my answer is,it depends on the rest of the religion,if is logical like holy quran then no i dont believe it,if other religion like some new scam in 2010 then yes
now answer me,if you think that holy prophet pbuh was a liar,then that means you dont believe quran is from allah!! then how are you muslim?tell me
I never said i belived he was a liar. All what I have are Hadiths saying that a
particularly jealous and egocentric wife of his claimed she was only a baby when he married her... ABSOLUTELY NO ONE corraborated her fantasy about being his youngest wife... PLUS she reported her fantasy many years after the death of her husband, and her father... no one could say no to an old lady fantasizing about being the prophet's most beautiful/youngest/beloved wife. (don't forget that one of his wives was reported to be as young as 17 years old when he married her many years after he maried Aicha... Aicha couldn't just allow another wife of the prophet to be younger than her, now could she?)
Anyway, if it was proven to me that the prophet indeed married a 9 years old girl, then surely he is a liar and no prophet of God.