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 Topic: Hi from on the fence muslim

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  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #210 - January 12, 2011, 08:08 PM

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #211 - January 12, 2011, 10:09 PM

    And you think eternal torture makes perfect sense for these awful people?


    @ MAS please read this also

    I think out of all the questions I have had thus far, this has to be the best one, I know MAS has also asked this.

    My answer: There isn't anything that God does, that isn't perfect.
    Does it make sense to me that God tortures some people forever, even if its only a few? Well according to my understanding it does.
    Now I am not a scholar, and like I said, I still leave some room open if a scholar were to clearly convince me that hell is not eternal.
    But if hell is eternal, and of that I am 90% sure, then I do not see how this should effect my faith, or make me question God, as He does as He pleases.

    To sum all of this up, and I hope MAS is also reading, as I can see that this is his main point now, so in a way I would be killing two birds with one stone. This will be my reply to both of you.

    From my understanding, (anyone is welcome to disagree with me) the punishment against disobeying God is eternal punishment, but out of Mercy and Justice, God either forgives that person because of their deeds, or allows interceders to plead on that persons behalf (because of their closeness to God), or God removes that person from hell and Forgives.
    As Brother Debunker already pointed out, satan is already condemned to an eternity to hell, but has been given respite.
    Adam (as) however repented and did not go down the same stubborn line as iblis.
    As for the ones who were sent clear signs, and messengers and prophets directly, who showed them miracles and provided clear proof, and still carried on worshipping idols. God will leave those people to their idols, as they were persistent in calling upon them, so now they are left with their gods who cannot help them, nor benefit them.

    Now, I don't believe humans are capable of comprehending God. Nor His actions, nor His wisdom, nor understand him in a whollistic way. We are a very limited creation who have not been endowed with the capabilities to come to complete conclusions about God.
    So when we question His actions, we are already going down a slippery slope. And I would never question any of his actions.
    It says in the Quran, that the father of Yusuf (as) said that no one despairs in God except a non-believer.

    I can clearly see why, because if you question His Mercy, then you will question His Wisdom, then you will question His Knowledge. If you continue in that way, then you will either disbelieve in God altogether, or you will change your definition of God, and turn to another religion or group.

    When we talk about God, you cannot understand him in a relative sense. You cannot describe him and understand him the way we understand a human being.
    How do you understand a Creator that is outside of space and time, who knows the eternal past and eternal future, who has no limits, who does not occupy a space, since space is a created phenomena and is limited. How do you understand a Creator who from His perspective, some of us are already in Hell or Paradise.

    My view is we all belong to God, and we are under His governance, and He has only allowed us to temporarily possess governance over what He has given thus in this world and drawn guidelines to follow.
    He has the right to do as He pleases, and we are to submit to it, and we do not possess a clear enough understanding of God because of our limitations, so we cannot make conclusions about any of His actions.

    God is the only true creator.
    All the “creators” in the world only manipulate what he has already created to create something “new”, but He is the One who created everything in existence and everything belongs to him.
    When you possess an object, does it truly belong to you? In the Islamic sense, it belongs to God, as does your life and wealth, and everything that Allah gave you truly belongs to Him, but He has allowed you to govern over it temporarily.
    Despite allowing you to govern over what he has given you, He has also drawn guidelines.

    Can a Muslim own a bottle of wine? No, because wine is prohibited and God does not give you governance over the prohibited.
    Can a Muslim give blood? Yes, as that is something not prohibited.
    God sends Messengers and Prophets to speak to humanity and communicate His law. Satan tries to cut them off the road and lead them astray. When I say satan, I mean devils from among the jinn and humans. People like tyrants and oppressors and those who encourage others to also rebel against God.
    This might seem unrelated to the question, but I believe that there are so many factors to take into account, and the fact that God is the Creator and Owner of all His Creations, gives Him the right to do as He pleases, and He cannot be judged, nor can we come to a conclusion about His actions, if we cannot even understand Him.

    This is my opinion, and I am not imposing it on anybody. I respect the right for people to believe as they please, and all of us have to account for whatever we believe. No human can account us for it.

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #212 - January 12, 2011, 10:30 PM

    There isn't anything that God does, that isn't perfect.

    The point is there are so many things in human body that are part of faulty design. (e.g prostrate. It is totally useless thing, but it kills men)

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #213 - January 12, 2011, 10:45 PM

    @ Muddy

    lol Nice to see you using atheist propaganda to prove that God doesn't exist, that's like me showing you an islamic video and telling you that God exists according to that persons observations. Why not read about Paul Davies if you want to be a bit more objective.

    Like I said I did not come here to impose my views.

    Anyway it is clear you have issues, all your replies have been extremely hostile. So to you your religion or non-religion, and to me my religion
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #214 - January 12, 2011, 10:51 PM

    Yea, those damn atheists, put the nerve from the brain, till the heart, than back up again to the larynx just to confuse Honest God Fearing Muslims...Those god damn atheists should be punished for making fake organisms like that one, and putting animals on geological layers in order to mislead the people of god, like they promised to Satan when he asked them for help...

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #215 - January 12, 2011, 10:53 PM

    Atheists are like that, Bardhi. Very, very crafty indeed.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #216 - January 12, 2011, 10:53 PM

    @ Muddy

    lol Nice to see you using atheist propaganda to prove that God doesn't exist, that's like me showing you an islamic video and telling you that God exists according to that persons observations. Why not read about Paul Davies if you want to be a bit more objective.

    Like I said I did not come here to impose my views.

    Anyway it is clear you have issues, all your replies have been extremely hostile. So to you your religion or non-religion, and to me my religion

    Don't really have time to go through long posts or any islamic literature. (been there, done that, didn't make sense, discarded it completely)
    You on the other hand only read islamic literature, and didn't try to find faults in it. You have a lot to read.

    Just try to sit on a beach one day; keep watching the shore. If there are stones, grab a piece; try to watch all the marks and texture on it. You will notice, it has millions of years of historical legacy. Nothing to do with creation.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #217 - January 12, 2011, 11:06 PM

    (e.g prostrate. It is totally useless thing, but it kills men)

    The prostrate gland helps in the production of semen.

    lol Nice to see you using atheist propaganda to prove that God doesn't exist, that's like me showing you an islamic video and telling you that God exists according to that persons observations.


    If there's anything I can't stand, it's mindless people flocking to mullahs and apologists.

    Now, I don't believe humans are capable of comprehending God. Nor His actions, nor His wisdom, nor understand him in a whollistic way. We are a very limited creation who have been endowed with the capabilities to come to conclusions about God.
    So when we question His actions, we are already going down a slippery slope. And I would never question any of his actions.
    It says in the Quran, that the father of Yusuf (as) said that no one despairs in God except a non-believer.

    I can clearly see why, because if you question His Mercy, then you will question His Wisdom, then you will question His Knowledge. If you continue in that way, then you will either disbelief in God altogether, or you will change your definition of God, and turn to another religion or group.

    It's a fallback argument.

    You're saying god is above reason.

    Yet you spent a great deal trying to use reason to support god.

    You give legitimacy to a conclusion, only when that conclusion is Islam.

    Dare to venture into forbidden thoughts and ideas. Refuse to be controlled by fear.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #218 - January 12, 2011, 11:16 PM

    @ bison

    Your argument assumes that an intelligent reader will conclude that Satan's response was rational. The composer of the Quran clearly skipped key elements of the narrative. In every single instance where the story is retold, nowhere is Iblis ever told to bend the knee. It's always- and I mean always- a directive only for the angels. Once is an oversight, twice a mistake, but every single instance? If God's intention was to cast Iblis in a bad light, and let there be no doubt that it's a divine hatchet job, he's not made a convincing case. A defence counself for Iblis (such as I) could easily puncture holes in the case against him. God says clearly "Why did you not obey when I commanded you?" That's a provably false allegation. It doesn't matter that my client is ignorant of his rights. What matters is the allegation against him, an allegation which even the one sided story told from the vantage point of the prosecution, does not bear it out.

    But the point is, counselor, your defendant confirmed the accusation by giving a justification for his disobedience. Imagine someone asks you why you’re shoplifting and you answer by blaming your action on a mental disorder, then you're clearly accepting the accusation, and only trying to explain why you did it.    

    Are you serious my sugarplum? I thought my point was transparently obvious. Dozens of sins are condemned in the Quran besides pride. Just the mere thought of collating them makes one sigh with exasperation. Very well, let me fetch them later. Feel free to call off the hunt when you've sobered up.

    I only asked for one verse. Apparently, I ain’t sober yet. (note: you have to show *textual evidence* that these other bad human traits are as serious as pride; your original challenge was that pride was not singled out as the most serious sin, and I shown you a lot of verses that prove that it is).

    Twice now you’ve claimed that the Quran is not a novel.

    It really isn’t.

    Come now my sweet, this is daft. A coherent narrative that runs clearly as a bubbling stream is not for amusement.

    Ok, so it’s not about the lack of amusement. I’m sorry but I was confused by your repeated reference to Hollywood.

    For does the Quran not say that it is a book void of doubt?

    Sometihng to that effect, but not quite.

    A watershed moment in the cosmic drama like the Fall of man demands much better documentation.

    Did you point out what you didn’t understand about the Quranic version of the fall of man? I’m sorry I missed it. Could you please remind me?

    If the Skydaddy is omniscient, then he would have been keenly aware long before Creation that a handsome dog called Bison and his boyfriend Debunker would be crossing swords about the shortcomings of his Masterpiece. His book was the first ever to elicit critics even before it was penned, so why not clear things up before hand? And yet, the book is so haphazardly composed that it would make a one-eyed cat laugh.  The Bible, penned by mortal hands, is more readable because it has a linear progression from beginning to middle to end. Was the Bible written for diversion?

    Why don’t you get to the point, bison? What is it you don’t understand about the Quranic version of the fall of man?

    Granted, Satan is afforded the right to monkey with Adam, but it’s clear that his expulsion from the Garden is indefinite because he was no longer fit to keep the company of the Choir Invisible as he was “the meanest of creatures”. That’s important. The degraded cannot enjoy the company of the exalted assembly of angels. If the Horned One was allowed back in, is this not a key element of the narrative on which a writer should fill one in or does God like suspense?  My argument is no more than this: As the narrative presently stands, the Quran does not explain how an evicted devil could speak to a denizen in the pearly gates. It's one of those logical errors on which Muslims gleefully pounce when it appears in the Bible. You, the pious Muslim who wants to plug any logical gaps, must contrive a scenario, must speculate, must fill in. Fess up: You complete Allah's unfinished manuscript.

    Even assuming that the Garden was a little piece of heaven, it was Adam’s dwelling place, not the angels’. I really don’t see what the problem is. God says he’s making man a Khalifa on earth. He creates man and orders the heavenly assembly to bow down to him. Iblis declines and explains his pride is more important than obeying God. God demotes Iblis from his previously held high rank and banishes him from His mercy forever. Iblis begs to be given a chance to exact revenge on man. God tells Iblis to hell with him and whoever follows him of men. Iblis starts his long journey of revenge with Adam. The beginning.

    It’s not an impossibility. Anything can happen in the world of flying spirits and demons but the scene of the Invisible Choir is in Heaven. That’s where God is, where Adam was created and where Iblis necked Bacardi Breezer and Brandy in the halal bar with a cigarette dangling from his lips and Eve on his knee.

    And yet, God said He’s creating man on Earth as a Khalifa. So that’s where man was created without speculating anything different.

    I posed a question to Aba, not a speculation. A very different thing. I'm not opposed to logical inference that any reasonable man would draw as distinct from idle conjecture, the one being supported by textual evidence and the other not. Example: The Quran nowhere says that God was in heaven when he formally declared to the winged boys that he was cooking up a homo sapien in his labaratory. That's a logical inference drawn from the knowledge of God's location in the ahadith. Of course he might have been slamming it at New York's hottest gay bars, but it's a reasonable inference. Conjecture is spinning polemical fables and fantasy out of thin air without any supporting evidence just to make one feel good. Got that?

    Are you saying your question (not a speculation) to Aba was reasonable? That Satan could *fake* a repentance and God could accept his fake repentance? In future conversations with you, would it be OK if I rephrased (possibly unreasonable) speculations as (possibly unreasonable) questions?      

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #219 - January 12, 2011, 11:25 PM

    Even assuming that the Garden was a little piece of heaven, it was Adam’s dwelling place, not the angels’. I really don’t see what the problem is. God says he’s making man a Khalifa on earth. He creates man and orders the heavenly assembly to bow down to him. Iblis declines and explains his pride is more important than obeying God. God demotes Iblis from his previously held high rank. Iblis begs to be given a chance to exact revenge on man. God tells Iblis to hell with him and whoever follows him of men. Iblis goes to man’s dwelling, the Garden, and tempts him.

    I think MAB was saying how could Iblis go in heaven to tempt Adem if he was already banished from heaven...

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #220 - January 12, 2011, 11:38 PM

    The prostrate gland helps in the production of semen.

    Sorry, my bad. I might have mixed it up with some other organ or posted someone else's over exaggeration. Anyways, here is a list of 20 useless human body parts:

    A tiny pit on each side of the septum is lined with nonfunctioning chemoreceptors. They may be all that remains of a once extensive pheromone-detecting ability.

    This trio of muscles most likely made it possible for prehominids to move their ears independently of their heads, as rabbits and dogs do. We still have them, which is why most people can learn to wiggle their ears.

    Early humans had to chew a lot of plants to get enough calories to survive, making another row of molars helpful. Only about 5 percent of the population has a healthy set of these third molars.

    A set of cervical ribs—possibly leftovers from the age of reptiles—still appear in less than 1 percent of the population. They often cause nerve and artery problems.

    A common ancestor of birds and mammals may have had a membrane for protecting the eye and sweeping out debris. Humans retain only a tiny fold in the inner corner of the eye.

    A small folded point of skin toward the top of each ear is occasionally found in modern humans. It may be a remnant of a larger shape that helped focus distant sounds.

    This small muscle stretching under the shoulder from the first rib to the collarbone would be useful if humans still walked on all fours. Some people have one, some have none, and a few have two.

    This long, narrow muscle runs from the elbow to the wrist and is missing in 11 percent of modern humans. It may once have been important for hanging and climbing. Surgeons harvest it for reconstructive surgery.

    Lactiferous ducts form well before testosterone causes sex differentiation in a fetus. Men have mammary tissue that can be stimulated to produce milk.

    Bundles of smooth muscle fibers allow animals to puff up their fur for insulation or to intimidate others. Humans retain this ability (goose bumps are the indicator) but have obviously lost most of the fur.

    This narrow, muscular tube attached to the large intestine served as a special area to digest cellulose when the human diet consisted more of plant matter than animal protein. It also produces some white blood cells. Annually, more than 300,000 Americans have an appendectomy.

    Brows help keep sweat from the eyes, and male facial hair may play a role in sexual selection, but apparently most of the hair left on the human body serves no function.

    Often mistaken for a nerve by freshman medical students, the muscle was useful to other primates for grasping with their feet. It has disappeared altogether in 9 percent of the population.

    Our closest cousins, chimpanzees and gorillas, have an extra set of ribs. Most of us have 12, but 8 percent of adults have the extras.

    A remnant of an undeveloped female reproductive organ hangs off the male prostate gland.

    Lesser apes use all their toes for grasping or clinging to branches. Humans need mainly the big toe for balance while walking upright.

    What might become sperm ducts in males become the epoophoron in females, a cluster of useless dead-end tubules near the ovaries.

    More than 20 percent of us lack this tiny, triangular pouchlike muscle that attaches to the pubic bone. It may be a relic from pouched marsupials.

    These fused vertebrae are all that’s left of the tail that most mammals still use for balance and communication. Our hominid ancestors lost the need for a tail before they began walking upright.

    The nasal sinuses of our early ancestors may have been lined with odor receptors that gave a heightened sense of smell, which aided survival. No one knows why we retain these perhaps troublesome mucus-lined cavities, except to make the head lighter and to warm and moisten the air we breathe.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #221 - January 12, 2011, 11:42 PM

    @ bardhi

    you mean Bison, not MAB? yeah, we've been over this before, even with the (false) assumption that Adam and Iblis were supposed to share the Garden as residence (before Iblis fell out of grace), Iblis was still allowed to tempt Adam, that doesn't mean he could dwell there or stay in his previously held high status. He was banished from his heavenly status and abode yet allowed to tempt man, I don't see the problem.

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #222 - January 13, 2011, 12:21 AM

    @ Muddy

    lol Nice to see you using atheist propaganda to prove that God doesn't exist, that's like me showing you an islamic video and telling you that God exists according to that persons observations. Why not read about Paul Davies if you want to be a bit more objective.

    Like I said I did not come here to impose my views.

    Anyway it is clear you have issues, all your replies have been extremely hostile. So to you your religion or non-religion, and to me my religion

    regarding imperfection, it would have been nice if this life were perfect, more like the promised paradise... no disease, no aging, no death.

    but then again nothing is perfect, not even the mightiest angel or the highest heaven, for only God is truly perfect.

    btw, Dawkins is not a propagandist, his viewes are simply skewed. Here's a 2 hour interview with a much more brilliant scientist, Francis Collins, who provides a different perspective on evolution as being God's way of creation.

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #223 - January 13, 2011, 12:23 AM

    for only God is truly perfect.

    That's what he says.

    Do you trust him?

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #224 - January 13, 2011, 12:28 AM


    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #225 - January 13, 2011, 12:31 AM

    Oh well thats alright then.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #226 - January 13, 2011, 01:07 AM

    Don't really have time to go through long posts or any islamic literature. (been there, done that, didn't make sense, discarded it completely)
    You on the other hand only read islamic literature, and didn't try to find faults in it. You have a lot to read.

    Just try to sit on a beach one day; keep watching the shore. If there are stones, grab a piece; try to watch all the marks and texture on it. You will notice, it has millions of years of historical legacy. Nothing to do with creation.

    You don't know anything about me! Man somebody get this guy outta here man! I only have a couple of minutes to reply to people, you have to bring this scrub in here to steal my time!

    What kind of a stupid assumption is that? You don't know how long I searched and looked until I made up my mind and accepted Islam!
    Just like some people here went through an extremely painful journey to find something else other than Islam, I took that same journey and came to another conclusion, and believe me I read everything I could get my hands on. After I embraced Islam properly, I even looked into shia Islam and other sects within Islam. I almost became a shia in my early stages.
    Believe me I have looked and I wasn't even religious, I read the majority of the atheist literature out there.
    So buzz off, you talk nothing but nonsense! You didn't even know that the prostate had a function!!!

    Based on your logic should I assume that you only left Islam so you could have sex with a man? Seriously, just post garbage in some other thread and live your life.

    The prostrate gland helps in the production of semen.

    If there's anything I can't stand, it's mindless people flocking to mullahs and apologists.

    It's a fallback argument.

    You're saying god is above reason.

    Yet you spent a great deal trying to use reason to support god.

    You give legitimacy to a conclusion, only when that conclusion is Islam.

    Dare to venture into forbidden thoughts and ideas. Refuse to be controlled by fear.

    lol whatsup homey. I thought we were cool. btw did you see how that dumbass thought the prostate gland had no function lol, but I have to correct you too, it is actually prostate and not prostrate gland!
    As for your comment, I am using what I know based on an islamic opinion. I said you can only understand God in a limited way. So if that's your interpretation of what I said, just so you can slap your own conclusion on it, then you are doing exactly what you're accusing me of, by saying that only Islam can be my conclusion. In that case I can say the same is true for you in reverse and tag on whatever your beliefs are.
    So lets just drop this debate.

    How are ya?
    btw, you telling me to expand my horizons, that is an assumption in epic proportion. You are addressing someone who you know nothing about, and assuming he has never looked at anything else but Islam!!!
    Now would probably be a good time for me to write an intro.

    regarding imperfection, it would have been nice if this life were perfect, more like the promised paradise... no disease, no aging, no death.

    but then again nothing is perfect, not even the mightiest angel or the highest heaven, for only God is truly perfect.

    btw, Dawkins is not a propagandist, his viewes are simply skewed. Here's a 2 hour interview with a much more brilliant scientist, Francis Collins, who provides a different perspective on evolution as being God's way of creation.

    I wasn't talking about dawkins though.
    It's just when that dumbass wrote:

    (e.g prostrate. It is totally useless thing, but it kills men)

    and then showed two videos, I thought to myself what kind of moron would say that? So I clicked on the second video and it was just a diss against all religions, and blatant propaganda.
    It's also ironic that he can't even spell the word!
    Anyway I will watch the video, thank you, it sounds interesting.
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #227 - January 13, 2011, 01:14 AM

    @ Aba

    i just wanted to point out that I noticed muddy's tone with you has changed and became neutral, in the last 2 posts. Probably you couldn't sense this change because of your earlier interaction with him.


    btw, i think you misunderstood olweasel.

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #228 - January 13, 2011, 01:41 AM

    Cant remember, but I was just joking anyway.  I mean cutting the moon in half is no small feat by any stretch of the imagination.

    @IsLame & debunker:
    Well, debunker may not believe in the splitting of the moon, but he does believe in the many far-fetched miracles of all other prophets.  The list of Jesus's miracles alone is pretty impressive.  Just think about it.

    Thats why I wonder if anything could be unearthed for you to stop believing, because the way I see it, there's always a way of spinning everything if somebody is not prepared to pay Occam razor principle a modicum of respect

    Once I realised there is a reasonable explanation for almost all the divinical claims of Muslims, Muhammed & the Quran, then Occam razor did the rest for me.

    That is the crux of the matter as far as I can see.  You have decided to throw away Occam's razor when it comes to religion.  (The beardos don't need a razor after all.  Sorry, lame joke. Tongue)  But in your everyday life you use Occam's razor all the time.  A doctor/physician uses Occam's razor all the time, so does a detective, an electrician, a plumber, a car mechanic, a scientist etc.  You said in an old post that you don't reject science, but I think you do.  Because, as you know, Occam's razor is a key principle in science. "the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one"  You take a leap of faith and choose to believe in a personal, creator God.  In fact, you choose one specific theism of them all.  All this despite a lact of positive evidence to support your claim that Islam is true.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #229 - January 13, 2011, 01:55 AM

    That is the crux of the matter as far as I can see.  You have decided to throw away Occam's razor when it comes to religion.  (The beardos don't need a razor after all.  Sorry, lame joke. Tongue)  But in your everyday life you use Occam's razor all the time.

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #230 - January 13, 2011, 02:05 AM

    You don't know how long I searched and looked until I made up my mind and accepted Islam!

    I can totally believe that you did all your research. But I do have serious issues with your research because you are discarding the solid proofs of evolution as atheist propaganda.

    Can you tell me if you don't mind what is your level of education and how many advanced level of science courses have you taken?

    You do not need to hurry. You can take your time. Whenever you have free time, you can get back with your reply.

    Also what kind of God's perfect wisdom is it that he create human males with foreskin and ask their parents to cut them off? (circumcision)

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #231 - January 13, 2011, 02:07 AM

    Satan didn't disobey God *out of weakness*, for example, he disobeyed Him out of pride. Right After he saw *ALL the Angels in Heavens* bowing down as they were told, what does he do? He stands there in defiance, in God's presence, to declare that he was too proud to do it.

    Yeah, he's actually one of the heroes of Islamic mythology.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #232 - January 13, 2011, 02:07 AM

    @ teapot

    @IsLame & debunker:
    Well, debunker may not believe in the splitting of the moon, but he does believe in the many far-fetched miracles of all other prophets.  The list of Jesus's miracles alone is pretty impressive.  Just think about it.

    I don’t believe Muhammed performed any miracles, simply because the Quran says that no miracles would be performed by him. I have discussed this before.

    That is the crux of the matter as far as I can see.  You have decided to throw away Occam's razor when it comes to religion.  (The beardos don't need a razor after all.  Sorry, lame joke.  )  But in your everyday life you use Occam's razor all the time.  A doctor/physician uses Occam's razor all the time, so does a detective, an electrician, a plumber, a car mechanic, a scientist etc.  You said in an old post that you don't reject science, but I think you do.  Because, as you know, Occam's razor is a key principle in science. "the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one"  You take a leap of faith and choose to believe in a personal, creator God.  In fact, you choose one specific theism of them all.  All this despite a lact of positive evidence to support your claim that Islam is true.


    But everyone rejects Occam’s razor when they find it helpful. Even in science, thinking outside the box (which necessarily involves throwing away Occam’s razor) can result in breakthroughs.

    As for religion, Occam’s razor is exactly why I prefer Isalm over all other religions. Polytheism maintains that there are more than one god-> each one of those god is limited and quite helpless beyond his/her domain -> none of them are truly gods, only powerful beings -> I choose monotheism.  

    Monotheism: there’s mainly Judiasm/Christianity/Isalm. The Bible is laden with blasphemies and the basic tenet of Christianity is based on a wacko idea: God must kill his most beloved creation AND you must thank Him for it, before He can forgive your sins. Why can’t He just forgive without punishing Himself first? I choose Islam.  

    Finally, even non-religionists sometimes ignore the razor when they discuss certain aspects/problems/issues of a certain religion… I’ve seen it many times even discussing with people here.

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #233 - January 13, 2011, 02:08 AM

    Yeah, he's actually one of the heroes of Islamic mythology.

    in your eyes, you mean?

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #234 - January 13, 2011, 02:19 AM

    Well, obviously not yours.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #235 - January 13, 2011, 02:22 AM

    I can totally believe that you did all your research. But I do have serious issues with your research because you are discarding the solid proofs of evolution as atheist propaganda.

    Can you tell me if you don't mind what is your level of education and how many advanced level of science courses have you taken?

    sorry for butting in, but i didn't see anything Aba wrote which indicates he rejects evolution. bsides, i don't see how his education is relevant... suppose he's a rocket scientist, would that change anything? Would you take his views more seriuosly? How about Francis Collins? The guy is a genious scientist and a medical doctor, are you willing to consider his views based on the fact that he's a brilliant super-star as far as science is concerned?

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #236 - January 13, 2011, 02:24 AM

    Well, obviously not yours.

    so is that a yes or a no?

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #237 - January 13, 2011, 02:26 AM

    sorry for butting in, but i didn't see anything Aba wrote which indicates he rejects evolution. bsides, i don't see how his education is relevant... suppose he's a rocket scientist, would that change anything? Would you take his views more seriuosly? How about Francis Collins? The guy is a genious scientist and a medical doctor, are you willing to consider his views based on the fact that he's a brilliant super-star as far as science is concerned?

    But he's not clever enough to know that you should associate partners with God.

    Allah's gonna burn him over and over again for his wicked ways.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #238 - January 13, 2011, 02:29 AM

    so is that a yes or a no?

    I thought it was a rhetorical question.

    Yes, in my eyes. That's why I said it. Satan is a hero of Islamic mythology. One of the few interesting characters in its stark and unimpressive folklore.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Hi from on the fence muslim
     Reply #239 - January 13, 2011, 02:31 AM

    Do you know why he became a born again Christian?

    He was walking through the woods and came across a waterfall that had frozen into 3 separate streams - he didn't think this was a a mere coincidence, no, this was a sign from God, he immediately knelt down and accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and saviour.

    Allah works in mysterious ways.  Wink

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

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