Pakistan needs to be taken over by somebody again to run it, seriously! This country needs colonial "civilisation".
Contrast Bangladesh, its constitution and its direction, with Pakistan.
Bangladesh has issues but its progress and trajectory in contrast with Pakistan is startling.
It had disadvantages Pakistan never had, but it still manages to strive for a secular democratic future. Jamat-e-Islami are hounded in Bangladesh. In Pakistan they are feted, jehadism and Islamic supremacy is the national ideology. Bangladesh in contrast constitutionally is progressive, and constantly seeking to perfect itself.
Like I said, Bangladesh has many issues, but through the popular will it does not follow the kind of path that Pakistan has gone down. Two predominantly Muslim states in the Indian sub-continent, and one is very different from the other in outlook and prospect.
Pakistan need only look to Bangladesh to see an alternative nationhood and future - the question is, is it too late?