Norms are social constructs that vary according to place and time. The norm in Muslim states is that mounting the underaged is perfectly fine. At the turn of the 20th century young girls were married off as soon as they sprouted pubic foliage. We are not discussing cultural norms, but what is natural. Lust for children is a naturally occuring impulse and rape is nothing more than acting on a natural desire to copulate with a woman that objects. The propelling feeling in both instances is physiological.
Do you honestly want to tell me that you get an errection after seeing a naked 2 year old? Or that you feel like raping someone but you stop yourself?? If so you need to visit the uncle doctor my friend.. I have problems getting an erection with chubby girls let alone children or raping someone... Some social norms are natural norms... higher forms of life have social norms, which makes them as natural as walking with 2 feet for humans...
The rage you would feel after someone just made love to your child or your woman is not a socially induced behaviour... neither the feeling of jealousy is a social thing... Humans have basic "moral values" and codes of conduct imprinted in their brains...
If human teeth is not made for tearing flesh and if our digestive system cannot process raw meat in what sense are we naturally carnivorous? Wild beasts have evolved sharp teeth and stomachs designed for meat consumption. And if we did not eat meat raw till the discovery of fire our diet must have been purely plant based.
Because a few milion years ago our ancestors started using TOOLS to tap into a source of protein and food not available to them normally. Using tools is a natural thing for us since we used them always, even prior to being homo sapiens...
Even chimps hunt and eat meat, even though they, like us, come from a herbivorous background... both of us turned omnivorous because of our mental capacities and tool usage (search for "chimps with spears")
I'm perfectly serious. What is the distinction beteen racism and specieism if not that we may disregard the rights of beings not biologically similar to us? Tell me.
Because killing your son for the reason that he is turkish is not the same as killing a chicken for food..
I don't know what the Siberian diet is and I can't summon the interest to Google. The point is that it can't simply be meat because livestock need to graze. Graze on what if there is no plantation?
well... some variants of Elch living over there eat LICHEN, and people eat them, make clothes and homes out of them... same thing with traditional kazakhs and mongols who burn the shit of their animals, wear their hides, make tents out of them, eat them, milk them and even get drunk by fermented milk...
a place that has plantation is not necessarily capable to be worked for agriculture...
If it is organic meat you think is morally defensible, tell me in what respect killing animals for their meat is different from killing blacks and eating them. I'm sure that if you roasted a black baby it would taste as divine as a chicken. What is the distinction here?
Because cannibalism leads to diseases... no human population ever used canibalism as a form of finding protein.. all forms of canibalism seen at tribes are of ritual importance, not nourishment (religion again).... It is imprinted in us to shoot our own... Yet it is imprinted to us to eat meat... ... Regarding this argument of yours read a few posts above ("shooting your child in the head" argument)....
To your mind why do you think objecting to the infliction of suffering is selfish on my part? It might not be the norm in your country but in other countries already mentioned our diet is considered a monstrosity. I do not want to discuss cultural norms. I want to discuss what is moral. If you say that the reason you inflict colossal suffering on sentient creatures is because it gives you pleasure, you have no grounds on which to object when others do things that you consider immoral because it affords them pleasure.
I think it is selfish because you boost your ego, setting yourself apart from the masses, while you ignore that every other part of your lifestyle, from the house where you live, the car you use, the electricity you use, the city you live in, the bread you eat etc etc. all of it inflicted suffering to animals... I am not a sadist to inflict pain to scient beings my friend, that's why i dont like Kosher and Hallall way of dealing with animals... The best way is to brake their neck or shoot them in the head... this way suffering is minimal/nonexistent and i can feed my children even though the hills or mountains could have not sustained my kids if not for the sheep and goats i kept....