DH, did your forefathers make it safe for our forefathers when you plundered, oppressed, imperialised our lands?
Firstly Pashtun, what do you mean by "our" lands?
Secondly, my forebears were neither Arabian imperialists, nor Seljuk or Ottoman Turkic invaders of Anatolia, Nor Arab-Moorish colonialist centuries-long occupiers of the Iberian peninsula, nor Egyptian Mameluke destroyers of native African christian civilization nor Islamized central Asian invaders of India etc etc.
Did the Natives of Latin America feel safe when your forefathers eradicated them,enslaved them and slaughtered them?
Tu quoque irrelevence.
I understand every race and nation has its "bad history"
and I believe the West is no longer following that route,
but DH, most of the so called lands who you refer to as "Immigrants" have contributed to the development of the west.
I didn't invent the term "immigrants". Nor do I deny the long contribution of non-Europeans to world culture and civilization.
and again, you refer to as "Murderous Fanatical Breathens",
I said "former" brethren ie former "brother Muslims". What do you think I mean?
let me remind you, over 60 million people who you would refer to as the Natives
You seem to have an Ishnaesque problem with my use of the term "native" with respect to Europeans. I would find that a tad incongruous considering you have no problem with applying that and the term "idigenous" to the longest resident populations of the Americas (above) and the "pre-zionist" non-Jewish inhabitants of
ISRAEL. Indeed, you seem to resent the progeny of the recent influx of Jews into the area on grounds of their supposed "non-native" ie European ETHNICITY. Why is it OK for you to refer to "native"/"indigenous" middle Easterners but not for me to refer to "native" Europeans?
slaughtered eachother in world war 2,
Although technically true, irrelevent to the matter at hand. Furthermore, I am afraid that the non-German combatants in that particular round of bloodletting had no choice but to participate owing to Hitler's determination that they would do so whether they resisted him or let his armies march into their countries unopposed. So a silly "point" really.
you then went on a rampagne and started slaughtering Jews,gypsies etc
The Nazis and their collaborators did. The other side generally didn't.
Talk about Murderous Fantical Breathens! haha!
The Nazis were indeed murderous and fanatical as the followers of Muhammad continue to be.
Dont big yourself up too much dude! If it wasnt for Rational minded people regardless of their skin color and faith, Your Christian church would still be drowning women on witchcraft charges and continue to follow the slogan "bible on one hand, pistol on the other".
I have nowhere suggested otherwise, although I would take issue with your statement "regardless of their faith". What role did Muslims play in the decline in European religious fanaticism and belief in witchcraft? (cue list of medieval "Muslim" scientists and "Muslim" rationalists)?