Re: Protest to remove "creation science" from Google Scholar...
Reply #6 - January 26, 2011, 12:38 AM
Why should these articles not appear on Google scholar but should on the main google search function? Because the articles in the scholar results pages have been selected to generate what Google presents as a scholary directory. Creationist articles that utilise neither the scientific nor historical scholary methods are therefore being presented as something they are not. If you wish to argue that people should be allowed to see all the information available so that they can make up their own minds (teach the controversy, if you will), that is fine...and I broadly agree. However, just as I would not want school students to be presented with creationist stories in biology class, because it artificially and quite undeservedly elevates the status of a myth to that of a valid scientific theory, I think it unwise for Google to present creationist articles, devoid of meaningful science, as scholary content. Google have an editorial policy on what can be accepted as a Google Scholar article, this petition simply requests that this existing policy is re-evaluated/re-administered.
Rationalizer, I suspect we could go in circles here, with you presenting a case for freedom of information, one that I fully understand, and me saying that Google should be more careful when enacting its acceptance criteria in order to avoid inappropriate implications being made as to the scientific nature of articles. Your concerns are duly noted and did give me pause for thought again, so thank you!