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 Topic: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?

 (Read 8592 times)
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  • Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     OP - February 04, 2011, 06:17 PM

    Was there someone who was an apostate as well who gave you the courage to officially leave? Have you inspired others to apostate as well either directly or indirectly? If you can spare some time I want to hear more stories on this aspect.  Smiley

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #1 - February 04, 2011, 06:26 PM

    My mother. She was an ex-Muslim before I even knew what one was. I wouldn't describe it as giving me the courage, since my own conversion to reality was a gradual, organic thing, with many different factors involved. But my mother certainly set an example on what a good person should be, and it simply followed naturally that Islam wouldn't ever be a part of that. A strong woman is the antithesis to the men's club that is Islam.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #2 - February 04, 2011, 06:30 PM

    Zeeman! Although he is still a deist.

    Ishina: How is your father's take on it?

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #3 - February 04, 2011, 07:04 PM

    Ishina: How is your father's take on it?

    My father left the scene when I was very young. Not by choice. His family is cultural Hindu anyway, though he himself is not practicing any religion. It's only quite recently I have been in touch with him again. He is a good man with a new life, new family. We talk on the phone often and I go visit occasionally. I missed him for so many years without even realising I did. It's not even an issue between us. More important is catching up, getting to know each other as people, as adults, as father and daughter.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #4 - February 04, 2011, 07:21 PM

    Before I officially joined this forum , I read over the introductions and really felt I related to these people . I seriously thought I was alone in my confusion , at the time I was on the fence with religion but I couldn't really lie to myself . I wasn't Muslim any more .

    "its fashionable to be an ex Muslim these days"
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #5 - February 04, 2011, 07:56 PM

    Abu Mubarak the main Moderator and main man on  grin12

    Actually, I'm quite serious. I talked to many Muslims - some very respected Sheikhs and scholars - and their answers were dissatisfying and only increased my doubts. I think I was on the verge of rejecting Islam when I started discussing with Muslims on the internet - particularly and with Abu Mubarak in particular. He disgusted me - but I knew he had a point. I had to either accept he had a point and a valid interpretation (as all the others on the who bowed their heads in submissiveness to him - even though some of them were very decent people) - or reject it entirely.

    By the time I cam across Maryam Namazie and Dawkins and Hitchen and Ayaan Hirsi Ali etc... I had actually already rejected Islam - and so they were only preaching to the converted - but they gave me courage to come out.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #6 - February 04, 2011, 08:48 PM


    At evening, casual flocks of pigeons make
    Ambiguous undulations as they sink,
    Downward to darkness, on extended wings. - Stevens
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #7 - February 04, 2011, 08:53 PM

    Albert Einstein, pretty much single-handedly.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #8 - February 04, 2011, 09:04 PM

    I left Islam by myself, but I became an atheist with a little help from Hitchens.  Smiley

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #9 - February 04, 2011, 09:25 PM

    In childhood, I always looked up to and admired my grandfather.  Back then, it was because of him and his sense of humour in ridiculing the superstitious that I never took religion seriously.  Then I grew up, got educated and became an atheist.

    Against the ruin of the world, there
    is only one defense: the creative act.

    -- Kenneth Rexroth
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #10 - February 05, 2011, 12:47 AM

    Was there someone who was an apostate as well who gave you the courage to officially leave?

    no, I didnt know any apostates which made it a doubly hard & protracted decision  Cry

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  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #11 - February 05, 2011, 01:56 AM

    I never met any apostates before I left Islam.  I still haven't met any in real life, but it doesn't bother me at all.  I have met all of you lovely peoplez online here. Smiley

    I had met atheists (not ex-Muslim) in real life, and they were very good human beings who despised bigotry and supported freedom of speech etc.  I think discussing my beliefs with them sowed the seeds of doubt in my own mind.  (I think it's called evangelical blowback. Cheesy )  And then several months of my own research to find out once and for all whether Islam is true killed my faith completely.  Losing my faith wasn't the hard part.  (I'm a brutal realist. If Islam is false, so be it. Accept it and move on.)  The hard part came when I went through all the family shit afterwards.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #12 - February 05, 2011, 02:09 AM

    By whom was I drawn to the Devil's party? The ineffable, incomparable and infinitely wise Bertrand Russell aided by a divinely sculpted lovely I met.

    Bertie made me think. She made me feel. And the rest as they say is ... what?

    Take a moment to light a candle at the altar of this god:

  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #13 - February 05, 2011, 02:15 AM

    I never met any apostates before I left Islam.  I still haven't met any in real life, but it doesn't bother me at all.  I have met all of you lovely peoplez online here. Smiley

    Oh man, you is crazy. Why you not meeting the godless Murtadeen? I be living oceans away, but you is the neighbour of so much young babes here posting.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #14 - February 05, 2011, 02:59 AM

    Oh man, you is crazy.

    Agreed.  Tongue idiot2

    Why you not meeting the godless Murtadeen? I be living oceans away, but you is the neighbour of so much young babes here posting.

    Forums are a strange place, in that members can know each other's views, writing style and life history intimately, but never know their real names or see their photo.  How bizarre!  Welcome to 21st century life.  I'm not complaining.  This is just an interesting observation.  Although, it is understandable that members on an ex-Muslim forum will want more anonymity.

     (I have told some people here my real name and they have seen my photo, so it's not so extreme for me.)

     Also, we have the chatroom which is more social than the forum.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #15 - February 05, 2011, 08:40 AM

    I was browsing through many Islamic sites reading convert stories on how they found Islam beautiful, but me being muslim almost my entire life (the age of 2) I could not see the beauty in it. I finally stumbled across this website and have been hooked ever since. I might not post much because my knowledge of Islam is not that good, but on this site I've learned a lifetimes worth of information about the religion I was so called practicing and this led me to question. So I have to say the members of this site really gave me courage to recognise that I was no longer muslim  Smiley
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #16 - February 05, 2011, 08:53 AM

    I left Islam because of a lot of people in this forum and a lot of people on youtube and other forums

    but mostly this forum is what got me out of Islam.

    becoming an atheist probably came before leaving Islam or having atheistic ideology that is because of reading about Christianity specifically more than other religions. then I was introduced to "The Origin of Species" which i had never thought would even be reliable since they teach us in Egypt "Evolution" between quotes, and they mock it most of the time.

    The reason that i started thinking about religion researching in the first place was a school mate whom debated with me before , he was an atheist, then a christian teacher mocked him in a debate which lead me to think why would that person be right and the other is wrong etc

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #17 - February 05, 2011, 12:08 PM

    I was browsing through many Islamic sites reading convert stories on how they found Islam beautiful, but me being muslim almost my entire life (the age of 2) I could not see the beauty in it. I finally stumbled across this website and have been hooked ever since. I might not post much because my knowledge of Islam is not that good, but on this site I've learned a lifetimes worth of information about the religion I was so called practicing and this led me to question. So I have to say the members of this site really gave me courage to recognise that I was no longer muslim  Smiley


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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #18 - February 05, 2011, 07:49 PM

    Forums are a strange place, in that members can know each other's views, writing style and life history intimately, but never know their real names or see their photo.  How bizarre!  Welcome to 21st century life.  I'm not complaining.  This is just an interesting observation.  Although, it is understandable that members on an ex-Muslim forum will want more anonymity.

    The question of security is much overblown to my mind. No Jihadist warrior gives a rat's tail about any of the spotty little chits here. There's much to be said for maintaining one's anonymity if a young member wants it hidden from his old man, or for employment reasons if you're a keyboard sex offender like some on this joint whose names it won't do to mention, but I'm pretty certain that Bin Laden has a better use of his time than monitoring this joint, grand though it is.

    But if you want to seeing my face, you should come my YT channel. There my ugly mug on proud display for everyone to looking and pointing and laughing.

  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #19 - February 05, 2011, 07:54 PM

    But if you want to seeing my face, you should come my YT channel. There my ugly mug on proud display for everyone to looking and pointing and laughing.

    Can you post a link to it please?
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #20 - February 05, 2011, 08:00 PM

    Do I detect a romantic interest Kenan? I'm excited.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #21 - February 05, 2011, 08:09 PM

    Nice. I have seen others mention your YT channel.

  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #22 - February 05, 2011, 08:17 PM

    Check your PM. Employment reasons.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #23 - February 05, 2011, 08:35 PM

    I think I spoke to you on youtube before you joined here but  I appear to have lost your youtube profile name - PM me too please

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #24 - February 05, 2011, 08:46 PM

    Oh my, so many hot guys wanna ogle me. Will this be another case of two men a night? Check your PM.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #25 - February 05, 2011, 08:47 PM

    - PM me too please

    and me.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #26 - February 05, 2011, 08:52 PM

    Will this be another case of two men a night? Check your PM.

    Certainly nothing like I was expecting.  You look quite dashing 001_wub

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #27 - February 05, 2011, 09:02 PM

    PM plz, Bison.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #28 - February 05, 2011, 09:03 PM

    Looks like your channel is ready for lift off - are you hoping to ever do any vids on your channel or gonna use it for recreational purposes only?   Also you might want to put a link into COEM from there, it will redirect more potential members here, provide them with support and also an easier place for you to engage in dialogue with them if they are muslims.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Who gave you the courage to leave Islam?
     Reply #29 - February 05, 2011, 09:08 PM

     If I show you my ugly mug Paloma, can I take a peek down your blouse? Make 'em jiggle for me. I want a picture of those pretty little things. What say you?

    I want your nekkid pics too GING if you wanna sleep with me. No, it doesn't matter. We can put a bag over your head.

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