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 Topic: Was God Confused?

 (Read 1429 times)
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  • Was God Confused?
     OP - January 02, 2011, 10:18 PM

    This is what I keep asking myself, when thinking about the myth of creation.
    I know that in christianity and judaism, god creates adam and eve and warns them against eating an apple, and when they do, he sends them to a planet and decides to create universe in which a a constant  battle between good and evil rages. After casting humanity down from heaven, he's punishing us all for the mistakes of a man who lived thousands of years ago, and saying to us "I will take you back to where you belong, but you need to prove your worth to me first".

    Yet, adam and eve were naive, to say the least. They had no idea of what to expect, they were new to their material bodies and they didn't even know good from evil.

    The realm where we belong is a spiritual one, yet he gives us material bodies, creates a universe with rules and material laws, and casts us into it. Suddenly, we're stuck in a body, and on a planet we are naive about. We've never received training in regards to its facts, and we were never warned about what to expect. He on the other hand, knows our destiny from the day we're born, yet he watches us crash and burn. He watches as millions die, he watches as people kill each other, as the rich oppress the poor, as masses starve.

    Getting back to the myth of creation, the fact is, he doesn't really know why he created adam and eve in the first place, does he? If he did, he would've casted them down to earth from the beginning. The whole story causes me to question his wisdom.

    As far as I know, in Islam, the apple story and tree of life symbolism is not there, and I'm not well versed in it, so any detailed interpretation/explanation of the creation myth in Islam would be appreciated.

    What really bothers me in the whole story, is how an all encompassing and all knowing god decides to give the devil a chance, and casts him down together with the humans. Why would god bother with such a pitiful game? A god who has created galaxies, stars, solar systems, a god who has created gravity, anti-matter and blackholes? Why would such a wise artisan be concerned about a single planet and its inhabitants, and how they're doing?

    What's worse, to top off all this nonsense, he makes the whole game unfair!
    There is no fairness in this game, is there? All the rules favor the devil and his apostles.

    We can't see him, yet he can 'whisper' stuff into our ears to confuse us.
    We can't slay him, yet he can guide hitler and many other lunatics into massacring millions.
    We can't sit down, have a coffee with him, and tell him to get he f.. out of our lives, he is free to come and go at will, to toy with us, to mess with our minds...

    And while he's doing all this, what does god do? He watches...
    And yeah, he sends messengers to warn us.
    And to round it off, he never shows himself in person to us humans, and we never see the devil, yet we're expected to pick the right path, to believe the words of mortal humans, and believe in the correct religion, despite all the confusing and conflicting messages sent over the years

    If the whole purpose of life is to test our resolve, and to see if we're going to be good, why aren't the rules of the game a bit easier? Why send HUMAN messengers? That's quite confusing isn't it? What if someone (some other prophet claiming to be the true prophet) tricks us into believing in the wrong religion? What if the devil whispers into the ears of a madman and helps him create a religion that's so close to the 'true religion' god wishes usto follow that we fall pray to it?

    Furthermore, if God knows everything, then obviously, he knew the devil was not going to accept the greatness of mankind. He also would know that adam and eve would err and be casted onto planet earth. If he knows all this already, why bother recreating the sequence of events?

    And why would god let the devil lead people astray, then punish people until eternity? Is it not the devils fault? Is he not the one instigating it all?

    I hear the classic argument of free will-but there is NO free will involved when you're fighting a battle against an imaginary enemy is there? Let's be honest, has the devil appeared to any of us? Yet he can manipulate us all, he can trick us, he has both material and supernatural powers at his disposal, not to mention the wisdom and experience of millions of years, and we are supposed to be able to fight against such a powerful nemesis?

    It's all extremely confusing, what's more, it shows that god himself was more confused than the creators of monopoly-the board game. The rules of that game makes more sense than this life game which has been created by a deity.

    I have a feeling we are all toys to his ego. He's like a crazy painter, doing as he wishes, and not having to deal with the repercussions of his actions. First he creates the angels, he then gets bored of their constant praises and decides to create humanity. He wants us to be far from perfect because that's more amusing for him. He then creates a game, with unfair rules, and watches from a distance. I think he's bored with us, and is planning his next creation. Why else would he stop sending books and prophets, and complete the whole ordeal with muhammad? I wonder what his next project will be?
    It's obvious, that he has ADD.

    PS: can someone explain the myth of creation according to the Quran, in detail please? thanks.

  • Re: Was God Confused?
     Reply #1 - January 03, 2011, 06:56 AM

    The answer to all your question is:
    Because Its a stupid story, that is largely and logically incoherent.

    For entertainment, nobody does it better than Mark Twain, as he rips the story apart:

    The foundation of superstition is ignorance, the
    superstructure is faith and the dome is a vain hope. Superstition
    is the child of ignorance and the mother of misery.
    -Robert G. Ingersoll (1898)

     "Do time ninjas have this ability?" "Yeah. Only they stay silent and aren't douchebags."  -Ibl
  • Re: Was God Confused?
     Reply #2 - January 03, 2011, 09:03 AM

    Just ranting and philosophizing (if you can call it that!)

    No questions in my post actually-other than Islam's take on the creation myth, which I hope someone with detailed knowledge informs us about Smiley

    I wasn't aware of Twain's writings on this topic, thanks for the link.
  • Re: Was God Confused?
     Reply #3 - January 03, 2011, 09:28 AM

    Another topic which has crossed my mind in regards to creation and the nature of man-
    As far as I know, god (allah) has 99 names, each distinguished, carrying different qualities. According to some more spiritual interpretations, mankind carries within him, the qualities of these names. Hence, the actions of mankind is a material reflection, one millionth the size of the same qualities god possesses.

    For instance, let's take lust as an example. We lust for the opposite sex (or same sex in some cases) and that feels our bodies with emotions which are hard to explain. Imagine 1million times that urge and desire, and imagine creating the galaxy out of such an urge and desire.

    Take vengeance for instance-as another example. Most humans want vengeance against those that have harmed them. God, according to old texts, created the world, the universe, established laws and rules which were HIS laws. Anyone opposing them or betraying the laws he created (for instance-homosexuality is a good example of this-god created mankind in pairs so they can procreate, that's why homosexuality is viewed as immoral-because it is against his established laws) is struck down with vengeance. Whole cities are demolished, swarms of locusts are sent, plagues are created, simply to cast vengeance against his OWN creations.

    One final, and perhaps, most important point is this-it is god that gave us knowledge. Without knowledge, we wouldn't know how to slay others, we wouldn't know how to be dishonest, how to steal, how to laugh etc. The whole symbolism of the apple tree that Adam and Eve eat from is that it represents knowledge (which is why it's the basis for the kaballah and the spiritual teachings of it), without that tree, we would have no sense of morality-because we wouldn't know right or wrong.

    So what we have is simple.
    God creates non-perfect beings who inherently posses traits of his personality, characteristics from his 99 names, whom he watches over and punishes. Essentially he's punishing us for being like HIM.

    Islam says all good and evil is from god. If so.... Why are imperfect beings being punished?

    ok enough ranting for now-to be continued later on Smiley
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