This is a work in progress and will be subject to addition and alteration.
Please add your own suggestions in the Feedback forum.
This thread will be stickied and locked so it doesn't get lost or cluttered.
watch this video.
1/ Can I hide my email address?Yes. This option is offered to you when you are completing the registration form.
If you neglected to select it while registering go into your profile.
Under "Modify Profile" you'll see "Account Related Settings".
Click on the box that says "Hide email from public".
You will then have to enter your password and click "Change Profile".
Your email address will now be hidden from everyone except the admins.
Please note that you will still be able to see
your own email address.
This does not mean that anyone else can see it.
2/ Can I change the look of the forum?Yes. For a start the forum's default theme offers eleven options, which are quite distinct in style.
There is a row of buttons above the forum which will light up when your cursor is over them.
Clicking any of the buttons will select a different theme. Please note that the Azure Silk, Mircalla
and Skyline options are not suitable for use with Internet Explorer 6. The other eight are.
We also have a "Theme Changer" at the bottom of the column at the side of the forum.
However, once you log out the theme set in your profile will take over next time you log in.
If you wish to stick with one theme for some time make sure it's selected in your profile.
Go into your profile. Under "Modify Profile" select "Look and Layout Preferences".
Now click on the link "change" in the "Current Theme" box at the top right.
This will bring up a range of forum themes. Select the one you want by clicking on its name.
3/ Can I swear here?You betcha. Now, we're aware that this won't please everybody.
The staff have discussed this and decided against implementing any word filters. Our reasons are;
a) that most of us use the occasional expletive anyway so it is hypocritical to pretend to be mortified by them.
b) that several very good fora manage to sustain good quality conversations even with the use of expletives.
c) that we like swearing sometimes.
d) that sites with word filters usually have posters dedicated to finding their way around them by various means.
e) that anyone who is genuinely mortified by expletives should be responsible enough to acquire and use word filtering software of their own. It is readily available and we will not be holding your hand in this matter.
Please note that any idiot who tries to test the limits of this policy by posting nothing but ridiculous numbers of expletives will be moderated for being a boring twat.
4/ How do people do those short links in their posts?Easy. Say you have a really long, clumsy link that you wish to post.
Start by typing the text you wish to display in your finished post. eg: LINK.
Now highlight that text and click the third icon from the left, just above the smileys.
It has a picture of the Earth on it and clicking it will wrap your text in [url ] [/url] tags.
All you have to do now is type an = sign after the first url, so text is now:
Click just after the = and paste your link there, like this:
This will show in your finished post as LINK.
Please use this method when posting links that would otherwise be ridiculously long.
It's much neater and prevents messing up people's screens with scroll bars.
It's quick and easy once you get the hang of it.
Note that if you are linking to another thread or post on this forum you can just post the raw link and it will automatically display as the thread title, thanks to a nifty little mod I installed.