Yes, I'd be surprised if his support was unconditional. I'd also be surprised if he wanted people criminally charged for speaking out against Israel.
Found it: mine
LONDON – The Venezuelan Embassy in London has been accused of glorifying terrorism ahead of its commemoration on Saturday of the 10th anniversary of the outbreak of the second intifada.
The intifada was “at the forefront of the world struggle against white supremacist neo-colonialism and settler-colonialism,” according to the embassy.
The legation's website describes the event, titled “Ten years since the second intifada: making the empire turn back,” as an exploration of the reason for the eruption of the intifada and “its ramifications for the Palestinian revolution and national liberation struggle.”
It also says that the intifada “has been a catalyst, and formed part of the process of an emerging multi-polar world and the growing strength and confidence of the South.”
The event will “explore the intifada's relationship with movements of resistance against Anglo-American aggression, invasion and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas and conflicts in the 'war on terror'.”
A message will be delivered on behalf of the Venezuelan Ambassador Samuel Moncada at the event. Other speakers include former MP and veteran anti-Israel activist George Galloway; the former plane hijacker Leila Khaled, who will address the event by video, and Massoud Shadjareh, chair of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, organisers of London Al-Quds Day - an annual event in support of the resistance movements against Israel.
The IHRC is a Hezbollah and Islamic Republic supporting organization associated with the UK branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir. At an anti-Israel rally in Hyde Park during the Second Lebanon War, Shadjareh wore a Hezbollah flag.
Journalist Sukant Chandan will chair the event. He heads the George Habash Memorial Committee, where the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian is described as “a man who contributed more than most to the revolutionary struggles of a liberated Palestine and a free and united Arab nation.”
The London-based think tank the Centre for Social Cohesion has called for the British police to intervene and accused the embassy of glorifying terrorism.
“This is disgraceful event; its intention is to glorify the murder of civilians and an act of glorification of terror,” CSC director Douglas Murray said. “According to the 2006 Terrorism Act, the glorification of terrorism is an illegal act in the UK. Therefore the police should attend the event and arrest anyone who contravenes the law.
“The second intifada was a campaign of murder of Israeli civilians. The murder of civilians by terrorists is something the British government and police should consider with the upmost seriousness, whether it is terrorism directed against Israelis, British people or anyone else.
“If this were a meeting celebrating 7/7 [terrorist attacks on London] they would be arrested. They are celebrating bus bombs in Israel, so Galloway and company should also be arrested. There is no difference between celebrating the murder of people on buses in Tel Aviv or on tube trains in London,” Murray said.
And there ya go. Douglas Murray is a right-wing authoritarian sack of shit who wants to sic the cops on anyone who voices support of Palestinian resistance.
On Israel/Palestine, he supports a two state solution as far as I know.
Yep, he supports it on Israel's terms-- a glorified Bantustan for the Palestinians, nothing for the refugees of 48, and all of Jerusalem in Israel's hands.
You wrote the book on snide, Q

I'd would have said that I bet Douglas Murray wished he was all those things, but in truth its just the immensity of the mans projected capabilities that would probably tickle him the most.
Back in the real world, here is the reality on how he uses "the UK government to forcefully censor anyone who opposes these things" - an article about how he has been blackballed by David Cameron and the British government, who ignore him.
How I became a Tory pariah I don't agree with Douglas Murray on everything, but then I don't agree with hardly anyone on everything. He's just another voice you can listen to and then disagree with if you don't like it, but he's got about as much influence on the government's ability to 'forcefully censor' anything as you do.
Man's projected capabilities? I just said that he supported these things, not that he was powerful, and you have yet to refute my statement.
I also found him to be a very charming and likable person.
Totally irrelevant to his vile politics and morally reprehensible positions.
He's the Nazi Julius Streicher of 21st Century Britain, to be fair.
He supports murder, terror, and oppression because he views those being slaughtered as being in the way of his country and "progress", so why the hell not? I could compare him to a Hamas or Hutu Power propagandist if that makes you more comfortable than the Nazi analogy.