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 Topic: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)

 (Read 84609 times)
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  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #360 - March 19, 2011, 08:48 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #361 - March 19, 2011, 09:06 PM

    I suggested that uncooked meat was deleterious to health.

    Which is not true. Only infected uncooked meat is potentially bad for you.

    "Absolutely fresh meat does not contain a significant amount of bacteria - by that I mean amount that would be  pathological to humans. If there is a significant amount of bacteria in fresh raw meat that aren't a result of external factors (process of butchering an animal with infected knife etc) that points to a pathological condition in that particular animal."

    I said nothing about interior or exterior contagions.

    But I did.

    What I said is that "there are no native bacteria in fresh meat hence one cannot get food poisoning from it" but if there are "that points to a pathological condition in that particular animal". That was laid out in posts that preceded yours.

    Therefore it is reasonable to assume that you post was a response to my posts. Or did you just randomly throw it out into the universe?

    Voltaire said that if you wanna converse with me first define your terms. I suppose that I clearly defined that I am referring to non-infected meat in my previous posts.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #362 - March 19, 2011, 09:19 PM

    Horizon: Did cooking make us Human?

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #363 - March 19, 2011, 09:47 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #364 - March 19, 2011, 09:48 PM

    Horizon: Did cooking make us Human?

    I've seen that theory cited many times, but last time I checked it wasn't strongly backed - the dates are out by some 100,000 years (don't quote me on that.) hiding
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #365 - March 19, 2011, 09:53 PM


    you win

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #366 - March 20, 2011, 01:59 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #367 - March 20, 2011, 03:29 AM

    ROTFL Kenan

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #368 - March 20, 2011, 03:31 AM

    Off topic: I still do not get why MAB is tolerated here.
    I only read the last page and he kept shifting the subject to make it appear that his claims have substance, all while basically calling Kenan an idiot (but in a logorrheic way).

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #369 - March 20, 2011, 09:43 AM

    Tlaloc, you have possibly missed the (not so subtle) homoerotic tension in MAB's posts. He is simply playing hard to get - it's like his way of saying: "If you wanna get freaky with me the least you have to do is to buy me dinner." Which is fair enough methinks.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #370 - March 20, 2011, 10:59 AM

    I've seen that theory cited many times, but last time I checked it wasn't strongly backed - the dates are out by some 100,000 years (don't quote me on that.) hiding

    Please tell me it's a valid theory or something..

    "I measured the skies, now the shadows I measure,
    Sky-bound was the mind, earth-bound the body rests."
    [Kepler's epitaph]
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #371 - March 20, 2011, 11:16 AM

    Tlaloc, you have possibly missed the (not so subtle) homoerotic tension in MAB's posts. He is simply playing hard to get - it's like his way of saying: "If you wanna get freaky with me the least you have to do is to buy me dinner." Which is fair enough methinks.

    I have not missed that.
    I just want to point out that he's getting away with content that normally gets people smitten and banned.

    And, in light of that, I am wondering if he gets immunity because he wraps such content in humor and lengthy rhetoric or because he is a real life friend of some of the important forum regulars or something else.

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #372 - March 20, 2011, 12:40 PM

    Please tell me it's a valid theory or something..

    Well it's something...

    Quick google says it isn't even close to being 'valid', *shrugs*. Do you want it to be right for some reason?
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #373 - March 20, 2011, 08:30 PM

    Faced with a moral dilemma between saving the life of a human or the life of a rat, I would choose to save the human.

    Forget extreme scenarios that would never happen anyway. What if a family of rats took up residence in your well-stocked wine cellar? Live and let live, or exterminate the vermin with extreme prejudice?

    Properly understood, the interest of a cow to live out its natural life unmolested by suffering is by many orders of magnitude more important than the trivial interest I may entertain of enjoying a pleasant taste in my palate. These are not equally vital needs. An equal consideration of interest takes into account which interest among many is of more import. [...]

    To underscore the point, it’s not a matter of equal rights. But an equal consideration of interests. [...]

    Unless we are prepared to extend moral consideration to all sentient creatures the law is simply a layer upon layer of hypocrisy stacked thirty meters high. [...]

    Again, moral consideration to other species is not exclusive to vegetarians. Nor is it a value certain to be found in all vegetarians. The line we draw is still arbitrary. Take Muddy for example. The reason he  doesn’t eat meat is because, apparently, he is haunted by the face of a baby pig after watching some veggie propaganda piece. He doesn’t think twice about drinking supermarket cows milk, isn’t haunted by the swollen and bruised udders of an adult cow when he buys his milk, cows who likely live in exactly the same conditions as the dead cows on the next isle. I bet I could root through his house and lifestyle and count hundreds of individual crimes against non-humans (and plenty of them against humans too). I bet that car he’s posing in right there in his avatar isn’t running on thin air.

    Thing is, lip service to the notion of ‘equal consideration’ is different to actually living according to the heavy, unconventional, and uncomfortable requirements of such a self-satisfying statement. You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk? The ingredients that go into your diet are no different to the ingredients that go into your furniture, or utilities, or gadgets, or vices, or simply the collateral damage surrounding your area of effect, the sphere of influence of your walk, the footprint you leave daily upon this world. Cutting flesh out of your diet is only the most visible gesture you can make, but others are no less important should you decide to follow through fully in your convictions. It ends up just being a token gesture to make yourself feel good, to flex a faux moral superiority, or in the case of Muddy, emotional blackmail. This ‘moral consideration’ can easily be dismissed as just empty words if it isn’t applied consistently, and its especially easy to find the inconsistencies surrounding this issue.

    We can all say we care about the animals, and most of us actually do mean it. Still, even sincere concern about the well-being of animals is little more than surface deep civility and niceties, But surely ‘moral consideration’ of living creatures is the very least we require of ourselves anyway. No matter how conscious or realised that notion is, though, doesn’t mean anything real unless its followed by action and implementation.

    This doesn’t justify anything either way. I’m just not all that impressed so far, that's all. I might be more impressed if you can convince me that no animals were harmed in the making of your lifestyle. Until then:

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #374 - March 20, 2011, 08:39 PM

    I just want to point out that he's getting away with content that normally gets people smitten and banned.

    And, in light of that, I am wondering if he gets immunity because he wraps such content in humor and lengthy rhetoric or because he is a real life friend of some of the important forum regulars or something else.

    ^ I think someone is jealous.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #375 - March 20, 2011, 09:15 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #376 - March 20, 2011, 09:16 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #377 - March 20, 2011, 09:17 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #378 - March 20, 2011, 10:58 PM


    How big is this something special? How long? How meaty? Such deep, deep questions. To philsophers I leave the puzzle and depart for my transvestite lover.

    Don't get excited, sweet cheeks. I have no intention of showing you my hairless half-incher this time.

    Pertaining to the polemic:

    I like the way you've slipped the word "organism" into where I said animal flesh and then proceeded to round it off by saying that I eat organisms too.

    You said 'dead flesh,' but as far as I can see, whether it's a dead plant or a dead animal, it's irrelevant. Dead stuff doesn't feel pain when you eat it, so what's the moral difference? What makes eating one dead organism repulsive and eating another perfectly acceptable?

    The objection is to needless suffering

    Okay, so where does suffering come into eating 'dead animal flesh,' as you say? What needless suffering is caused by doing so? On what grounds, if not the aforementioned, is it objectionable?

    And suffering can only be experienced by sentient creatures with a central nervous system. Plants are not sentient.

    Seems to me that you're saying there's something wrong with raising and kill animals for food, not necessarily eating them. For instance, if animals could be given and good life and a painless death, and then eaten, then there should be nothing wrong with eating them then, yes? But still, there is a distinction between merely eating something and raising and killing it in a painful way, and it seems clear to me that the objection is only really to the latter, and not to the former.

    And what is natural is not the arbiter of what is moral.

    Did I say anything to the effect that it was? You were the one who spoke of 'normality' is if it were the arbitrator of morality:

    what I would like to know is why a sane person would think it is normal to eat dead flesh.

    The implication obviously being that is morally dubious (abnormal) somehow to eat dead flesh. You clearly can't mean 'normal' in the purely descriptive sense, because it obviously is normal, in that sense.

    But the lion is biologically constructed to feed on flesh. It cannot survive without predation.

    Yes, we don't have to live on dead animals, and it may give us good reason to stop, especially as it's arguably unsustainable to develop and expand vast stretches of pastoral land.

    And animals are not moral agents.

    I think that's highly debatable. Even the lowly canids display signs of moral behaviour, whether it be protectiveness of other individuals, dog or human, or punishment of wrong action by other members of the pack, etc.

    Morality demands that we do not unnecessarily visit harm on sentient creatures on grounds of physical difference.

    Utilitarian morality, at least.

    The question is not do they look different, but can they suffer. And to that extent we owe them moral consideration. If you can find a logical misstep in my argument I welcome it.

    I see that you are a devote of the Singerian school of Utilitarian ethics. A formidable position indeed, but not one that I believe is entirely waterproof, for the following reasons:

    If the prevention of suffering is the central premise, then it should be entirely morally permissible to keep animals, raise them, and then kill them for food as long as their lives and deaths involve no or minimal suffering.

    If animals are raised in captivity, they need not fear predation, they have medical treatment, and they need not suffer the pain of dying of a protracted illness. If animals are raised in good conditions and treated well, and therefore experience minimal suffering, then I see little grounds on which an objection may be made to their being reared and eaten, in such a scenario.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #379 - March 20, 2011, 11:01 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #380 - March 21, 2011, 07:32 PM

    If the prevention of suffering is the central premise, then it should be entirely morally permissible to keep animals, raise them, and then kill them for food as long as their lives and deaths involve no or minimal suffering.

    Would you object if someone did this with humans?
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #381 - March 21, 2011, 07:39 PM

    This thread needs to die........
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #382 - March 21, 2011, 07:40 PM

    mhm Smiley
    Would you object if someone did this with humans?

    veggie, yet?

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #383 - March 21, 2011, 07:42 PM

    This thread needs to die........

    I tried to kill it, but..
    Ah well, I created a monster son of a bitch!

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #384 - March 21, 2011, 07:52 PM

    mhm Smiley
    veggie, yet?

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #385 - March 21, 2011, 07:53 PM

    still lazy?

    I have some recipes if you wanna try.

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #386 - March 21, 2011, 07:55 PM

    Do share.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #387 - March 21, 2011, 07:57 PM

    I made some lovely thai red curry last week.

    *reclaiming this thread now. mwahaha

    ...just google the recipe Tongue

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #388 - March 21, 2011, 08:01 PM

    Do you have anything with ingredients I can pronounce? We have rice*, bread and chicken in our house. Oh and table salt.

    I can't actually cook rice.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #389 - March 21, 2011, 08:03 PM

    what about some vegetables?

    they tend to be green

    you could make a nice chowder with some vegetables and rice and some beans

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
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