My older brother had a similar dilemma with his wife when he first got married. She gradually became more demanding after observing him that he should behave more like a Muslim. mainly pray 5 times a day "those who don't are not muslim as i'm sure you know" and i cant say him doing so added to the relationship positively . but it avoided the drama of it and in my eyes prevented him from the opportunity to live honestly and eventually develop his own contribution to how the household would carry religion as the children came along .i see it as beneficial for his wife only , she gained a sense of peace in that aspect only that she is living the halal way. and didn't seem to care why he wasn't praying. I think she automatically assumed since he did not pray , he was lacking in conscience .almost as if going through the motion will rebuild faith .She also had an obsession about his drinking habits and if they still existed.
I don't know what to tell you , except i observed this with a positive romantic approach in the beginning (not knowing about the drama )and have ended up thinking it's a bad idea that they got married and had children. Simply because her recent subtly imposed religious views have not been addressed thereby roaming freely to adjust the house dynamic and effect my personal sense of comfort.I would guess that last part is the least to be expected as a reaction from your son if in fact your wife is the kind of muslim who will grow to desire Islam being the main theme and reference to her life. I don't think thats the case now seeing as she's been living with you all this time and it's been a private matter between the two of you . You're a better judge of her personality and can predict more accurately how she will grow in/out of Islam.
I don't blame my brothers wife or your wife, they simply don't know better. and i don't have any suggestions to influence that. It goes deep.

you move to Czech Republic. I hear 60 % don't affiliate with religion. That is the only way to get someone out of the religious mentality, is to expose them to life without it in a manner they can relate to .
Maybe make some non Muslim friends both of you can have? people she would respect. and in the meantime tell her you will re-consider Islam?