false accusations.

    Those accused are sometimes lynched on the spot. If they are arrested, police and the courts often allow trials to drag on for years, as in the case of Ms Bibi.

    The delays tend to be caused because officials are afraid of being physically attacked if they release anyone they feel had been wrongly accused of blasphemy.

    Only one person has been executed since Pakistan imposed a de facto moratorium on executions in 2008.

    This year has seen a record number of blasphemy cases as well as increasing violence against the accused.

    Ms Bibi - a farm worker from rural Punjab - released a memoir called 'Blasphemy' last year, in which she described her torment at not knowing how long she has left to live.

    Talking about how she ended up being accused of blasphemy, she says: 'I drank water from a well belonging to Muslim women, using 'their' cup, in the burning heat of the midday sun.   

    Mr Masih believes his wife has been falsely accused simply because of her religion.
    'My wife was framed in the charge of blasphemy only because of her faith.

    'The day our house was attacked by an angry mob at our village, she was offered to convert to Islam to get out of trouble but she denied as she has not committed any crime. 

    'There is no pressure on her in jail to convert to Islam. Authorities, in fact, are somewhat helpful,' he said that he was hopeful to get justice from the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

    He has called on the Pope and President Barack Obama to help secure the release of his wife.

    'We need help from all quarters. Barack Obama should play a positive role and convince Pakistani government to ensure justice in Asia's case.'

    The family have struggled to look after Esha, who has difficulties with her speech and walking, after her mother's arrest.

    Speaking in broken words, Esha said: 'I miss my mother too much.'

    Both sisters go to a private school being run by Joseph Nadeem, executive director Renaissance Education Foundation, a Christian educationist who has been helping the family since December 2010.

    'Esham is a brilliant student, but she goes through spells of depression regularly,' said Mr Nadeem.

    Esham, who visits her mother once a month in prison, said: 'It is tough living without her. I hope she would soon be released and would celebrate Christmas with us.

    'I love my mother and miss her a lot. I request everybody to pray for her.'

    Danish Never-Moose adopted by the kind people on the CEMB-forum
    Ex-Muslim chat (Unaffliated with CEMB). Safari users: Use "#ex-muslims" as the channel name. CEMB chat thread.
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #104 - July 22, 2015, 10:01 AM

    Apex court stays execution of Asia Bibi  says News from Land of pure

    LAHORE: Staying the execution of a Christian woman, Asia Bibi, the Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday admitted for hearing a petition filed by the death-row prisoner who was convicted on blasphemy charges.

    A three-member bench at the Supreme Court's Lahore registry admitted the petition for full hearing and also ordered for all records pertaining to the case to be presented before it.

      well there is more at that link what do these LAND OF PURE COURTS AND LAWYERS  can do when law of the land is written by  BABOONS OF ISLAM ??

    mean while The mayor  of French city   Bordeaux  unveiled a banner of Asia Bibi which has remained on display on the steps of the City Hall. At the unveiling, Hildago stressed: “We must support Asia Bibi, because women in all regions of the world are the first victims of an order which theocrats, who twist the messages of all religions, try to impose

    and that is the picture.....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #105 - October 12, 2016, 10:03 PM

    Asia Bibi's final appeal against blasphemy to be heard in Supreme Court  says news some 16hrs ago

    Some insist it is not just a fight for one life, but a battle for the nation's soul as the state walks a razor-sharp line between upholding human rights and appeasing populist hardliners.

    This will be the final appeal for Asia Bibi, some six years after she was sentenced to death, accused of insulting the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) during an argument with a Muslim woman over a bowl of water.

    “There is no question that what is at stake is the very soul of the state and Pakistan society: does Pakistan respect the rights of the most vulnerable? Does it defend those rights against spurious allegations even where those allegations involved matters that are sacred to most Pakistanis?” Mustafa Qadri, an expert on human rights in South Asia, told AFP recently.

    Bibi was convicted and sentenced to death in 2010, despite her advocates maintaining her innocence and insisting the accusers held grudges against her.

    The allegations against Bibi date back to June 2009, when she was labouring in a field and a row broke out with some Muslim women she was working with.

    She was asked to fetch water, but the Muslim women objected, saying that as a non-Muslim she was unfit to touch the water bowl.

    The women went to a local cleric and accused Bibi of blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), a charge punishable by death under legislation that rights groups say is routinely abused to settle personal vendettas.

    Successive appeals have been rejected, and if on Thursday the three-judge Supreme Court bench upholds Bibi's conviction, her only recourse will be a direct appeal to the president for clemency.

    She would become the first person in Pakistan to be executed for blasphemy.

    The repercussions for minorities, human rights and the blasphemy laws will be “tremendous” if that happens, says Shahzad Akbar, a human rights lawyer.

    “In Pakistan blasphemy cases are mostly misused... it would be a huge blow for minorities in Pakistan who already live in fear,” Akbar explained.

    A decision in Bibi's favour, Qadri says, “would send a powerful message to the world that Pakistan respects the rule of law and not the mob.” But he also warned that hardliners “would without question react angrily and likely violently” if Bibi is acquitted.

    In 2011, former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, who spoke out in support of Bibi, was gunned down in broad daylight in Islamabad.

    His assassin Mumtaz Qadri was executed earlier in 2016 in a Supreme Court decision that was hailed by progressives, but brought hardliners into the streets supporting Qadri and demanding Bibi be killed.

    Her husband has already written to President Mamnoon Hussain to seek permission to move her to France, where the Council of Paris unanimously adopted a proposal to award honourary citizenship to Asia Bibi in March.

    Family in hiding

    Bibi's family have lived largely in seclusion since 2010, fearing they will be mistreated if they venture out into the brimming streets of Lahore.

    “Papa used to tell me not to go out, the situation out there is very bad,” her daughter Esham, 18, says of the days after Qadri's hanging. “We used to stay inside all the time.”

    She is afraid, she says, adding: “Someday someone will come and ask me, are you the daughter of Asia Bibi?” Esham and her sister Esha go twice a month to the south Punjab city of Multan, where their mother is held.

    “We talk to our mama about the things at home,” Esham says. “I share my thoughts with her, like mother-daughter stuff.”

    The visits begin joyfully, she says, but end in grief. “She becomes sad... her daughters come to meet her from such a long distance and she cannot even hug them.”

    According to a tally by Human Rights Watch, 17 people including Bibi remain on death row for blasphemy.

    Her case has reached all the way to the Vatican - Esham had a face to face meeting with Pope Francis in April last year as the head of Catholic church offered prayers for her mother.

    “He gave me blessings and I can't remember more,” she told AFP.

    “I feel the Pope is praying for my mother and he will keep praying, and with his prayers my mother will be freed.” In 2010, Pope Francis's predecessor Benedict XVI also called for Bibi's release.

    Her family continue to hope. Esham clears her throat and speaks quietly: “My mom will be released. I ask you to pray for her. “

    well whole world is watching at that case  I hope Supreme Cour of Pakistan will find away to cleanup this case and let her live with her family..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #106 - October 13, 2016, 03:25 AM

    well whole world is watching at that case  I hope Supreme Cour of Pakistan will find away to cleanup this case and let her live with her family..

    well  it is  morning .. sun is out., in the next 6 or 7hrs   we will get the news on Asia bibi..  news from that UK Christian News paper says  Asia Bibi: UK Government 'watching every second

    where as  news from   Pakistan christian   says   this
      Today about 150 top Muslim Clerics (Muftis) issued a religious decree and demanded from Government to hang Asia bibi and all other prisoners of blasphemy laws and also demanded speedy trial of pending cases of blasphemy in Pakistani courts.

    The religious decree warned government of Pakistan that if Asia Bibi was sent abroad with any conspiracy then administration will face consequences.

    The Markaz Ahl-e-Sunnat Lahore which have issued signed Fatwa of 150 of Muslim Mullahas have warned Supreme Court of Pakistan to hearing appeal of Asia Bibi because Islamic teaching have judgment of hanging or beheading of blasphemers and Asia Bibi deserves death.

    They also issued decree of killing of those who rescued blasphemy accused and assisted or trying to rescue blasphemers.

    Well I don't care who says what but I wan to know what Supreme Court of Pakistan says

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #107 - October 13, 2016, 06:55 AM

    Today about 150 top Muslim Clerics (Muftis) issued a religious decree and demanded from Government to hang Asia bibi and all other prisoners of blasphemy laws

     finmad finmad finmad

    Can't somebody slap them sober please  finmad
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #108 - October 13, 2016, 09:08 AM

    Supreme Court adjourns hearing of Asia Bibi case  says news

    ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Thursday adjourned a hearing of the final appeal against the execution of Asia Bibi, accused for blasphemy.

    The hearing was adjourned after one of the three-member bench, Justice Iqbal Hamid-ur-Rehman, recused on the grounds that he also heard the Salman Taseer case.

    A letter was written to the chief justice to appointment another judge to the bench.

    It is unclear when the hearing will resume.

     Justice Iqbal Hamid-ur-Rehman, comes from a family of judges since pre-partition of Indo-Pak Sub Continent  he should have not   used  " conflict of interest " as an excuse to evade the case. He is a Supreme court Judge for the past three years .,  If  the case is a conflict of interest he should have resigned from the case three years ago...., She is in  jail  for the past six years

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #109 - October 14, 2016, 04:16 PM

    Blasphemy: The Untold Story of Pakistan' s Law

    The untold story of Pakistan’s blasphemy law  by  ARAFAT MAZHAR  UPDATED ABOUT 7 HOURS AGO

    295-C ....  Use of derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet:

    Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.

    The law prescribes a fixed death penalty for all those who are found guilty. The option of life imprisonment was made defunct after a 1991 Federal Shariat Court judgement.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #110 - November 04, 2016, 02:10 PM

    today's news on them

    these ROGUES OF ISLAM FROM LAND OF PURE make Islamic faith  look worse than what it is..   this bloody Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) was banned by Pakistan Govt some 4 years ago  but these scoundrels still  hold open meetings in towns ,collect money from merchants by harassing them and kill people in the name blasphemy and Islam

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #111 - October 05, 2018, 05:04 PM

    Asia Bibi's appeal against death sentence to be heard by SC special bench on Monday  Dawn  .. 6 hrs ago   October 05, 2018

    A three-member special bench of the Supreme Court will on Monday hear the final appeal against the execution of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy.

    According to a supplementary cause list issued by the apex court on Friday, a three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar will hear Bibi's appeal (Asia Bibi v. The State, etc) on October 8. Justice Asif Saeed Khosa and Justice Mazhar Alam Khan Miankhel will be the other members of the bench.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #112 - October 13, 2018, 09:06 AM

    TLP threatens to paralyse country if Aasia Bibi is acquitted   says news

    LAHORE: The Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) has warned of paralysing the country within hours if the Supreme Court sets Aasia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy, free. The TLP directed its local leaders across the country on Friday to start holding sit-ins within hours without waiting for a decision by the central leadership, if she is freed.

    “Judges’ remarks have sown doubt among the party leaders and fears that she would be released soon,” Pir Afzal Qadri, patron-in-chief of the TLP, said while addressing a rally taken out to protest the possible acquittal of Aasia Bibi.

    Reading out a four-point resolution approved by the party leadership, he said the possible acquittal would be deemed an attack on Islam, the Constitution and blasphemy law. Responsibility for the subsequent law and order situation would rest with the judges, the government and all institutions supposed to protect the Constitution, he warned.

    “The central leadership has already decided about a countrywide protest and local leaders should not wait for any message from the central leadership and start their sit-ins immediately,” Mr Qadri said, adding that these “nationwide sit-ins should continue till all those responsible for [Aasia Bibi’s] release are punished, even if the central leadership is incarcerated or killed”.

    A number of TLP workers gathered on The Mall in Lahore and other major cities in the country, including Karachi, Multan and Gujranwala, to “pre-empt the acquittal”. Police, unlike previous rallies, did not block Charing Cross till the last moment and even when the rally arrived at the venue, the road was blocked by the party workers who dragged barriers put up to block access to the Punjab Assembly building and encircled the crossing.

    Addressing the rally later, firebrand TLP chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi not only seconded the decisions announced by Mr Qadri but also took on the judiciary, inviting the judges to a debate on the blasphemy law and its violations on television.

    He concluded his speech by asking the workers to be ready for nationwide sit-ins. “Stay ready and wait for Tuesday when another important announcement would be made,” he said.

    In Karachi, the TLP held a big rally warning the government against showing any flexibility in cases pertaining to blasphemy. The participants of the rally demanded the execution of Aasia Bibi and action against those pursuing a campaign in her favour.

    Hundreds of participants marched from Hasan Square to Numaish intersection where leaders of the party addressed the rally. Traffic on main University Road and then on M.A. Jinnah Road remained badly affected.

    The TLP leaders asked Prime Minister Imran Khan to come up with a clear policy on blasphemy laws and satisfy the people who had voted him to rule under the Constitution.

    The charged participants of the rally on motorbikes, buses, cars and pickups chanted slogans vowing to protect the blasphemy law.

    A TLP statement said the rally was part of its countrywide movement against the “possible acquittal of blasphemy convict Aasia Bibi”.

    “There is a growing campaign for the release of Aasia Bibi and the recent steps coupled with statements from the people of the ruling party suggest that the government is considering a kind of relief for Aasia Bibi,” said Allama Razi Hussaini while addressing the rally.

    Published in Dawn, October 13th, 2018

    well that is the news  and Comments (26)  under the news  gives me the pulse of the nation.. Prime Minister Imran Khan .. TIME IS RIPE TO CHANGE THAT GODDAMN BLASPHEMY   LAW ONCE FOR ALL

    change/amend  that stupid law to this way once for all

    If somebody does commit blasphemy, he/she  should initially be given a warning, if he/she commits again  should be held in jail for three months, if he/she still does it a jail of 1 to 6 years and if he/she still does not stop,  should be given a life sentence.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #113 - January 30, 2020, 03:24 PM

    Free but forced to flee: Aasia Bibi recounts years spent in prison, heartbreak of living in exile .. News today from Dawn says with this picture

    That is French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet with Asia bibi in Canada ., Thanks to tireless efforts of Isabelle Asia Bibi is out of Land of Pure ..

    Recounting the hellish conditions of eight years spent on death row on blasphemy charges but also the pain of exile from Pakistan, Aasia Bibi has broken her silence to give her first personal insight into an ordeal that caused international outrage.

    Bibi, who belongs to the Christian minority community, was sentenced to death on blasphemy charges by a trial court in 2010 but then in a landmark judgement, she was acquitted in 2018. She now lives in Canada at an undisclosed location.

    French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet, who has co-written a book about her, was once based in the country where she led

    That tube is  8 year old ., Anne-Isabelle Tollet  speaking on .Sep 22, 2011

    Any ways The book is out and the story is out..and She is the only reporter that  met  Asia Bibi during her stay in Canada.

    In the book Enfin libre! ( “Finally Free" ) — published in French on Wednesday with an English version due out in September — Bibi recounts her arrest, the conditions of prison, the relief of her release but also the difficulty of adjusting to a new life.

    “You already know my story through the media,” she said in the book.  “But you are far from understanding my daily life in prison or my new life,” she said.  “I became a prisoner of fanaticism,” she said. In prison, “tears were the only companions in the cell”.
    She described the horrendous conditions in squalid jails in Pakistan where she was kept chained and jeered at by other detainees. “My wrists are burning me, it is hard to breathe.  My neck   is encased in an iron collar that the guard can tighten with a huge nut,”

    “A long chain drags along on the filthy ground. This connects my neck to the handcuffed hand who pulls me like a dog on a lead......
    she wrote..

    “Deep within me, a dull fear takes me towards the depths of darkness. A lacerating fear that will never leave me.”

    Many other prisoners showed her no pity. “I am startled by the cry of a woman. 'To death!' The other women join in. 'Hanged!' Hanged!'.”,,

     well read more at the link..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #114 - February 25, 2021, 10:58 AM

    That is  Asia Bibi.. out of Land of pure..  so glad to see her interviews

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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