Evolutionary paleontologists portray different Homo erectus, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, and archaic Homo sapiens human fossils as indicating different species or subspecies on the evolutionary path. They base this on the differences between these fossil skulls. However, these differences actually consist of variations among different human races that have existed, some of which have become extinct or have been assimilated. These differences have grown less pronounced as human races have intermixed over time.
If, thousands of years in the future, scientists discover the skull of an American who lived in the 2000s and was some 1.90 meters tall, and compare it with the skull of a Japanese individual who also lived in the 2000s but was only 1.60 meters tall, they will observe a great many differences between them—first and foremost, in terms of size. If, on the basis of these differences, they then suggest, that the Japanese were primitive and that Americans were several rungs higher up the developmental ladder, of course they will be making an interpretation that in no way reflects the true state of affairs.
Nice defence! And some part of it made sense. Anyways, those early homonides skuls weren't really sole part of evolutionary proofs. They are part of a very big proof. There are many many evidences of evolution. Just search google for "useless parts of human body", and you will witness many yourself. They are actually all proof of legacy of evolution, not intellegent design.
Do you also believe Animal's like Tiger's for example have evolved?
Yes, absolutely! Also all the other animals have evolved. Scientists have done all kinds of research, disecting all different kind of species, studied their DNA, they all relate to each other through different branches of evolution. Yes, all the animals are out cousins.
I find it amazing that people think that the universe, the earth, the perfect system running it and every thing in it emerged by chance.
You find it amazing because you think the only intellegent species are humans and Allah. Which is totally wrong. Every single animal, every single organ of our body, every single cell of our body, every single atom in the universe is intellegent. Do I sound crazy? every single atom knows to keep its electrons intact. But as soon as another compatable atom comes alone (like one carbon atom, two oxygen atoms, they have intellegence to pair themselves up) Although their individual intellegence isn't in anyways comparable to our brain's intellegence, but they were all intellegent enough too evolve into us in billions of years of time. There are many many planets including Mars where life didn't evolved whatsoever.