Reply #97 - February 26, 2011, 05:51 PM
That is a choice for her to make. To give selflessly is the biggest gain.
It's a heavy question Mr Bison, with plenty of meat to chew on and ponder over. Too weighty for a soundbyte. Let me tell you a story instead...
Two monks were travelling together, one was a senior monk, the other a junior monk. During their journey they approached a raging river and on the river bank stood a young lady, afraid to cross.
The junior monk walked straight past her without giving it a thought and he crossed the river. The senior monk picked up the woman and carried her across the river. He placed her down, they parted ways with woman and on they went with the journey.
As the journey went on, the senior monk could see some concern on the junior monk's mind, he asked what was wrong. The junior monk replied, "how could you carry her like that? You know we can't touch women, it's against our way of life". The senior monk answered, "I left the woman at the rivers edge a long way back. Are you still carrying her?"
Too fucking busy, and vice versa.