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 Topic: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)

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  • Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     OP - November 15, 2010, 08:20 PM

    Looks good, Alom Shaha who we discussed before is going to be speaking at this event - Is anyone going to this? 
    If I lived in London, I certainly would be tagging along to the 1900 event - shame its too far from where I live! 

    11 December 2010

    10:00am registration for 11.00am start

    11am Opening

    1130-1300 International Apostasy and Religion
    Why religions and particularly Islam has apostasy laws and the situation of apostates internationally under Sharia law

    1300-1400 Lunch

    1400-1530 Ex-Muslims in Britain and Europe
    Problems faced by ex-Muslims in Europe and Britain, including need for right to Asylum

    1530-1550 Nick Doody Comedy Act

    1550-1720 Multiculturalism and multifaithism versus universal human rights
    The perception that faith and culture takes precedence over human rights and the right to be free from religion

    1720-1750 Break

    1750-1800 Closing

    1800-1845 Play: Masculine Laws by Ghazi Rabihavi

    1900-on Social event at a pub nearby

    1900-1920 CEMB AGM for Ex-Muslims members only

    Confirmed speakers: Mina Ahadi, Nick Doody, Tarek Fatah, Rumy Hassan, Marieme Helie Lucas, Maryam Namazie, Ghazi Rabihavi, Hassan Radwan, Gita Sahgal, Hamed Abdol Samad, Terry Sanderson, Alom Shaha, Bahram Soroush, Peter Tatchell, Anne Marie Waters.

    The conference is sponsored by Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Iran Solidarity, National Secular Society, One Law for All and South Place Ethical Society.

    To members of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
     Maryam Namazie 11 November at 13:32 Reply• Report

    I hope you are well.

    Please find below a preliminary notice for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference and Annual General Meeting. We do hope you can come to the 11 December 2010 event being held in London.

    Please note that there will be a brief AGM after a day-long conference on Apostasy, Sharia Law and Human Rights. The conference is open to the public; the AGM is only open to members. There will also be a social event after the conference where members and friends can meet and socialise with each other.

    The deadline to register for the AGM is December 1.

    Please take the time to send a quick email to state whether you will be able to come or not as soon as possible.

    Also please note that December 1 is the deadline for nominations for the Management Committee and also to submit resolutions.

    We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

    Warm wishes


    Maryam Namazie

    PS Below is the AGM preliminary notice and following that a schedule of the conference and AGM schedule:

    * 2010 CEMB AGM Preliminary Notice

    Members are advised that the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is holding a Conference from 10.00-19.00 hours and the Third Annual General Meeting from 19.00-19.20 hours on Saturday 11 December 2010 in London; a social event follows the AGM. The AGM segment of the day is only open to members listed on our website.

    Members are requested to RSVP their attendance by 1 December 2010.

    Nomination of Board of Trustees and Motions

    Those wishing to submit motions for the meeting and conference or nominations for Board of Trustee members, should do so in writing. A proposer and seconder are required for both nominations and motions, which must reach the CEMB by 1 December 2010. This date is necessary to enable preparation of the formal notices of the AGM that will be sent out in advance of the meeting.

    The Board of Trustees will be elected at the AGM. Nominations of any member must be signed by a proposer and a seconder and must be signed by the person nominated to indicate that they are willing to stand for the Board. All those nominated will provide a statement of the skills they have to offer, their aims for the CEMB, and an indication of the extent to which they are prepared to undertake work as well as attending quarterly Trustee meetings in London.

    Nominations and motions should be sent by email to or via post to CEMB, BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX and arrive no later than 1 December 2010. The names of nominees, proposers and seconders should be written in block capitals, with clearly legible email addresses.

    The CEMB’s annual report and financial report will be made available to members at the AGM.

    * To mark international human rights day
    11 December 2010 conference
    Apostasy, Sharia Law and Human Rights
    Conway Hall
    25 Red Lion Square, London

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  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #1 - November 15, 2010, 09:55 PM

    man I would love to be there. just gotta swim across the atlantic.


    Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. - Voltaire
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #2 - November 16, 2010, 02:36 PM

    If I lived in London, I certainly would be tagging along to the 1900 event - shame its too far from where I live! 

    I'm not allowed to come to the CEMB AGM at 1900, proper harsh.

    ''we are morally and philisophically in the best position to win the league'' - Arsene Wenger
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #3 - November 16, 2010, 02:46 PM

    Depends how you define ex-muslim, personally I think you meet the criteria Wink

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  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #4 - November 16, 2010, 07:42 PM

    They should have these kinda things here in the State.
    I hate missing out :/
    Why isnt there a Council of Ex-Muslims of America?
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #5 - November 16, 2010, 10:08 PM

    Coooooooooooooool. I must consider this.  Afro Smiley

    Thanks for the details.
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #6 - November 16, 2010, 11:44 PM

    someone please record and put everything on youtube !!!

    Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. - Voltaire
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #7 - November 17, 2010, 12:04 AM

    If someone dares to go and not give us any info on what happened there.....  Baseball bat

  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #8 - November 17, 2010, 12:16 AM

    How much do you have to pay to attend, or is it free? I don't see anything about ticket prices in the OP. I live less than an hour away and wouldn't mind going...

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #9 - November 17, 2010, 12:24 AM

    They should have these kinda things here in the State.
    I hate missing out :/
    Why isnt there a Council of Ex-Muslims of America?

    They do have something like CEMB only it's called Former Muslims United.  It just started recently so it's not taking off as much plus there arent as many Muslims in America than Europe.
    Here is the Link:
    Hope this helps.

    "A good man is so hard to find but a hard man is so good to find"
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #10 - November 17, 2010, 01:43 AM

    Wish I could go, sounds like it'll be great.

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #11 - November 17, 2010, 04:08 AM

    They do have something like CEMB only it's called Former Muslims United.  It just started recently so it's not taking off as much plus there arent as many Muslims in America than Europe.
    Here is the Link:
    Hope this helps.

    From first glance, it looks like FFI, and seems as if it is affiliated with Christian conservatives.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #12 - November 18, 2010, 12:17 AM

    Hassan will be talking on the future of the movement, if anyone has any ideas for what he could say then let him know here.  I have forwarded him the LGBT video, to see if he can pick any pointers from that.

    btw as well as Alom Shaha (the author of that brilliant Guardian article posted last month), it appears Tarek Fateh (speaker on Islam related matters in Canadian media) will be speaking here too.  I thought he was still a Muslim?  Perhaps he still is, I dunno  Huh?

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  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #13 - November 18, 2010, 12:20 AM

    From his wiki page he is apparently still Muslim but in favour of gay rights and the seperation of religion and state, and against the establishment of an Islamic state and sharia law in general.

    Maybe he's a closet exxie.
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #14 - November 18, 2010, 01:18 AM

    I wonder if a lot of his type believe in a god, so they keep the label, but see the quran as folklore?

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  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #15 - November 18, 2010, 04:56 PM

    Please come to this! I will be speaking about the "Difficulties facing Ex-Muslims" (I need moral support as it will be the first time I have spoken publicly since leaving Islam  grin12)

    btw thanks for the vid u sent me IsLame - much of what she said has been in my mind and I will try and raise some of the points (as I haven't written down what I'm gonna say yet)

    For those who haven't seen this vid it is worth watching even though it is long:
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #16 - November 18, 2010, 05:08 PM

    I wonder if a lot of his type believe in a god, so they keep the label, but see the quran as folklore?

    From experiences I've had with believers, some once highly-religious people discard the scripture while maintaining religion in name.  Someone can continue being a Christian or Muslim in name while taking on a deist outlook.  Some of the deists eventually become agnostics or atheists while others hold on to the notion of an impersonal god.  I find cultural religionists are helpful in toning down the zeal.

  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #17 - November 18, 2010, 05:59 PM

    For those who haven't seen this vid it is worth watching even though it is long:

    Great video. Afro  But she stole all my ideas from the deepest crevices of my brain. finmad  That bitch!

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #18 - November 18, 2010, 09:18 PM

    Please come to this! I will be speaking about the "Difficulties facing Ex-Muslims" (I need moral support as it will be the first time I have spoken publicly since leaving Islam  grin12)

    Yay Hassan! Congratulations! You will do great, we all love you cheers

    Wish I could be there. I hope someone will put it on youtube.

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #19 - November 18, 2010, 09:31 PM

    Yay Hassan! Congratulations! You will do great, we all love you cheers

    Wish I could be there. I hope someone will put it on youtube.

    Thank you darling - I need lots of love!  far away hug
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #20 - November 18, 2010, 09:38 PM

    Oh cool, good stuff Hassan! Good luck!!

    ctrl + f: £ = no result. How much are tickets?
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #21 - November 18, 2010, 09:41 PM

    Please come to this! I will be speaking about the "Difficulties facing Ex-Muslims" (I need moral support as it will be the first time I have spoken publicly since leaving Islam  grin12)

    Just be yourself, and it will be all kinds of awesome  far away hug

    btw thanks for the vid u sent me IsLame - much of what she said has been in my mind and I will try and raise some of the points (as I haven't written down what I'm gonna say yet)

    For those who haven't seen this vid it is worth watching even though it is long:

    Ahh I 001_wub Greta Christina. She has a great blog btw, dunno if you've seen it but its worth a read. This is the post that got me interested in her:  Atheists and Anger

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #22 - November 18, 2010, 09:50 PM

    I think it'd be pretty cool to attend this shindig but I, unfortunately, have other engagements that day.

    And good luck with your speech, Hassan.  Afro
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #23 - November 18, 2010, 10:09 PM

    Oh cool, good stuff Hassan! Good luck!!

    ctrl + f: £ = no result. How much are tickets?

    afaik it's free! Just come - for sure no-one will be turned away!
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #24 - November 18, 2010, 10:11 PM

    Just be yourself, and it will be all kinds of awesome  far away hug

    Ahh I 001_wub Greta Christina. She has a great blog btw, dunno if you've seen it but its worth a read. This is the post that got me interested in her:  Atheists and Anger

    Thanks Ishna  far away hug

    Yes, I really loved what she said - in fact I have been saying for a long time that leaving Islam is like coming out as a Gay person!
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #25 - November 18, 2010, 10:22 PM

    Hassan, I might not be able to attend but I wish you the best of luck with this speech!  Afro

    Do you know what time, roughly, you may be giving the speech?

    Is it the 1400-1530 time slot?

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #26 - November 18, 2010, 10:27 PM

    I would love to go to this if I can get away that weekend... why all the deadlines! Why!

    Is anyone else going?
  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #27 - November 18, 2010, 10:36 PM

    I doubt I'll go as its too far, but its a distant possibility

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  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #28 - November 18, 2010, 11:03 PM

    Hassan, I might not be able to attend but I wish you the best of luck with this speech!  Afro

    Do you know what time, roughly, you may be giving the speech?

    Is it the 1400-1530 time slot?

  • Re: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain?s Conference & Annual General Meeting (London)
     Reply #29 - November 19, 2010, 12:29 AM

    Is anyone going to take a video of all this (if allowed)? I'm sure most of us who are too far away would love to see it.
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