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 Topic: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal

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  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #30 - February 11, 2011, 11:17 PM

    The Indonesian armed forces were culpable for snuffing out 200,000 East Timorese unprovoked, a body count immeasurably higher than the exiguous figure in Kosovo. Should the US have bombed Jakarta in response? If no, it had no business cluster bombing  Yugoslavia in a civil war that was precipitated by a Muslim outfit designated even by the US as a terror group.

    The US does stuff out of national interests not out of some morals (they don't have any) attacking Indonesia would go against its interests:
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #31 - February 11, 2011, 11:25 PM

    I am not sure that Christians and other non-Muslim victims of genocide at the hands of Muslims would appreciate the "HUGE DIFFERENCE" - particularly where state authorities collude in or turn a blind eye to such atrocities. Having said that, I take it your statement implies that you WOULD have supported a Kosovo-style NATO bombing campaign against northern Sudan whose regime was clearly implicated in the atrocities committed in its attempts to forcibly impose sharia on those who did not want to live under it. Or are you only in favor of military interventions on behalf of "persecuted" Muslims?

    Surely in situations where the state authorities are unable or unwilling to provide adequate protection to non-Muslim minorities being ethnically cleansed by Muslims, the west has a duty to intervene militarily on behalf of those minorities - including the use of Kosovo-style bombing campaings which may involve destroying hospitals full of patients and other civilian infrastructure like it did in Serbia. Don't you agree?

    Collude? Who does? The Iraqi military? Egyptian? I can only think of 1 example: Pakistan.  whistling2 Yes I believe some action should have been taken against the Sudan regime. But as usual the US acts on national interests not out of morals:

    The regimes SHOULD provide security for minorities and punish anyone guilty of attacking them or planning an attack. No attacking civilian infrastructure is wrong.
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #32 - February 11, 2011, 11:46 PM

    The US does stuff out of national interests not out of some morals (they don't have any) attacking Indonesia would go against its interests

    Glad to hear you say it. So what were all those gushing tears about the humanitarian intervention (sic) in Kosovo? Or were you just flirting with me?
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #33 - February 11, 2011, 11:51 PM

    Hey from the very start of this thread I said the US/NATO had their own interests. I simply said that without the bombing they killings might have continued idk much about this conflict btw. I'm always trying to flirt with you  Wink
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #34 - February 12, 2011, 12:11 AM

  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #35 - February 12, 2011, 11:50 AM

    Quote from: Aphrodite
    Collude? Who does? The Iraqi military? Egyptian?


    Anyway, I said collude OR turn a blind eye How did you manage to miss that second bit I wonder?

    I can only think of 1 example: Pakistan.

    In spite of the fact that MOUNT A BISON provided you with an example of a genocide worthy of the name committed by the ruling regime of Indonesia - a Muslim majority state - against the Christian population of East Timor? You appear to have a tendency to blank out certain types of information.

    Yes I believe some action should have been taken against the Sudan regime.

    Including bombing Khartoum like NATO bombed Belgrade?

    But as usual the US acts on national interests not out of morals:

    The US had ulterior motives for intervening in the Balkans on behalf of Muslim separatists and KLA terrorists for which the so-called "genocide" of poor little innocent Muslims was just a threadbare pretext. Don't you agree?

    The regimes SHOULD provide security for minorities and punish anyone guilty of attacking them or planning an attack.

    And if those regimes in Muslim majority countries fail to provide this security you would approve of Balkans-style NATO bombing campaigns against those Muslim majority countries?

    No attacking civilian infrastructure is wrong.

    So you retrospectively condemn the NATO bombing of Belgrade and agree with me that it shouldn't have been done? Do you?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #36 - February 12, 2011, 12:01 PM

    Are you aware of the fact that Kosovan Albanians had to endure apartheid like regime since the late '80 and that they were systematically abused from the late '70?
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #37 - February 12, 2011, 12:12 PM

    Quote from: Kenan
    Are you aware of the fact that Kosovan Albanians had to endure apartheid like regime since the late '80 and that they were systematically abused from the late '70?


    Can you provide a corroborating link for that please?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #38 - February 12, 2011, 12:13 PM

    Quote from: Aphrodite
    I simply said that without the bombing they killings might have continued

    Does that mean that you restrospectively approve of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia?

    idk much about this conflict btw.

    However, the fact you posted this story and the grim satisfaction you seemed to display at the fate of a slain imprisoned Serb participant in "genocide" of Muslims seems to indicate that you harbor a particular interest in the Balkans conflict and a certain bias in favor of the Muslim "victims" of that conflict.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #39 - February 12, 2011, 12:19 PM

    Steady now, don't toy with a hormonally charged guy full of dangerous chemicals if you won't spread your hairy legs. If you consult the very first post of mine in this thread in which your name appears and the attached video, I think you will find that your chronology of the Balkans flare up is grossly inverted. The great massacres which define the conflict were precipitated by the Nato bombing. Got that sugarplum? Tell me when you've read it so I can take you to the Condom of the Skirt-Chaser bar and, getting you deleriously intoxicated, take full advantage of you.

    Hmmm just read your post now, interesting. I'll watch the video later *Aphrodite is busy watching football*
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #40 - February 12, 2011, 12:24 PM


    Anyway, I said collude OR turn a blind eye How did you manage to miss that second bit I wonder?

    In spite of the fact that MOUNT A BISON provided you with an example of a genocide worthy of the name committed by the ruling regime of Indonesia - a Muslim majority state - against the Christian population of East Timor? You appear to have a tendency to blank out certain types of information.

    Including bombing Khartoum like NATO bombed Belgrade?

    The US had ulterior motives for intervening in the Balkans on behalf of Muslim separatists and KLA terrorists for which the so-called "genocide" of poor little innocent Muslims was just a threadbare pretext. Don't you agree?

    And if those regimes in Muslim majority countries fail to provide this security you would approve of Balkans-style NATO bombing campaigns against those Muslim majority countries?

    So you retrospectively condemn the NATO bombing of Belgrade and agree with me that it shouldn't have been done? Do you?

    So 6 cops (prolly mubarak scum) represent all the Egyptian security forces?

    Sorry I never read all his post before, I was tired lol. I read it now.

    Hmmm well now that I've learnt that the NATO bombing started before the killings, then no it wasn't justified in Belgrade so it wouldn't be in Khartoum.
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #41 - February 12, 2011, 12:26 PM

    However, the fact you posted this story and the grim satisfaction you seemed to display at the fate of a slain imprisoned Serb participant in "genocide" of Muslims seems to indicate that you harbor a particular interest in the Balkans conflict and a certain bias in favor of the Muslim "victims" of that conflict.

    I posted this about the attempted murder of a serb war criminal by muslims in prision. Grim satisfaction? lol I said from that start its wrong! Yeah well I won't deny that I can see things 1-sided seeing as I haven't shall we say reviewed all of my political views since leaving Islam.
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #42 - February 12, 2011, 12:28 PM

    Aphrodite, what do you mean by "prolly Mubarak scum" which epithet you apply to "Copts"?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #43 - February 12, 2011, 12:31 PM

    I meant the cops ffs.
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #44 - February 12, 2011, 12:48 PM

    Can you provide a corroborating link for that please?

    'Policy of apartheid'
    Bernard Kouchner, the UN's special envoy to Kosovo, says in the report's introduction that there had been a systematic policy of apartheid against Kosovo Albanians for at least a decade, but this was no longer the case.

    The first witness at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic has accused him of imposing "apartheid" in Kosovo.
    Mahmut Bakalli, the top Communist Party official in Kosovo from 1970 to 1981, took the stand in the Hague on Monday after Milosevic finished his opening defence statement.

    Do you speak German perchance?

    Report made by a Swiss humanitarian organization The Society for Threatended People:

  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #45 - February 12, 2011, 01:42 PM

    The Indonesian armed forces were culpable for snuffing out 200,000 East Timorese unprovoked, a body count immeasurably higher than the exiguous figure in Kosovo. Should the US have bombed Jakarta in response? If no, it had no business cluster bombing  Yugoslavia in a civil war that was precipitated by a Muslim outfit designated even by the US as a terror group.

    clap  clap SOB! SOB! poor Muslims persecuted everywhere, only bleeding hearts to fight for their just causes!

    A terrorist would be a terrorist for irreligious folks,but depending on the religion he espouses he becomes a 'freedom fighter' or some other heroic figure for religious folks with a severe affliction of the ' We and they' virus. finmad
    A wrong is a wrong no matter who does it.{possible only if you think as individuals and not as a mafiosi}
    ALA we don't accept this and evaluate each case on its merits,without assuming moral superiority of our own group, this meaningless blame game  is going to go on ad infinitum.
    In the meantime senseless killings will go on to feed the egos of egomaniacs and innocent people will pay the price Cry. Politics or Religion the end result is the same.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #46 - February 12, 2011, 04:05 PM

    err...wrong thread:P

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #47 - February 12, 2011, 04:44 PM

  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #48 - February 12, 2011, 04:50 PM

  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #49 - February 12, 2011, 05:19 PM

    What part of this do you contest?

    None. I was just wondering if you are aware of the fact that 'issues' between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs had a long history.

    Btw the reason why NATO militarily intervened in Kosovo imo is pretty straightforward. NATO got entangled into the whole peace process (Rambouillet Agreement etc) and because of that they simply had to intervene in order to maintain the desired power projection. 
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #50 - February 12, 2011, 05:37 PM

  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #51 - February 14, 2011, 07:00 AM

    Quote from: Mount A Bison
    I have no brief for the Serbs

    I am reliably informed that you have a whole drawer of Serb briefs you have collected over the years and have yet to return to their rightful owners.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #52 - February 14, 2011, 07:03 AM

    'Policy of apartheid'
    Bernard Kouchner, the UN's special envoy to Kosovo, says in the report's introduction that there had been a systematic policy of apartheid against Kosovo Albanians for at least a decade, but this was no longer the case.

    The first witness at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic has accused him of imposing "apartheid" in Kosovo.
    Mahmut Bakalli, the top Communist Party official in Kosovo from 1970 to 1981, took the stand in the Hague on Monday after Milosevic finished his opening defence statement.

    Do you speak German perchance?

    Report made by a Swiss humanitarian organization The Society for Threatended People:

    Kenan, the articles you posted provide no details of the "apartheid" allegedly inflicted by "The Serbs" on the Albanians and Bosniaks. Could you provide an article that does?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #53 - February 14, 2011, 07:08 AM

    Quote from: hypocrucifier
    ALA we don't accept this and evaluate each case on its merits,without assuming moral superiority of our own group, this meaningless blame game  is going to go on ad infinitum.

    Unfortunately, the situation in the Balkans has NOT been "evaluated on its merits", either at the time or retrospectively.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #54 - February 14, 2011, 09:03 AM

    Kenan, the articles you posted provide no details of the "apartheid" allegedly inflicted by "The Serbs" on the Albanians and Bosniaks. Could you provide an article that does?

    The posted video does.

    Btw I never said that there was an apartheid-like regime in Bosnia ever. Where did you get that from?

    What I specifically claimed is that such regime was a de facto reality in Kosovo from the late '80 when Milosevic took power in Serbia using nationalism as his main source of manipulation. Have you heard of his famous "No one must beat this people!" uttered in Kosovo in 1989? That was before the Gazimestan happenings described below btw.

    On June 28, 1989, Slobodan Milošević delivered the Gazimestan speech in front of a large number of Serb citizens at the main celebration marking the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. Many think that this speech helped Milošević consolidate his authority in Serbia. In 1989, Milošević, employing a mix of intimidation and political manoeuvring, drastically reduced Kosovo's special autonomous status within Serbia and started cultural oppression of the ethnic Albanian population. Kosovo Albanians responded with a non-violent separatist movement, employing widespread civil disobedience and creation of parallel structures in education, medical care, and taxation, with the ultimate goal of achieving the independence of Kosovo.

    Systematic oppression of Albanians in Kosovo however dates back to late '70:

    In the aftermath of the 1974 constitution, concerns over the rise of Albanian nationalism in Kosovo rose with the widespread celebrations in 1978 of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League of Prizren. Albanians felt that their status as a "minority" in Yugoslavia had made them second-class citizens in comparison with the "nations" of Yugoslavia and demanded that Kosovo be a constituent republic, alongside the other republics of Yugoslavia. Protests by Albanians in 1981 over the status of Kosovo resulted in Yugoslav territorial defence units being brought into Kosovo and a state of emergency being declared resulting in violence and the protests being crushed. In the aftermath of the 1981 protests, purges took place in the Communist Party, and rights that had been recently granted to Albanians were rescinded - including ending the provision of Albanian professors and Albanian language textbooks in the education system. 

    Latinka Perovic: wrote about these specific issues in her books and publications however atm I am unable to access either and I was unable to find any publications made by her online.

    This book mentions these issues briefly but is more focused on the post 1997 period:

    Check this out - it's a BBC documentary that among other things explores the situation in Yugoslavia in the '80:
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #55 - February 15, 2011, 05:58 AM

    Kenan. I see/hear nothing in your video that supports the purported "Apartheid" system supposedly in place in Kosovo. As for Milosevic's "Gazimestan Speech the context in which it was made is clear from the Wikipedia article on the subject:

    In the years leading up to the speech, Kosovo had become a central issue in Serbian politics. The province had been given extensive rights of autonomy in the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution and had been run by the province's majority-Albanian population. The reassertion of Albanian nationalism, discrimination against Serbs by the province's predominately Albanian police force and local government, and a worsening economy led to a large number (around 100,000 between 1961-1987of Serbs and Montenegrins leaving the area by the late-1980s. SOURCE

    Sorry Kenan, if you are trying to justify KLA separatist terror on the grounds of so-called "Apartheid" suffered by "Albanians" at the hands of "The Serbs" then it won't wash I am afraid. Furthermore, if - as you seem to imply - such Apartheid had it really existed would have provided a moral justification for KLA separatist terror against Serbs, then there are ample examples of NON-Muslims living under Muslim oppression who are clearly morally entitled to resort to such methods against Muslims. Don't you agree?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #56 - February 15, 2011, 09:44 AM

    Sorry Kenan, if you are trying to justify KLA separatist terror on the grounds of so-called "Apartheid" suffered by "Albanians" at the hands of "The Serbs" then it won't wash I am afraid. Furthermore, if - as you seem to imply - such Apartheid had it really existed would have provided a moral justification for KLA separatist terror against Serbs, then there are ample examples of NON-Muslims living under Muslim oppression who are clearly morally entitled to resort to such methods against Muslims. Don't you agree?

    Thanks for showing me again just how pointless any sort of debate is with you. Rest assured that I will not repeat the same mistake in the future.

    For the record I am not trying to justify KLA crimes on the ground of apartheid regime in that was de facto a case in Kosovo I am simply trying to show that the situation was a complex one.
    Which is something that should be blatantly obvious from my narrative. Unless the reader is completely biased that is. You do realize that two wrongs do not make a right I hope.

    Kenan. I see/hear nothing in your video that supports the purported "Apartheid" system supposedly in place in Kosovo. As for Milosevic's "Gazimestan Speech the context in which it was made is clear from the Wikipedia article on the subject:

    In the years leading up to the speech, Kosovo had become a central issue in Serbian politics. The province had been given extensive rights of autonomy in the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution and had been run by the province's majority-Albanian population. The reassertion of Albanian nationalism, discrimination against Serbs by the province's predominately Albanian police force and local government, and a worsening economy led to a large number (around 100,000 between 1961-1987of Serbs and Montenegrins leaving the area by the late-1980s. SOURCE

    In my first response to you I tried avoiding quoting form Wiki because of the fact that its an open encyclopaedia therefore open to abuse and biased viewpoints - especially when it comes to politics.

    Problem is the lack of sources in English language when it comes to situation in Kosovo prior to 1997. If you would really like to know more go buy a book by Latinka Perovic that covers the issues or better travel to Serbia and talk to local academics that have not only witnessed the apartheid like regime inflicted upon Albanians but have also researched it. Every unbiased Serb will tell you exactly what I have told you. Furthermore the video in German language I posted deals with the issues extensively and other sources I posted at least mention the fact that there was an apartheid like regime in Kosovo from the late '80 until 1999.

    Systemic violations of human rights during the '80 and the '90 are the basis for the independence claim by Kosovo Albanians:

    If you really want to know what was going on in Kosovo from the late '70 until 1999 there are ample ways of finding out.

  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #57 - February 15, 2011, 11:11 AM

    irony: murders trying to kill a murderer on the ethical objection of murder. lolz  
  • Re: Muslims ‘slashed throat’ of jailed war criminal
     Reply #58 - February 15, 2011, 01:16 PM

    Quote from: Kenan
    For the record I am not trying to justify KLA crimes on the ground of apartheid regime

    To remind you of your initial post on this thread:

    Are you aware of the fact that Kosovan Albanians had to endure apartheid like regime since the late '80 and that they were systematically abused from the late '70?

    I could think of no other reason for you to post this but to present KLA separatist terror as a morally justifiable RESPONSE to Albanian "oppression" by Serbs. So let's get this straight: You DON'T in fact view the KLA's murderous activities in this way. Correct?

    I am simply trying to show that the situation was a complex one.

    I agree that the situation was complex and this complexity was not reflected in the "Evil ethnic cleansing fascist Serbs"/"Poor innocent ethnically cleansed multiculturalism-loving Muslims and their babies" narrative fed to western audiences by their news media. Do you agree with myself and MAB that the Serb people were unjustly demonized by the western media during the Balkans conflicts?

    Unless the reader is completely biased that is. You do realize that two wrongs do not make a right I hope.

    Do you think the Serbs should have just laid back in Bosnia and Kosovo and allowed themselves to be crushed underfoot?

    In my first response to you I tried avoiding quoting form Wiki because of the fact that its an open encyclopaedia therefore open to abuse and biased viewpoints - especially when it comes to politics.

    Do you doubt the veracity of the quote from wikipedia I posted above - which implies it was the Kosovo Serbs and not the "Albanians" who were the victims of an "apartheid" system? ie:

    The reassertion of Albanian nationalism, DISCRIMINATION AGAINST SERBS by the province's predominately Albanian police force and local government, and a worsening economy led to a large number (around 100,000 between 1961-1987of Serbs and Montenegrins leaving the area by the late-1980s.

    Furthermore the video in German language I posted deals with the issues extensively and other sources I posted at least mention the fact that there was an apartheid like regime in Kosovo from the late '80 until 1999.

    A statement that "there was a [Serb inflicted] apartheid like regime" in Kosovo does not amount to evidence.

    If you really want to know what was going on in Kosovo from the late '70 until 1999 there are ample ways of finding out.

    In a nutshell what would you say WAS "going on in Kosovo from the late '70 until 1999"?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Muslims ?slashed throat? of jailed war criminal
     Reply #59 - February 16, 2011, 08:55 PM

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