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 Topic: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;

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  • Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     OP - January 14, 2011, 04:09 PM

    Jamal Al-Din Ibrahim, Self-Proclaimed California University Toxicologist on Al-Rahma TV (Egypt) December 2, 2010

    Geez, the ideas they have of Western societies.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #1 - January 14, 2011, 05:32 PM

    Unless the women got HIV from their multiple partners, got overly tired physically from them or injured themselves, in most cases the women would get stronger immunologically because happier people (as I remember) tend to fend off bugs better and those with a more positive attitude as well, also this is helped by the exercise of sex and the endorphins of sex as they act as a natural painkiller so therefore fend off quite a lot of the pain. As the women would come in contact with more diseases and viruses etc, if her immune system was not compromised in any way she would also over time increase her immune systems strength causing her to get less illnesses.

    Therefore the article is a load of rubbish!
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #2 - January 14, 2011, 07:58 PM

    He's a fucking idiot and talks straight out of his arse. Nothing he said has any basis in reality.

    News just in: Listening to people like him officially makes you more stupid.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #3 - January 14, 2011, 08:44 PM

    How very telling that all the dissenters here are pretty young things with an ideological axe to grind. It's all they have to grind because no other form of grinding is permitted by the deen.

    The Muslim brother is correct. Let a woman spread her legs for one man, and one only. Debauchery is a phallocentric enterprise. Women need not apply. No hairy Fatima who wraps her legs around multiple gallants can hope to escape a trip to the gynecologist. Nature so intended. STDS deter the wicked. If up where the angels sing and the devils frolic there is no Avenger, what remains to check a woman's baser instinct of bedding three men a night?
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #4 - January 15, 2011, 04:57 AM

    you wanna know about muslimah sex problems go here

    h t t p : / / phpbber . com/ phpbb/ index.php?m forum=emob                [BTW close the spaces]

  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #5 - January 15, 2011, 08:14 AM

    The Muslim brother is correct. Let a woman spread her legs for one man, and one only. Debauchery is a phallocentric enterprise. Women need not apply. No hairy Fatima who wraps her legs around multiple gallants can hope to escape a trip to the gynecologist. Nature so intended. STDS deter the wicked. If up where the angels sing and the devils frolic there is no Avenger, what remains to check a woman's baser instinct of bedding three men a night?

    Nigga please. Nature doesn't encourage monogamy, its full with examples of polygamy/polyamory. I hope you're kidding.
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #6 - January 15, 2011, 12:41 PM


    Monogamy sins against nature. What could be more obscene than to squander the average man's billion odd sperm cells on a single Fatima who is very plain looking? A well sculpted babe with ample jugs may be defensible, but a hairy lassie no. What in my post gave you the impression I back it? Or are you just flirting with me again?
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #7 - January 15, 2011, 10:00 PM

    Lol - reminds me of Private Eye this week, there was a bit about an article in the Daily Mail which said that a psychological study had found that people who wait till they are married to have sex have more enjoyable sex lives than people who don't. What it failed to mention was this "psychological study" was carried out by psychologists at a University funded by the Mormons!

    Where do these idiots get this crap from!

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #8 - January 16, 2011, 07:20 AM


    What could be more obscene than to squander the average man's billion odd sperm cells on a single Fatima who is very plain looking?

    True, so why do you do that every night with your wife?  Cheesy
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #9 - January 17, 2011, 08:51 PM

    Unless the women got HIV from their multiple partners, got overly tired physically from them or injured themselves, in most cases the women would get stronger immunologically because happier people (as I remember) tend to fend off bugs better and those with a more positive attitude as well, also this is helped by the exercise of sex and the endorphins of sex as they act as a natural painkiller so therefore fend off quite a lot of the pain. As the women would come in contact with more diseases and viruses etc, if her immune system was not compromised in any way she would also over time increase her immune systems strength causing her to get less illnesses.

    Therefore the article is a load of rubbish!

    Yes! what those people were discussing was 'scientific' bullshit!
    But what you claim too is nebulous! The claim you have made has been 'proved' in the case of animals.BTW there are other more efficient methods of releasing endorphins into the blood stream with almost zilch side effects than indulging in sex with multiple partners.
    It's highly simplistic to equate sex between human beings with sex between animals.

    By your logic, popular porn stars have very robust immune systems!
    Too much of even a good thing ends up being bad and counterproductive.
    When sex like food is used to fight depression the results are not very pleasant.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Multiple Sex Partners Make a Woman's Immune System Crash;
     Reply #10 - January 17, 2011, 09:02 PM

    yes i agree with you, but what i view as multiple partners is not porn stars who have a lot of sex a day, but ones where there is some degree of relationship b/w the people involved (not casual sex). About the endorphins, isn't a happy mind kind of a cure for quite a lot of illnesses? I wasn't condoning depression sex either, it's called moderation. After some sexual activity I had, I had my period and the first day was pain free when usually it is quite bad, so I know it isn't a load of rubbish.
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