Thanks everybody
For those who don't have time to read the book, I suggest for them to read only the "So unlucky to be a Muslim" chapter, as it's - in my opinion- the best part of the book, with funny stuff.
Hi Salim I hope you will take the questions i ask from your book in the right spirit and do not take it as criticism. So you say
I don't blame Muhammad for having sex with a nine year old girl 14 centuries ago, but I strongly blame the one who says that child marriage is acceptable in present time. It's exactly like how I don't blame Akhenaton, the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, for marrying his sister.
But I do blame
Muhammad, if it really happened the way it is described in hadith with reference to Aisha and in Quran with reference to Zaynab (wife of Zayd)., The guy was 53 year old, already had wonderful good looking wife and children, also a messenger of Allah... leader of the community.. etc..etc.. Now you go and marry/sleep with a 9 year old little girl and 16 year olds?? I believe such thing never happened and I also believe there may be multiple characters of Muhammad ., one guy might have done such thing and other guy might have disappeared after preaching a bit from Christianity, where he wanted people consider That Christ was NOT son of a God but a prophet/messender... The other Muhammad character starts his actions after Muslims moved in to Madina .
This Islamic story is total bogus and is as good as the story of Christians except in Muhammad story taught by Muslims,
Muhammad becomes criminal after the death of his first wife Khadija and defends his actions in the name of Allah revelations. And.. and Christians make Jesus Christ.. a good person and a great Moral role Model(if he was real) as son of god..And as far as
It's exactly like how I don't blame Akhenaton, the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, for marrying his sister.
this is concerned., That guy Akhenaton was a pharaoh.. a king ., neither he announced that he was messenger and Prophet of Allah nor his followers forced/preached he was allah/god ultimate messenger ., so yes we don't need to care about criminal activities of past criminals in power. We can safely say in pubic
that they were idiots with no one beating us due to our words.