a muslim women build the first modern university in the history of humanity
Ibn Khaldun The founder of sociology . he study in this university
so you can said that this university help very much to save europe from the dark ages .
muslims was very rich & civilized in that time .
do you think that west will stay strong forever ? hhhhhhhhhhh
man.. your era of weakness is start. The economic crisis. And the
increase in the expenses of undergraduate study... its signs
but the quistion is are you ready to live with the situastion ? the POPE said *the fake relegion that make money is the God & make people live only for money, it will be end some day*
i remeber a french historian said *i wish that muslims conquer us in that time, so we can get a civilization like spain
the big mistake that muslims do is they didn't genoceid the white people in spain .
muslims bring civilization to sapin .
specialy the white people,they dont know any thing about mercy.
morals is the destroyer of the civilizations
you said the same bullshiit that the islamophobies of the dark
ages in europe was saying, exactly the same.
Chemists Muslims invented the crystal.