Setting aside the syntactical atrocity you've created here, the meat industry is no less a social construct than slavery. Animals are herded into cages in which they don’t belong from the cradle to the grave. It’s constructed for the social gain of their exploiters. There’s nothing natural about their captivity.
Going further, if the killing of one species by another is justified on evolutionary grounds so can the killing of one race by another. Human beings have evolved differently and have always killed each other. Aggression against outsiders is perfectly natural. All of which comes back to the fallacy which has been debunked a thousand times: Appeal to nature.
Straw man, oh straw man, what would MAB do without you.... I was talking of MEAT EATING as a evolutionary legacy not about meat factories.. I said earlier I do not consume meat from meat factories....
Yet again the racial argument, a straw man with emotional appeal... We kill other species for food, not because we hate the way they look.. Tell me one racist that killed "members" of another "race" in order to feed on their dead bodies, i shall kiss your ass for providing such a case...
The transatlantic slave trade was the process by which one race conquered and enslaved another. Africans may have sold off other Africans to make a buck just as Muslim women are complicit in the subjection of other women by men but it does not alter the fact that racial difference was the driving reason that whites made slaves of blacks because they felt their difference robbed them of their natural rights. The same justification holds for speciesism. And you miss the wider point. Racism is the notion that a man of a different colour does not have the same rights owing to his difference. Ditto Speciesm. To proceed on the grounds of biological difference is to accept the justification for all forms of bigotry.
Ah ok, i see, now we shall ignore all other forms slavery that existed and focus on the Transatlantic slave trade... Do you want to tell me that a "race war" was the reason for it?? That it was the wish of the white man to show dominance over the black man that fueled slavery? No my dear friend there was a mixture of components and racism was introduced later...
The main factor that pushed slavery was the economic factor, rich folks with a lot of land needing cheap labor.. The Africans happened to be naturally well built and capable to endure hardships, which the native Americans could not + that they were already exterminated more or less. The Racial component comes later, when it was used as an argument to JUSTIFY slavery to a public that was uncomfortable with slavery as a practice which was long abolished inside Europe... But race being an argument for slavery, does not mean that it was the main reason for slavery.. the main reason was CASH.
Anyway, I do not accept such a term as speciesism as I do not eat cows because of hate or any supremacy ideals that i uphold. But i eat them because they are FOOD for me... I feel the same way for Bananas and Grain which are also living things.
You have no moral right to come here and preach about specieism while you live in a concrete environment that used to be the home of many species, enjoy electronic devices built by modern slave labour in Asia, eat cheap bananas that were produced by modern slave labour at the cost of destroying rainforests etc etc... This is just hypocrisy..
I did not say that cannabilism was nutritious. Got that? Mashallah! I said that morally speaking there is no difference between eating a different species or a different race. If you can tell me the difference in moral terms between the one or the other I'm all ears. The only argument against exploiting another race is because their difference does not matter. Only their sentience.
The morals behind the story of not eating fellow humans come from evolutionary process as many of our morals come from, like not raping a 2 year old... I stated earlier why cannibalism is practically a dead end that wipes out those that wish to engage in it.
In the other hand eating FOODS available to you in order to survive and pass on your genes and secure that your kids survive too is totally morally acceptable.
You never explained how do you expect people from non-agrarian lands to survive if meat eating was abolished one day.. You and other fellow veggies totally are ignoring the fact that there are regions in the world that do not support an all vegetarian diet , and you should know that the best since most of east Turkey is dry and full of mountains and hills that do not support agriculture but rather sheep and goat herding...
I like raping young boys because it feels so good and because I CAN. Would you care to swallow my nine inch meat?
Try raping my kids and i will impale you and stick you in my front yard and everyone will give me an applause for impaling a pedophile... Do you get the difference between pedophilia and meat eating now?