Today at 08:33 AM
I had a dream that I was eating meat. Now I am disgusted with myself.
Today at 08:38 AM
You're a veggie, muddy?
Today at 08:40 AM
Yes, since last 2 weeks.
Today at 08:42 AM
Today at 08:44 AM
If after watching this video, you still think you can eat meat ever again,.. (complete the sentence the way you like)
Today at 08:46 AM
I can't watch it muddy cause I no longer have a YT account, but I've seen videos like it before. Doesn't stop my craving for meat one bit.
Today at 08:47 AM
Also, you could always eat free-range/organic or hunted meat.
Today at 08:50 AM
So you really think hunting an animal or giving them regular diet and slaughtering them later on is any way sane, then go right ahead.
Also, you do not need a YT account to watch it.
Today at 08:54 AM
Yes, it's sane because we're omnivorous apex predators and meat has a higher bioavailability than plant protein. Swearing off meat entirely, no matter how it is raised or killed, because you watched some vegan propaganda video of factory farming is what's insane.
Today at 08:55 AM
As far as viewing the vid goes, I get this message-- To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up.
Today at 08:55 AM
Killing any live being that have feelings and can smile is just like eating your own baby.
Today at 08:55 AM
But like I said, doesn't matter as I've seen such videos before
Today at 08:56 AM
Cheesy Whatever muddy. You want to get self-righteous and think you're morally superior to the hundreds of millions of meat-eating humans out there, go for it, but I say you're full of shit.
Today at 08:57 AM
Point is just not a video. Right now arguing with you is looking like arguing with a mullah..
Today at 08:57 AM
We're animals who eat other animals for their protein. Get over yourself.
Today at 08:58 AM
I am not trying to be morally superior. I want all the human beings to be equally morally superior..
Today at 08:58 AM
Really, muddy? Like a mullah? So where did I appeal to superstition or religious authority? Where, muddy?
Today at 08:59 AM
We are animals, and we did develop more intelligence than them to understand what is right and what is wrong.
Today at 08:59 AM
You are following the religion of being carnivore.
Today at 09:01 AM
Yep, and my reasoning ability says that eating other animals for protein is not wrong. We are omnivorous apex predators-- consumption of meat is natural. However when it comes to factory farming I do understand the moral objections to that.
Today at 09:03 AM
Religion of being carnivore? That makes no goddamn sense muddy. How is pointing out our place in the food chain and the bioavailability of animal protein in any way "religious"?
Today at 09:05 AM
Humans are not evolved to eat meat. We don't have pointy teeth. The only way we can eat it is it is finally chopped and properly cooked. Monkeys don't eat meat.
Today at 09:10 AM
No muddy, we aren't evolved to eat PRIMARILY meat, but we are evolved to have it as part of out diet, which is why we have incisors. And that monkeys don't eat meat is irrelevant, as we aren't monkeys.
Today at 09:13 AM
A number of apes have began to hunt with spears to kill and eat bushbabies (some kind of rodent).
Today at 09:15 AM
And chimps eat meat
Today at 09:17 AM
Today at 09:19 AM
Also, muddy, in places where the human diet is largely carnivorous, due to a lack of plant protein-- like say, Mongolia and the Arctic-- are these people committing immoral acts akin to eating their children?
Today at 09:24 AM
Today at 09:27 AM
I don't like debating in shout box.. Create a thread if you want to discuss.
Today at 09:29 AM
You started it :p