I think Ishina follows budduism and I say the better religion for her is burkhaism.,
No, I’m not Buddhist. I’m just a humble martial artist. I value Rin-zai Zen teachings, where they are of use to me, where they intersect with the history and philosophy of the martial arts, or sogobujutsu, the essential science that all eastern martial arts are rooted in. All serious martial artists are influenced by such teachings, whether they know it or not, whether they care for it or not. The thing about the teachings I read is that they may well be in the context of swordplay or the science of war, but can equally be applied to writing poetry, or making tea, or general right-mindedness. In the same way Sun Tzu’s
The Art of War can be mined as a source of inspiration and as a model of conduct for the stock market, or business ventures, or sports.
I don’t know enough about Buddhism, but what I know, I like. If it must be called a religion, it is perhaps the one most easily reconcilable with the reality of the universe presented to me. We don’t see many Buddhist apologetics, if any, and the apologetic is the sure sign of an insecure faith and extraordinary claims. I see it less as of a religion, more as essential life skills collected and packaged in an interesting and accessible way. And I dare say a beautiful and enchanting way. But then, I have a massive soft spot for Oriental culture anyway, so I'm biased.