Natural selection is all about the strong preying on the weak? And within the same species? Um, no. Evolutionary survival is dependent on many, many things and the strong preying on the weak may not be a major factor in all situations-- consider, for example, the evolution of herbivores. Were natural selection all about animal X overpowering animal Y then all animals would have evolved to be carnivores.
Your command of zoology proves defective as your leaking breast implant for brains. Animals in the same species fight over resources like food and women. Muscle determines all. It is not uncommon either for them to devour each other's children when the parents are on some errand.
Finally, if your contention about this being "natural" amongst human societies is correct, then how would you explain the primitive communist social and economic structure of hunter-gatherer tribes?
These societies are not egalitarian. The women take their orders from men and the younger members obey the old and the old obey the tribal chief. Hierarachy is the natural condition of men.
What about if I eat it because it is a highly efficient and complete protein source with high bioavailability and considerably cheaper than purchasing the complete amino acid and vitamin supplements necessary to completely replace the nutrients animal protein provide?
The meat industry is a wasteful method of feeding people. The grain and water fed to the livestock could more profitably be directed to feeding the world's starving poor. And there is no nutritional value that is acquired from dining on animal flesh that cannot be met by supplements that are less wastefully produced.
And while pecking orders/leadership in animal societies that lack reason and the ability to specialize according to training and education rather than instinct, which only humans possess, may be predicated on aggression or strength, this does not necessarily equate to trampling the weak underfoot at all times.
You miss the point. Your argument was that eating animals is good because it is natural. To which I replied aggression and hierarchy are natural too. Nature is not the arbiter of morality but reason.
It's like ishina said-- MAB is the world's greatest troll.
I'm unaware of this, but if you're saying it just because I called you mentally defective, I apologise my sweet. I don't wanna hurt my gay lover.