Re: Introdcution of an old member
Reply #16 - March 28, 2011, 05:20 AM
I've put this off for too long, I guess it's time to write on how my views of the Israel/Palestinian issue have changed over time and what my current views are now.
I'll start with what I thought Israel and Palestine were before becoming informed.
The Israel/Palestine issue to me was a civil war between two dictatorships , I didn't know that Israel was a Jewish majority country or that Palestine was and Arab Muslim country, I thought they were of same ethnicity and culture.
The first videos on the issue I viewed on YouTube were about the Goldstein massacre. The way the video delivered its message only reinforced my views. Most if not all the videos I found before I really started to look were either anti Palestine or anti Israel, I didn't come across in pro Israel or Palestine information until I became serious about researching the issue.
As I was looking into Islam, the Israeli issue kept coming up so took it upon myself to look into it in more depth. After watching a few videos and reading articles, most my misconceptions had been dispelled. I had a clear grasp of what the situation was, but I had yet to pick a side. The more I learned the more difficult it would be to pick a which side I supported.
At my most pro Israeli stage I thought that Israel should get most the land, This includes all land claimed by the largest settlements (the smaller ones as well as the outposts would be allocated to Palestinian refugees) and post 67 borders along with Sinai and Golan Heights. Even at this stage I still thought West Bank and Gaza, with what little land they had, still maintained a right to they had lived on for thousands of years, and by this I mean any specific land claims that were stolen in the 67 wars by Jews, should be returned to their rightful Palestinian owners or the descendants of those owners.
At my most pro Palestinian, my opinion was borders should be expanded past the '48 borders to absorb some the nearby Arab villages. The settlers that refuse to accept Palestinian law must be thrown out, and their housing be allocated to returning Palestinians from abroad. Settlers choosing to stay would have to pay the PA a large fee for the land stolen or be deported.
All statements below are the views I hold now.
My views on Gaza are that if Gazans want to be independent from Palestine or a part of it should be decided by its people. I lean towards it being independent, but it's their choice.
As for Jerusalem, my opinion on it has remained constant, it should be an independent city state similar to Monaco. Israel's capital should moved to Tel Aviv and Palestine's capital should be Ramallah I believe that it currently is, but I'm not sure.
My current thoughts on what should happen in the region have not been static. For quite awhile my opinion has leaned in favour of Returning to pre 1967 borders, my thought of what to do with settlers is the same as what it was during my pro Palestine phase. Israel must give some kind of compensation to the People of Palestine, how much that should be isn't for me to decided. Of course Golan Heights should be returned for Syria.
Well, that's it, if you have any question or if I left something out just let me know.
Thanks for reading.
"In a child's power to master the multiplication table, there is more sanctity than in all your shouted "amens" and "holy holies" and "hosannas." An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral. And the advance of man's knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks" - Henry Drummond